Wednesday, March 25, 1936

Beautiful day, cleaned upstairs, washed curtains etc. Pap went worked in woods this morn; put the brooder stove & fixed the roof on the brooder house, getting it ready for chicks. Mrs. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Clifford Stahlehebers have a baby girl born Mar. 14. Mrs. Zita Carrol is ill with plurisy [sic] & heart trouble; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came for services. We went to Red Bud lent devotion.

Monday, March 25, 1935

It is real blue & cloudy in the north, & Boy! did it rain this afternoon & hail, awful weather. We cleaned chick house, set up the brooder stove, made fire in it. Chas Helfrich looked at the hay in the barn, he thought he will take 2 loads. Rob. Laut got sack hay for his rabbits again. Eggs are still 17¢. Leona was by Mrs. Staufbiel, tried on her spring coat, that she is making for her.

Friday, March 24, 1933

Bobby birthday 7 yrs. old; an a pretty nice day. We had frost for 3 morning already. The funeral of Mrs. Frivegolle passed here then yesterday afternoon, from the Peter Rocider’s residence to Round Prairie cemetery & church. We took the brooder stove down & put it in the chicken house now, & carried our chicks out, we counted 404 that we took out. Bertille got the mail, a letter from Creses. It sure is some funny weather, raining & snowing awful. We didn’t get out to the birthday; to much rain. Cleveland came there.

Monday, March 6, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys got a hog. We set up our brooder stove in the basement & started it a going. It rained all day. The banks are closed all over the state since Sat, till Mar. 8 Wed; the egg man didn’t buy any of our eggs today, he had to many, price came down, 9¢ today, he took 10 doz. of Aunt Marys here. Ed Schender wants our eggs for hatching he wants 500. Henry got a card sent from Illmo Hatchery in East St. Louis, that chicks will be $4.55 per 100 tomorrow only.

Friday, March 11, 1932

We put the brooder stove up & put the little chicks out there now, 44 of them so far. Bertille’s shoes came today. Ed Pabst was here this afternoon, he wanted papa to buy the clover seed, but Papa won’t do that.

Tuesday, June 2, 1931

Papa cut hay all day.  Frank Schwindle was here & brought our brooder stove back.  Alfred Eckert & Oliver Birkner where here selling chances on a quilt for a dime, we took one.  We had our first spring chicken dinner today.  This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & put up there curtains in the rooms, they where here for lunch.  Henry & family, & Dan Geodell’s family where here this evening.  Henry & Dan & the boy’s where going to the milk meeting, but it was at Broad Hollow Grange so they didn’t go there, they thought it was at Hecker.