Sunday, June 18, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Orlets came & Bill [Klein] this afternoon, & we took a drive in V8 to Fort Chartres & Renault, Waterloo home; had nice drive & hot. all had supper here. John Schaefer’s new home, that is going up in Waterloo was boombed [sic] by chimney $200 damage had just gotten roof on same day. Crook boys had accident at Leohr Station but reported getting along well, were taken to hospital.

Sunday, April 23, 1939

Went to Paderborn mass, went to Leo’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were there too all day. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to church this afternoon; at Paderborn. There was a bad accident by Log Cabin Frid. morn. early, 1 being killed James Moore & Ray Roscow & Seifert boy are in hospital, not in very good condition, Roscow is unconsicous [sic].

Friday, May 13, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to mass & pap came down got Bert, & went back again this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s washed Rosalia’s wash there & ironed,; cloudy & cooler today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Leo came & Leona went to Red Bud Leona stayed; came early home in morning. Pretty cold tonite, but not freezing.

Wednesday, May 11, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud mass & brought Leona home & took her home. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary staying there all day. Pap cleaned chicken house & hauling lumber home this afternoon, from Schillings. Ed Brand & wife came from Alba. [Alabama] are visiting here with a new hudson car, swell big car. Leo & Bert [Bertille], went to hospital, Leo stayed all nite; Bert [Bertille] came home with Uncle Fred. Mr. Shields was here this evening. We planted sweet potatoes & tomato.

Tuesday, May 10, 1938

Beautiful day. Pap came to hospital at 10:30 AM. & Bert [Bertille] went home, washed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Pap stayed at the hospital all day. Jake Friedrich & wife while on there way to St. Louis to see Bernice Sun., was struck by train by Columbia he lived till 5 o’clock that day & died, & she is in hospital, she had just been home about 3 weeks, been ailing all along; he is at Wagner Funeral Parlor, will be buried tomorrow afternoon. Henry & Leona came & Leo & Bert [Bertille] went along to hospital, boys were at Clevelands, Leona stayed all nite; rest came home, Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to May Devotion.

Monday, Feb. 14, 1938

Valentines Day. Colder. Pap cleaned the radiator in the Chev. this morn; afternoon went in woods. Ed. Heap came got the 3 male hogs $35; Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 14 [cents] today. They were saying about so many accidents happening, Chas. Minneman is in E. St. Louis hospital, head is crushed, & Ed. Sauer riding with him is in Red Bud, were driving a wagon, horses both dead; wagon in pieces, coming down Hill by Buheries by Red Bud, Carter’s tie hacking truck hit them, another car of the road; crippled a few people, one by Waterloo today.

Friday, Dec. 3, 1937

Raining all day & nite. Cleaned chicken house. Baked cookies. Pap went up town got papers; seen in there that Ed. Brand had wrote a letter to U. Heyl’s, telling them that last Fri. nite, fire destroyed the United paper Stock Co. were he works, but are going to rebuilt again; was quite a big loss. The plans for the new school building in Waterloo is now ready to go to work will cost building & lots & all $150,000. Farm Adv. Hughes to going to leave Waterloo & taken position in Cook CO; by the first of year; Clarence Olendorph had there baby christened last Sun. Charles William – sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Minnemean. There will be an India Missionary coming to Evangical [sic] church, will speak & also show pictures. Literary Meeting at School house tonite; speaking old age pension. Mr. Ulrich of Smithton formerly the banker was stricken with apolexcy [sic] taken to hospital were there he died.

Wednesday, June 16, 1937

We have 10 little pigs born Sun. nite. Raining this morn. baked cookies. Mr. Jake Helfrich’s wife of Belleville was taken to hospital & died; nee Mueth of Paderborn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon picked cherries. We went to Leo’s; picked dewberries, not ripe enough yet, picked about 1½ gal.; took few home just to eat; Rose made jelly, had lunch there. Cut lawn & broke the mower, in wheel. Went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he is in bed, there all day, don’t eat much & can’t sleep, has awful back pain, the doctor came when we were there, he says its old age & cold in kidneys. Emil doesn’t get much sleep either had to be there day & nite, Uncle lies nearly all day, can’t sit up & nite he sits & can’t lie down. We stopped at Henry’s on way home; they picked the cherries, ½ gal. & peas, almost milk bucket full, & ain’t finished yet; she has beets to can to; lots work.

Sunday, Feb. 14, 1937

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to L. Birkners till this afternoon. Leo & Rose came for dinner & supper. We were putting a quilt in frame & Henry came said Omer [Schilling] was dead, rushed him to the hospital emergency case, Mrs. Noonan of St. Louis called out to Schillings. We went in to Waterloo but he wasn’t there yet.

Saturday, July 11, 1936

Pap & Rose went after our heifer that got out, in Braun’s field. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Hot, it is 105 degree’s here. Philip Kahmer of Lords Corner shot himself this morn, buried Mon. afternoon. Mrs. Stella Wiskamp nee Miller died, to be buried Mon. she was in the hospital 3 mons; went pap was there. we went to see her.