Washed, ironed. Pap hauled load gravel. There is a family living at Uncle Adam’s place, people that work the hackers; man 70 yrs. boy 16 – Man & lady & 4 kids. Leona & Billy [Willis] were here all afternoon brought the car to Probst to get switch put on; brought the pictures along, all took good. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he is working across street. We went to Orlet’s this eve; they had 2 flat tires, so pap & Leo went to Stahls Garage with our car & got tires fixed & air put in. They bought a baby buggy from Mrs. Rahn at Waterloo this afternoon $2.00.
Wednesday, March 16, 1938
Radio keeps reporting the news of tornadoes terrible at West end Belleville, Union School, factory, many resenditals [sic – residential]. 9 being dead & 26 injured so far; 3 blocks area; not very far from Township high school; happened about 5 o’clock. Henry & Leona & Billy [Willis] came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Walter Gregsons & looks just terrible nothing left but the house, & not a whole lot of it, porches of [sic – off] etc; but no stock or any one injured, wood sticking 3 ft. in ground across the road from his house, done more damage by downs by Red Bud Vanburen’s, Gueberts; Henry & stayed for dinner. Pap went to Smithton bought 2 pigs from Ed. Heap. $10.00. Eggs 15 [cents] found 98 today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo this afternoon, to see Rosie Kaestenier (nee) Mueth she died Mon. eve. from cancer; leaves a boy 11, who stays with Mueth girls in St. Louis; she has divorce from her husband he has remarried again; she is 47, laid out nice, pink dress at Quernheims funeral parlor; till Fri. morn. then to Hecker church & cemetery. Phi & Ed. are just recovering from auto accident, getting along fairly well at present. Quernheims have a funeral tomorrow afternoon to. Jac Rahn, Hy Rahn’s father 85 yrs. old; he is from Valmeyer; has an awful lot of flowers. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve; we had popcorn. Mrs. Orlet is very low.
Friday, Feb. 11, 1938
Pap went to Waterloo & Red Bud put ad in Saxmeyer news for sale ad. Showers today. Bert [Bertille] cleaned & quilted. Annie Jaeger of Waterloo sold her property to Sparwasser of Waterburg who will move in soon; Rahn’s will have to move, it is the next place to Geodells. Quernheim’s gave pencils away as souvenirs last Sun. at there opening; were 1600 people visited there.
Thursday, April 23, 1936
Henry came this afternoon, Rose went along in to Belleville to stay over nite, they have to leave Floyd in there a couple of days, took 1 finger of [sic – off], & sewed the others together; left hand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he hauled rocks, she stayed here & went to Minnie also. Al. Cleveland got 82 lb. corn for seed. Pap went to Windell Rahn West of Red Bud to his sale; didn’t buy anything. Adam Braun’s have a 2 hand [ed – second hand] car chev, 1932, marron [sic].
Saturday, March 14, 1936
Pap sewed clover seed down below in Hy Armstutz oats patch, then went to help Henry sew again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, planted 7 rows potatoes. We went out & listened to there radio tonite. Mrs. Bill Rahn Red Bud died of fractured skull, they said Emett Cowell took her to Columbia, & she fell from the car, door flew open, going 30 miles, happened last Mon. some time; we had heard it on the radio, that she was hurt. Ivo Buehler is 18 yrs. old today. Ligntening [sic] & cloudy weather.
Friday, May 31, 1935
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, got load wheat 17 bus. took it to Red Bud got 74¢, this afternoon took 17 bus. to Waterloo & got 79¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up; had lunch, we cooked cheese & Boy! is it good. We picked our cherries; ¾ of a gallon. Hy Rahn & family & Claude Crowe, had auto accident at Hellmers corner Sun evening Crowe was going to pass Rahn just as he was going to turn in the street by Hellmer at Waterloo, Rahn was hurt, with cuts & bruises, & fractured ribs, his car upset. Claude is Oliver Crowe’s son. Henry & family came, left the kids here & we went along to Waterloo to CCC camp, had a dance in the mash room & so many people, 3 orchestras played music. High school, Pals of Harmony & camp band; nice place. The Catholic School children have there play & graduation exercises tonite. Adm. 25¢. Raffling a quilt out also. It was in the paper the case between Christ & Frank Buehler was dimissed [sic] to Randolph Co; was at Waterloo Mon.
Monday, May 20, 1935
Raining again, sure terrible, no corn planted yet, its awful. Rose fixed paps shirt. Tiptown has euchre party at Burksville station tonite, was giving it for the last 2 weeks now; Farm Bureau has a meeting & movie show at Pautler’s farm tonite. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, he took the truck & went to Waterloo to Rahns & got a ice box for nothing, they were going to make kindling out of it, Emil came down, & helped to unload it. Eggs are 21¢. Pap got chain letter today Red Bud. Rose sent hers of 10¢ to Battermann of Carder. Ms. Qurin & Armstutz cow tester was here, but it rained so much, they didn’t go to it, coming again some other day. Mrs. Euler is in Red Bud Hospital now, was taken there since Mon; was to high at Mary’s Hospital at E. St. Louis, $1,000.00 for 1 mo; without nurse; she is awful bad, cancer of throat or jaw. Phil Mueth told that to Emil.
Thursday, Aug. 30, 1934
Otto Rahn of near Red Bud have a baby girl; also Dr. Pautler have a baby 9½ [lb] boy Paul. The morning’s & evenings are rather cool. Mrs. Chas Fleckenstein has a sale today. Papa & Berti went, got the drill for 50¢ brought it along home, binder $1.40 & the wagon $32; & corn plants $26; highest things sold; to some one from Baldwin; the binder is still out yet, rather fair crowd, Grossman auctioner, Lawrence Weigand clerk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile from the sale. Monroe Feurer was here in the morning counting our hogs. 15 pigs 1 sow, checked up the papers, see if everything was correct. A man here wanted buy old gold; one here selling washing machines. Levi Gregson bought the automobile at the sale; one just like his, tire all flat, & no battery in it for $11.50. Emil pulled it home for him, behind his car. Gus Klotz came & borrowed our lime dust spreader. Mehrman got 8 doz eggs 21¢ he papa, also Metz.
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