Sunday, April 23, 1939

Went to Paderborn mass, went to Leo’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were there too all day. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to church this afternoon; at Paderborn. There was a bad accident by Log Cabin Frid. morn. early, 1 being killed James Moore & Ray Roscow & Seifert boy are in hospital, not in very good condition, Roscow is unconsicous [sic].

Saturday, April 15, 1939

Rain in showers this morning. Went to funeral, while at cemetery it rained heavy. We had to go to there place for dinner, had all relatives there. Father Weskhamp made such nice sermon; church was full, couldn’t all get in. Pallbearers were newphews, 2 Englerth Boys & 2 Klien & John Mueth & Dominic Rheinhardt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here went to sale by Waterloo. Emil came got step ladder to fix garage door.

Thursday, Dec. 8, 1938

Raining today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] brought baby [Marita] here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, had dinner here, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary also at Belleville, Caming was here again. Emil came this afternoon awhile. Hecker church have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bert went to Paderborn Sodality of Young boys & girls had banquet, given by Father Weskamp others playing cards, eating & drinking, & followed by dancing, musci [sic] by Jac. Schoenborn, new accordion & also Rheinhardt.

Tuesday, November 1, 1938

Went to 6 ‘ o clock mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up awhile, went home to go to Belleville. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon & took Bert [Bertille] along to Paderborn church, services & procession out to cemetery. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were down this eve.; played cards. Republican Speaking at Kammler’s tonite. J. Schmidt speaker. Nobody of here went.

Sunday, Oct. 16, 1938

Went to Paderborn, church then went to Leo’s for dinner & supper; Bill [Klein] came over & him & Bert [Bertille] went to afternoon devotions; in eve. went to Totsch’s free dance & fish fry. Jake Neff got eggs here this eve. for themselves.

Sunday, July 3, 1938

Went to Paderborn mass then to Leo’s for dinner & supper. Harry Wittenauer came, going to thresh here tomorrow.

Sunday, May 8, 1938

Mother’s Day. We went to Paderborn mass, then to Leo’s, doctor Eckert was there, since 6 last nite; at 11:30 took her [Rosalia] in an ambulance Dashner’s, to Red Bud hospital were Doc. Pautler brought a baby girl, 8 lbs. & 6 oz. nice big girl, bright, dark eyes, dark hair. Leo & Leona & pap went along down. Henry & boy’s came here had dinner, we went down this afternoon. Leo stayed all nite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn May devotion at church. It is also Josie Gregson’s birthday today. KMOX Radio Stars having a dance here at Kammlers tonite.

Good Friday, April 15, 1938

Went to service at 7. & this afternoon from 1:30 stations & sermon at 3 oclock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up morn. afternoon, working garden. We planted out 16 tomatoe plants. Caught 18 fish out of pond, boy! swell dinner. Berts [Bertille] work shoes came fit fine. $1. from Chicago Mail Or. Seen in Messenger. Fr. J. Orlet & St. Marys Choir, will broadcast Sun. on Messenger hour WJMV. Fr. Joe going to build the church larger & have a tower for bells; were now there outside on brick floor. $25,000 plan. Marriage license of Hy. Bruns 35 & Marcella Whitside 19 were in paper yesterday. Bert [Bertille] baked cake, for Red Bud cake sale tomorrow.

Thursday, Feb. 24, 1938

Snowing this morn. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed a few pieces. Pap went to Smithton to see Ed. Heap, but he wasn’t at home, had gone to sale at New Athens. The St. Michael’s Dramatic Club of Paderborn are giving a play tonite there, the name is “Always in Trouble.” players are Bill Klein, Louis & John Schoenborn, Sly. Neff, Ed. Kabureck; Bud. Karban, Irene & Esther Helfrich, Opp. Rheinhardt, & Clara; Viola Kabureck, Cecila Watchel. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary took Bert [Bertille] along to play, boy what a crowd, over 300 tickets sold; dance after play music by Schoenborn, Schilling, Boeker, between acts, & also 4 selections on guitar by Oliver Skaer.

Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1937

Heavy fog today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went home after breakfast this morn. Emil came over to pay the rent to them before they left. We went to mass at Paderborn, of Fr. Teoonine [sic – Toennies], church was filled; & so many priests, all had lunch in hall and at 12:15 was going to leave, burial at Germantown; had honorable & pallbearers. Uncle Fred left there car set at Neff’s lane & walked home the rest of way. Rob & Alice Laut came this eve. we played 7 games pinochle. Pierre was by Osie Neff’s, Myrtle birthday celebration; played games etc. Walter Wittnauer was here with his books again on land.