Sunday, Sept. 10, 1933

Hubert McDermott called up & told us about the dance at Martin Neff’s, so we went this evening had good time adm. 20¢. Schilling Moonlighters played; large crowd, & big floor. Rosalia & Bert, Lena Meng went down to see Ida Braun, she would be 15 in Nov. Egg man was here.

Thursday, March 30, 1933

It rained nearly all day & tonite yet too. Today is the 1st years wedding anniversary of Oscar Matzenbacher. We clipped the wings of all our chicks this afternoon & then cleaned the front room, waxed the floor. Chas. Jung our old egg man stopped in this afternoon.

Thursday, March 16, 1933

It is rather cold this morn. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys to get oats & wheat. This afternoon they took a load over to Chris Buehler’s & got it crushed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; she cut Bert’s dress out. Uncle Fred trimed [sic] his peach trees & grub some out. The egg man came today & paid us 10½¢ for eggs. Brauns pays 8¢ today. Some of the banks are opened up again some in Belleville, & Waterloo any way we hear.

Monday, March 13, 1933

Papa & Rosalia hauled wood this morning, we cleaned chicken house today. Metzger got there mule today. Henry sold a heifer calf today for $10.00 & his 7 pigs to Kirleis. We went out to Henry’s this evening, Floyd’s 4 yr. birthday, Geodells family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Bill Freund, cake was served, birthday cake with 4 candles. They say the Waterloo bank aren’t opened yet. Egg man didn’t come, 9 & 11¢.

Monday, March 6, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys got a hog. We set up our brooder stove in the basement & started it a going. It rained all day. The banks are closed all over the state since Sat, till Mar. 8 Wed; the egg man didn’t buy any of our eggs today, he had to many, price came down, 9¢ today, he took 10 doz. of Aunt Marys here. Ed Schender wants our eggs for hatching he wants 500. Henry got a card sent from Illmo Hatchery in East St. Louis, that chicks will be $4.55 per 100 tomorrow only.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 1933

We were quilting nearly all day. Chas. Jung wanted our eggs, & wanted to pay 1¢ over No 1. Price, till June, he has a contract with a fellow in St. Louis. It pays 14¢ today, we didn’t sell them to him, our egg man paid 14 today, we had 13½ dozs. Alois Havey came here & wanted to see if it was alright to get his hog, so he came back this afternoon again, & then papa hauled it out to his place for him for $1.00, the hog weighed 260 lbs. at $3.50 $9.10, they borrowed the box from Eichenseers. Mrs. Cecil Budde was buried this morning at the Catholic Cemetery here, Dashmer’s ambulance passed through about 9’o clock, if they took her to church we don’t know, there was no mass here for her no how, lot of flowers where had, 5 cars; the paper said strictly private, so we didn’t go, only relatives where there, they say the bullet passed cleared through her head. It isn’t so cold today.

Monday, Feb. 6, 1933

We butchered our hog today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family all where up had dinner. We finished at 10 ‘ clock. Alois Havey was here & looked at our pigs, he wants to buy fat hogs. Egg man paid 10¢ today all together we had 32½ dozs. for him. Cyril Eichenseer was here selling chances for a fancy quilt & bad spread to be raffled on Feb. 22 at a euchre in the school hall, papa took a chance on it, 10¢. Harold Wagner was around taking orders for flower & garden seeds, we didn’t order none. Pierce Klotz of Belleville stoped [sic] here, wanted to know if he could put his car in Uncle Fred’s shed across the street, Bertille called them up & they said it was alright, as he put his machine over there, he wants to stay by Mr. Laut a couple days, who is very ill. Papa went to Hecker, to the store, to meet Oscar Birkner, he brought a letter along for us, from Uncle Fred’s, it is awful cold, raining & snowing.

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1933

It started in to rain a little this morning. The egg man paid us 9½¢ for eggs yesterday 24½ doz. We took our dinner along & went out in the woods. Uncle Fred also came up in the afternoon & helped, he had lunch with us. Aunt Mary stayed by Henry’s. It rained a little this evening.

Monday, Jan. 23, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got a hog. We washed, ironed such a nice day; warm. Papa went out in the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went over & helped her quilt, it is finished, took it out of the frame. The egg man paid 11¢ for eggs in the store, they are 9¢.

Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1932

We washed, ironed. Papa has a headache & a cold too. Rosalia is just about over it. The flu & grippe is just all over, you see in the paper, Belleville, Milstadt [sic], Hecker, Smithon [sic], just everywhere. In Urbana the students can’t go home for Christmas, they are quarantined for Scarlet fever, so much sickness it is terrible. Papa went to Red Bud on business this afternoon. Mr. Tecklenburg egg man got 9 doz. today, he paid 29¢, eggs are coming down he says, & there isn’t many.