Sunday, May 8, 1938

Mother’s Day. We went to Paderborn mass, then to Leo’s, doctor Eckert was there, since 6 last nite; at 11:30 took her [Rosalia] in an ambulance Dashner’s, to Red Bud hospital were Doc. Pautler brought a baby girl, 8 lbs. & 6 oz. nice big girl, bright, dark eyes, dark hair. Leo & Leona & pap went along down. Henry & boy’s came here had dinner, we went down this afternoon. Leo stayed all nite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn May devotion at church. It is also Josie Gregson’s birthday today. KMOX Radio Stars having a dance here at Kammlers tonite.

Sunday, May 9, 1937

Mothers Day. Went to Red Bud mass. We received a 2 books chances yesterday from Dupo, 1st prize $700.00 & 2nd. $300.00, pinic [sic] on May 31; we get them every year. Went out to A. [Aunt] Mary’s for dinner Josie Keller was out & this afternoon all went to Leo’s had supper there. Leo & Rose came down to milk station this morn, put in complain about getting there milk back all the time; they brought some sour milk along here to make cheese with. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up this eve.; we went to the firemens dance at Manier’s Hall nice crowd, Skaer’s played; cleared $40. at the door. Adm. 25¢.

Sunday, May 13, 1934

The Sunday School children & parents have basket pinic [sic] at school grounds today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then we went out to the cemetery, see Mr. Scheinder, went over to Uncle Freds for dinner. It started to rain, we went home. Mr. Edler came there to see him. Clarence Weigand has a barn dance tonite, 70×30 floor, Rheinhardts musci [sic]. Uncle Adam & Emil stop on there way home, to see if we was going to work at the barn tomorrow; he told us that someone drove over Bert Thompsons heifer on the road, knock it over, but it got up again, but weak; the car didn’t stop; he also told us of a politician meeting in Kammler’s Hall last nite, keg beer treated we knew nothing about it.

Saturday, May 12, 1934

A Public sale of household & furniture, top buggy today at Chas. P. Geodelle place 3 mis. east of Waterloo. School election today in town, relecte [sic] a director, Julius Rausch resigned after the other election. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Rosalia & her went to Red Bud, she came up. Rosalia & her went to Red Bud, she went to doctor Pautler. Rose got chick mash. A free birthday dance at Donahue’s Inn, tonite, musci [sic] by Blossom City Boys. John Lipperts has another barn dance tonite had one last Sat. night & a large crowd, musci [sic] by Hubers Riverside Orc. Moonlighters play at Dreamland Mrs. Gus Kipping birthday, tomorrow Mothers Day, a free dance given there, musci [sic] by Pals of Harmony. Nice cool day. We went to Donahue’s tonite, & a large crowd. Mr. AuBuchon & his 2 sons & Rahn were the Blossom City Boys.

Sunday, May 14, 1933

“Mothers Day.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Henry & family where going to come too, but it had rain to much. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s this evening, walked down to Mrs. Ahrens & looked at there, then Mamie came along down home with us. Mildred Gambach broke her arm while roller skating shortly after noon today. The St. Augustine’s Church are having out poster for a pinic [sic] on May 30, the Waterloo has also School Pinic [sic] that day, the Catholic Hecker School children will give a play on 28.

Sunday, May 11, 1930

Today is Mother’s Day.  It is right nice at present.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry were all up for church this morning.  After church they all went home.  So we ate early dinner and went out for a trip.  We went to Waterloo then to Foster Pond as far as the hard road was finished, then turned around and went back again.  Then we went to the East St. Louis Boy Scout Camp, they call it Camp Vandeventer, but we couldn’t drive in their gates was locked.  Mr. Shrod told us to come back some time after June 22.  Then it would be opened to drive in.  So we drove back again, and then we went to the other camp they call that the Belleville camp and also Waterloo.  The name of it is Camp Wangelin.  There was people working there.  They have a big hall and all small tents out along the woods.  It sure was a dandy place to go.  Then we drove back to Waterloo again & then home.  We were going to stop at Henry’s but they weren’t at home.  In the evening Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came up a little early and then we played ball on the lawn.  Afterwards Mamie Eichenseer came down until it was time to go to church.  Then we all went up to church.  After church, Mrs. Meuth, Joe, Barbara, Rosie & Mamie Meuth, came down and stayed until about 10:30.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here too.  Adolph Rittemeyer didn’t have his dance last nite on account of rain so he is going to have it tonight.