Friday, March 24, 1933

Bobby birthday 7 yrs. old; an a pretty nice day. We had frost for 3 morning already. The funeral of Mrs. Frivegolle passed here then yesterday afternoon, from the Peter Rocider’s residence to Round Prairie cemetery & church. We took the brooder stove down & put it in the chicken house now, & carried our chicks out, we counted 404 that we took out. Bertille got the mail, a letter from Creses. It sure is some funny weather, raining & snowing awful. We didn’t get out to the birthday; to much rain. Cleveland came there.

Thursday, Jan. 5, 1933

We cleaned chicken house, put clean straw in it, left the chickens out awhile today. Papa went up town. Mr. Tecklenburg brought our case back & took 6 doz. eggs along 28½¢. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of oats & wheat. Bobby is in bed with the earache & fever, awful nice day, warm.

Monday, Jan. 2, 1933

Mrs. Sophia Homirghausen, that is George’s mother died & will be buried this afternoon at St. Marcus Church & cemetery at Round Prairie. Mr. Tecklenburg got our eggs & chickens today, eggs 28½¢ & chickens 10¢ that is hens. Bobby is down in bed to with fever, the rest are up today. It is a Holiday for the town people, there is so many cars passing.

Friday, Dec. 30, 1932

It rained last night & nearly all day. Bertille called up all around see how everybody was. There all in bed at Henry’s except Bobby. Mrs. Geodelle is out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary is about the same yet. Dr. Schmidt from Red Bud was up at Hill’s this morning, they are both awful hoarse. Papa got the papers went it stopped raining, isn’t much in it, thought that a few got paid for there land for the hard road on Route 156 from Waterloo to Hecker. Mary J. Kemp got $26.00. Jennie Kemp heirs $82.00. Bessie Parker $225.00. Leslie Wilkinson $57.50, don’t know how it is they all got paid, & guess wouldn’t give. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Heumer of St. Louis have a baby girl born Dec. 27 Tues. 8 lb. 14 ozs. she was formerly Minnie Geodelle, Gus’ sister. Arthur Stiehl cut his hand pretty bad, they had to take him to the doctor.

Thursday, September 1, 1932

Today School starts all over. The Catholic & Public, Hilda Wihelms teacher, & Blackburn School, Virginia Miles, Hirst School, Ethel Dueker. Chas Jung was here & cashed his check for $3.10. Papa took the Chev. out to Barthel’s & got battery recharged. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all afternoon. It is somewhat cooler today. Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to get the papers. Papa went out trading. Bobby likes school so well.

Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn, had spring chicken dinner here with us & also lunch. We cut Bobby shirt out, this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Rosalia drove down to Rapp’s. Got 5 watermellons for 25¢. 45 lbs.  Jung the egg man got 23 doz. eggs. Today is Uncle Freds & Aunt Mary’s 34 wedding anniversary. We also went; across the street, Henry & family came up too, watermellons & cake where served. The New Athens cleaners where around.

Thursday, Aug. 11, 1932

It rained this morning real nice. Rosalia is supposed to go to the dentist this morn. Henry & family came up here, then we went around the hard road to Waterloo. Bobby stayed here with papa. They are both finished now at the dentist Rosalia’s bill is $22.00 & Leona $4.00. Rosalia had 8 teeth filled. There was a furniture truck drove in to Karl Boll’s this morn, Smiths [? – unclear] & got some of his furniture. It rained this evening.

Thursday, June 30, 1932

Papa went up to see Fix but he wasn’t at home. He stopped in at Scheinder’s at Smithon [sic] & told him we have horses for sale. Clifford came over at noon. Papa rode the saddle horse out to Henry’s & brought the mule back. Bobby & Floyd got there pictures taken on it; & rode him around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a while, to see Mr. Gambach, they aren’t going to the funeral, because they have hay to make. Jos. Schilling finished threshing 520 bu. he got. George Schilling also started today.

Thursday, March 24, 1932

This morning we went to church, communion at 8 oclock, & mass at 9 o clock. We had dinner over at Uncle Freds. This afternoon Bert Thompson brought 2 colts & got 3 hogs, even up trade. This afternoon we went to Mrs. Dugan to see if she would buy our eggs, but she had plenty, so we took them to Waterloo to Krogers got 10¢, had 51 doz. eggs, then papa & Gus Geodelle went out to Henry Ambrecht west of Waterloo & looked at a mule, seen him work, then tonight Henry took the buggy & went after him, we came home & papa & Uncle Fred went back to Henry Ambrecht again got 2 hogs & mule for $35.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper with us, we took Uncle Freds car & went out to Henry’s, Bobby’s birthday 6 year. old. cake, lemonade served. Rosalia got a letter from Rosie Meuth inviting us all to come to Oak Grove Mar. 30, for her wedding dance, Osie Matzenbacher. We went to church in Waterloo awhile this afternoon, till papa got back. Ella Stalheber was here but we weren’t at home.

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1932

We washed & hung it in the basement, because the weather is rather disagreeable out. Papa got his hair cut this afternoon. Elmer Kammler said his wife & Mrs. Laut where both down in bed with the flu. Robert Laut paid $400.00 for Wm. Laut’s property here in town. Mr. & Mrs. Laut are already living down in Elmer’s house, they will have sale. Henry was here awhile this evening, he went to Hy. Hepp’s to get some leghorn hatching eggs for 11¢ doz. He say’s the boys have the wooping[sic] cough now. We where going to Red Bud to lent service, but Henry came then made it to later.