Friday, July 29, 1938

Cloudy. We caught the hens, cut wings & cooped up 26 for sale next Tues. to ship. Berniece came over yesterday selling chances for there pinic [sic] on Aug. 14. on quilt & bed spread. we took 3 tixs. We went to Leo’s took lawn mower along, had supper there.

Thursday, March 28, 1935

We cleaned upstairs. We all, went to Pamier’s sale by New Athens, Mrs. Spalts sister; started this morning & big sale, lot things; papa bought $14.55 heifer, went home got the rack & came back, loaded it up, we went along with Uncle Fred’s to Athen’s Gieger’s 2¢ sale; then came back to the sale again, we run out of gas coming home, Hug Probst had to bring 1 gal out, by Alp. Parker’s. The lawn mower sharpener called this evening, but we have ours fixed now. Sold 20 doz. eggs @ 17¢ & 5 hens, 39 lbs. @ 14¢. Cool day.

Thursday, March 7, 1935

Making a star quilt out of scraps; Mrs. Phillip Kahmer of Fords Corner is getting buried this afternoon. Pretty cold weather again. Leona said she planted out cabbage plants yesterday & not very nice today for them; We got out sweet potatoes in the hot bed. Miss Lizzie Boll was the lucky one to win the quilt that was raffled at the euchre Tues. night. Joe Griffin got attendance prize. Casper Horshmann living on Barney Kaiser’s farm is awful bad sick at present; We received a letter from Alice, says raining there, flower are blooming, everything looks so nice; we sent her a letter today. Eggs 18¢, we shipped 19 hens, 123 lbs. over to St. Louis with Mertz & got 16½¢ lb; they lost 1 lb. going over, some weighed 7½-9 lbs; surely were & nice fat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came , we all went to McDermotts, to see Margaret, she sure was laid out nice, pink dress, had so many beautiful flowers & so many cards for masses to be read for her; quite a few people came to the house, it was packed. Mrs. McDermott isn’t so good. Gertie Irose is getting along fine, since she was operated. Margaret – she was so weak of blood, they even took Ruth’s blood, but it didn’t help, they checked, Hubert also, both listed good.

Friday, Nov. 16, 1934

Went to Belleville this morn, sold 52 lb. old hens 20¢. Ben Schilling was here brought clover seed; 95 lbs. Papa got the oil changed in the whippet, by Probst’s. Mr. R. S. Butler of Burksville was buried last Mon. morning at Waterloo, aged 71 yrs. Mrs. Butler died last June; he was buried also at Waterloo, seven priests served at the mass. Mrs. Eliza Ganley died 1 yr. today.

Monday, Sept. 18, 1933

We washed, ironed. Chas. Jung got old hens here 7¢ lb. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Red Bud gymnasium to see the show given by the Ins. Co, “Horse Sense” “Benefactor,” between reals [sic] AucBuchuon’s Band or family furnished musci [sic], & the 2 kids tap dancing, it was nice, such crowd, standing just packed in back.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1933

Rosalia sewed Robert shirt. Papa went to Armstutz’s to see about peaches, but Hy. wasn’t home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for lunch. It is awful warm again today; it rained a little this morn. Mr. Jung got some old hens here 8¢, eggs 10½¢. Bertille went to Hecker.

Monday, April 10, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out to help at Henrys today we planted onions 5 lb; cleaned up stairs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where planting onions in there garden up here, they had dinner over here. It rained pretty heavy this eve. They are grading the road in front of Parker’s today; it is a real mess. We had dinner over at Henry’s. Chas. Jung stop wanted to buy hens for 8¢, we didn’t sell him none.

Sunday, April 9, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile this afternoon we went out to Henry’s stopped took them along, went over to Dan Geodell’s & looked at his wagon, then went to Alois Havey but he wasn’t home either, then came back home again.  There was a lady stopped here for 5 doz. eggs. 10¢, & one stopped for 11½ lbs. hens, 10¢, 2 hens. The cars sure driving today, it is nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Henry Birkner this evening, wedding anniversary. Bill & Philip,  & Mrs. George Freund & Josie; where at Uncle Freds this afternoon. It is 2 yrs. today grandma Geodelle died.

Monday, March 20, 1933

It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.

Sunday, Feb. 26, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then left, they brought Lonie along up to church. Gilbert is sick, got fever & ear ache. Fr. Aydt said this morning, they ain’t sure if they can have the play tonite or not, because Lee Gregson was here praticing [sic] last nite & when he got home, they had to call doctor , he had 104 fevers. There where 2 fellows here looked at our mules this morning. Bolstead from Burksville. Our 3 hens hatched last Thurs. 28 chicks, we put them in basement & we set 3 more. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to Heyls Hatchery, chicks are 7¢, then we went to Luhrs Hatchery at New Hanover, & priced them there & seen all the little chicks he has there. We stopped in at Henry’s on our way home, & Frank & Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Lester Herfurner & his family where there from St. Louis, & also Gus Geodelle’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we went along up to see the play “A Path Over the Hills” at the School Hall, Adm. 25 reserved seats 35¢, there where a lot of reserved seats, & the hall was just packed, some standing, just filled up, the Red Bud Junior Orchestra played the musci [sic]. The players in the play where Joe Griffin, & Pearl, Vic & Rosalia Braun, Anna Marie & Agnes Parker, Edgar Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, & Alb. Coop, & a girl from Pickneville [sic], took Bessie Parkers place, in the afternoon they had a boy from there to because Lee was sick, but he played pretty good. Vic Braun & Anna Marie where negroes.