Not so cold today; tonite is to be 18. The Belleville Savings bank of East M. St. was closed this morn; $1,000.00 shortage the cashier Wueller [unclear]. Mrs. Porter the first lady in Ill. to be electrocuted is to die, after midnight at Menard for killed her brother for Ins. Money; also the fellow what she had to help her, will also die. The Holy Name Society of Red Bud is sponsoring a card party to nite, with $5. Attendance prize, we didn’t go, its to cold. Major Bowes program surely was good tonite. Bert [Bertille] paid $1.47 – 18 hrs. electric.
Friday, Dec. 4, 1936
Fried in 3 gals sausage, Pap hauled wood with wagon, one in basement & 1 small outside. Chick Brand & Val. Braun of Red Bud took the safe & alarm, etc. out of the bank today. The wedding of the Tipton parish on Thanksgiving Day were in the paper today, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lengyl will make there home at 2823 A. Keokuk St. St. Louis Mo. & Mr & Mrs Gus Fahey at 3108 Abner Place. St. Louis. Mr. Elmer Winkler & Mamie Crook were married at Waterloo parsonage also. Thanksgiving Day wedding dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill. There were 7 wedding dances, in Monroe Co. on that day the paper says.
Saturday, Sept. 8, 1934
Rosalia & Berti went to Waterloo, to the Wedding mass of Martha Schilling 24 & Joe Neary 28, the attendants cousins to the bride, Omer Schilling & Olivia Paulter girl; high mass; she wore white with veil & bridesmaid, blue driss [sic] with white hat & shoes, gloves; the groom & his attendant wore dark blue suits; the wedding breakfast & dinner was served at the home of the bride: parents; the young couple will make there home in St. Louis; were the groom is employed. Henry came up, had dinner here, him & papa; went out looking for horses; all day, down at Chris Buehler’s this morn. The people are again recieving [sic] checks on 5% payment from the bank; the next will be 10%; ours came in the letter with Emil’s, he gave it to us this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then went to Buehler’s birthday there. There is free dance at Donahue’s, Oak Grove, Burksville tonight.
Saturday, Sept. 23, 1933
It rained all nite, & this morn. Papa went to Hecker. Martin May was to have sale today, but I guess the rain spoiled it, we didn’t go; it is still raining a little. We got letter from J. Schmidt, payed [sic] out 9 1/9% from the bank again we got $5.93 this time. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite, Dixie Blue Boy’s Adm. 25¢ each; not very much of a crowd; we went up to Eichenseer’s took it all in.
Friday, March 17, 1933
We baked bread, coffe [sic] cake. Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo with a load of wheat, but didn’t receive no money only a slip of paper, for 14 bus. wheat @ 49¢ $6.86. They got 50 cabbage plants from Jungs for 13¢, they are nice too we planted them out this afternoon. St. Patrick’s Day, but we didn’t plant any potatoes, ground is to wet. It is in the paper for court week this week. Jos. Brauns, business & Hy Armstutz, Gambacher’s, Stifflers, all cases coming on, Philip Meuth & Max Schelibe, foreclosoure [sic]. Barney Kaiser & Elnora Wittenauer & a good many others.
Monday, March 13, 1933
Papa & Rosalia hauled wood this morning, we cleaned chicken house today. Metzger got there mule today. Henry sold a heifer calf today for $10.00 & his 7 pigs to Kirleis. We went out to Henry’s this evening, Floyd’s 4 yr. birthday, Geodells family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Bill Freund, cake was served, birthday cake with 4 candles. They say the Waterloo bank aren’t opened yet. Egg man didn’t come, 9 & 11¢.
Monday, June 27, 1932
Today is Steve’s birthday. Karl Boll married a yr. & Gambach’s buried 2 yrs. It rained nearly all day. Papa went up town awhile this morning; got his check for $6.50 & sent the insurance for the Whippet $9.66. The bank paid out 10% again, so far it is 25% paid out. We all & George Wagner’s family went over to Rennecker’s. Steve was 68 yrs. old; cake, & beer where served. J Brown was here.
Thursday, Dec. 31, 1931
Today is anniversary of Hecker bank closed. There is church tonight. Both churches. It sure was a beautiful Christmas, so warm we had the doors open. Sure ain’t much winter weather.
Thursday, July 2, 1931
We finished digging our potatoes this morning, it was nice & cool. Joe Schilling started thrashing his wheat today. Ed Wittenauer’s is also thrashing wheat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, they sold there onions, 90¢ a bu. they had 3 bus., sold them to Braun’s. We got a letter from Burkhardt, receiver of Hecker Bank, a check for $9.75, paying out 15¢ [possibly mean percent] now, to everybody. Emery Kreher’s baby died, 10 mos. old & was buried at Paderborn. In today’s paper was that 500 people died at Chicago. It is clouding up again, for rain, & it came. Rosalia got some ice cream this evening, it sure was good.
Tuesday, May 19, 1931
We are having a nice shower of rain this morning. Eggs are 13¢ now. Jac. Erle was here a little while this evening, he was up at Belleville all day. Papa went to town this evening to find some news, but he didn’t hear much. Bank is about all the news around Hecker these days.
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