Friday, Dec. 20, 1935

Terrible cold this morning, real zero weather. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo, Eggs 26¢. Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Holcomb of Belleville, nee Lela Deuker have a little baby girl born at the hospital on last Tues. 17, Lela has a beauty parlor on W. Washington St. Berti took a chance for 5¢ on basket canned goods; at Eichenseer’s. The Catholic School children has there play tonite; ends school for 2 weeks.

Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1934

We butched [sic] 2 hogs, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & lunch, dinner & supper, Henry helped too was here for lunch & dinner; took some soup bones, sausage along home. Leona wasn’t feeling so well; we made summer sausage, 10 lbs. beef. Mildred Wacthel brought the 25¢ what she owed on beef. Chas. Heff, stopped in to get beef last we had 6 lbs. George Wagner came & engaged a hog to kill maybe on Sun. They are working steady on the road, 8 hrs. work, 50¢ hr; so he has to butcher on Sun. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening, we all went to the euchre given by Altar Sodality in the School hall, Bertille the highest one of us had 8 points, got box, perfume, bath salts, powder, Aunt Mary had 7, got box letter writing paper, not enough prices [sic – prizes], 4 out of seven points got prizes; pretty good crowd, 23 tables. Fr. Aydt,  got first prize 12 points, got magzine [sic] stand. The surprize attendance prize was won by Ethel Parker, $1 bill. Joe Wacthel was here looked at the hogs; he wants one to butcher tomorrow.

Sunday, Feb. 26, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then left, they brought Lonie along up to church. Gilbert is sick, got fever & ear ache. Fr. Aydt said this morning, they ain’t sure if they can have the play tonite or not, because Lee Gregson was here praticing [sic] last nite & when he got home, they had to call doctor , he had 104 fevers. There where 2 fellows here looked at our mules this morning. Bolstead from Burksville. Our 3 hens hatched last Thurs. 28 chicks, we put them in basement & we set 3 more. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to Heyls Hatchery, chicks are 7¢, then we went to Luhrs Hatchery at New Hanover, & priced them there & seen all the little chicks he has there. We stopped in at Henry’s on our way home, & Frank & Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Lester Herfurner & his family where there from St. Louis, & also Gus Geodelle’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we went along up to see the play “A Path Over the Hills” at the School Hall, Adm. 25 reserved seats 35¢, there where a lot of reserved seats, & the hall was just packed, some standing, just filled up, the Red Bud Junior Orchestra played the musci [sic]. The players in the play where Joe Griffin, & Pearl, Vic & Rosalia Braun, Anna Marie & Agnes Parker, Edgar Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, & Alb. Coop, & a girl from Pickneville [sic], took Bessie Parkers place, in the afternoon they had a boy from there to because Lee was sick, but he played pretty good. Vic Braun & Anna Marie where negroes.

Thursday, September 1, 1932

Today School starts all over. The Catholic & Public, Hilda Wihelms teacher, & Blackburn School, Virginia Miles, Hirst School, Ethel Dueker. Chas Jung was here & cashed his check for $3.10. Papa took the Chev. out to Barthel’s & got battery recharged. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all afternoon. It is somewhat cooler today. Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to get the papers. Papa went out trading. Bobby likes school so well.

Friday, Jan. 29, 1932

Vic Eichenseer was here & delivered some articles, flour etc. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Armstrutz where here this evening, playing 5 hand pinochle, Bertille had 1500 spade. The nurse was at the Paroachial  [sic] School & sent John Krehers, Nic Schaefers & Will Braun’s, children home because they had scarlet fever & also quarrantined [sic] them. Melburn Miller got pulled in for making whiskey & beer.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 1931

We went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Uncle Adam & Emil came, they where here awhile, it started to rain, they went home. The rest of us had a pinochle game. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker came over this evening, then we played 4 games 4 handed pinochle & Steve & Bertille lost every one. We heard Louis Braun broke his arm in cranking a machine, he was sent home from school, now all Phil Braun’s children don’t go to school no more unless he asks Fr. Grootens for permit sometime!

Monday, Oct. 12, 1931

This week there is a Mystic Western Show & vaudeville in Kammler’s Hall, all week, adm. 10 & 25¢.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & Papa went to Waterloo on business.  They heard Mrs. Hempe had died & was buried this morn. at Tiptown.  Rev. Fr. Beelman also was buried this morn. at Belleville, he was at present pastor of St. at Elizabethtown, & a few years back was at Paderborn.  The children of the paraochial [sic] school where dismissed today, on account of Coloumbus [sic] Day.  It rained mostly all day.  The egg man stopped but didn’t take the eggs today, he had too many, we had 12 doz. for him, so will have to save them for Thurs.

Monday, March 16, 1931

Papa went out to help Henry in the woods again today, he was there for dinner.  Mr. Hill was here this morning, & told us about some pea sticks.  This week is court week, it is today for the stockholders of the Bank.  We washed, ironed, & patched.  Fr. Grootens has Lorberg, Wittenauer’s, Braun’s, trucks to haul each a load of coal for the church & school, today they coal oil heaters in the school room’s for the children.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & planted their onions in the garden.  They were here for supper.  Eggs are 17¢.

Thursday, Jan. 22, 1931

Rosalia went up to church this morn.  Mr. Caldwell was here & from here he went to Waterloo.  Papa & Uncle Fred went to Waterloo this afternoon.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Mamie went to the quilting in the new school hall.  There were 14 there.  It is just like spring today, so warm.  This evening we, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to Henry’s.  We had a six hand pinochle game, men against the ladies, the men won all 3 games.  There was a picture of 4 generations in the Sunday paper, they were Mrs. Hy Geodelle, Mrs. Adam Matzenbacher, Frieda Grohman & her baby Arlene.  There was also a picture of Lucy DeMint dancing [with] pupils.  Blanche & Rose Mary Crowe is also in it.

Thursday, Jan. 15, 1931

Bertille baked cookies this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning, & then Papa went along with Uncle Fred to Waterloo to see a party there.  They were here for dinner & supper.  After dinner Uncle Fred & Papa went out to see Wm. Harbaugh, but he wasn’t at home.  Then they went to see Jos. Braun & he wasn’t at home.  So about 2 o’clock they called him up & then he was at home, so they went there & had a talk with him. Then they went into Waterloo again & then down to see Arma & John Braun.  Henry & Leona went to Red Bud to the dentist this afternoon & left the kids here.  Bertille got the mail this evening.  Rosalia finished sewing aprons.  Aunt Mary & Bertille started piecing the quilt together that we started.  There was quilting this afternoon at the School Hall but none of us went there.  Henry was by Christ Buehler’s today & brought a Red Rooster along for $1.00.  The bank is now sealed shut since last Tuesday.  Mr. Burkhardt of Red Bud has the book, bonds.