Friday, July 14, 1939

Awful hot. Pap dug 2 rows potatoes. H. Wittenauer was here, going to thresh here tomorrow. Transfer in paper of Barney Kaiser to Joe Kaiser. We received the books for pinic [sic] at Red Bud from Fr. Spors. Henry Grossman 62 & Clara Keim 18 of Floraville were married last Sun. in St. Louis, dance in eve. at Keimes. Lightening last Sat. nite; stroke several places at Waterloo Hermans. Country Club; Johanning had 3 cows killed. Bill Weitkamp & Vivian Ripley beauty operator of Waterloo were married last Sat. in St. Louis. Some W.P.A. workers are back on job & others of [sic – off] for good; they had dynamite laid for quarry here by Hecker if they started in working, they would blow things up, so they didn’t work. We went to Leo’s awhile this eve; threshing at M. Mueth.

Saturday, Nov. 13, 1937

Pap got crushing done. He went to Grosomann’s sale by Smithton & Bert [Bertille] went along with Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary to a sale at Belleville, mostly old & antique things; bought some fresh liver saussage [sic] from Schwaegels; sure is good 23¢ lb. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down, played, 2 games pinochle; popcorn etc.

Friday, Oct. 11, 1935

Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.

Monday, Aug. 5, 1935

We washed; ironed. Papa went in the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Bernice got 1 dz. eggs. The prizes at Smithon [sic] yesterday were won $100.00 by Wil Grossman $50.00 Quirin girl; Eichenseer won a quilt, there was $25.00 & set harness & 22 quilts all for 10¢ chance. Bud Braun & Roy Neff was here selling chances for the pinic [sic] on 28th Aug. pap took one.

Thursday, Aug. 30, 1934

Otto Rahn of near Red Bud have a baby girl; also Dr. Pautler have a baby 9½ [lb] boy Paul. The morning’s & evenings are rather cool. Mrs. Chas Fleckenstein has a sale today. Papa & Berti went, got the drill for 50¢ brought it along home, binder $1.40 & the wagon $32; & corn plants $26; highest things sold; to some one from Baldwin; the binder is still out yet, rather fair crowd, Grossman auctioner, Lawrence Weigand clerk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile from the sale. Monroe Feurer was here in the morning counting our hogs. 15 pigs 1 sow, checked up the papers, see if everything was correct. A man here wanted buy old gold; one here selling washing machines. Levi Gregson bought the automobile at the sale; one just like his, tire all flat, & no battery in it for $11.50. Emil pulled it home for him, behind his car. Gus Klotz came & borrowed our lime dust spreader. Mehrman got 8 doz eggs 21¢ he papa, also Metz.

Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1931

It rained all morning, & this afternoon sun shine, Papa was in Hecker this morning talking with some people.  Mr. Joe Grossman, Marshall Hill’s fatherinlaw was buried at Smithon [sic] this afternoon.  The egg man was here, but we didn’t have any.  There is supposed to be a dance at Weigand’s brick house given by them, but wether [sic] it was postponed account of Rittmeyer’s death & mud roads, we never heard, we where invited, but we didn’t go.

Sunday, August 30, 1931

We all went to the pinic [sic] about 2:30.  Had supper there, then went home & done the feeding & went back again, the Skaer’s boys played until 10 o clock.  We met Irvin & Jake from St. Louis, there.  The quilts were raffled to Mrs. Adolph Spalt, & to her sisters from St. Louis.  In the bleuey [sic] stand they gave a 32 piece dinner set, it was won by Leo Cortner.  Mrs. Adolph Rittmeyer died about 4 o clock this evening, her father died also on a pinic [sic] serveral [sic] years ago.  Mr. Jake Mueth [ed. note: “Jake Mueth” is crossed out] of Belleville died, & Mr. Grossman of Smithon, [sic] Marshal Hill’s fatherinlaw was found dead in bed this morning.