Thursday, May 31, 1934

We worked our gardens, but everything is just drying up, it is terrible, & other places, Minnesota, people have to take there stock, 90 miles for pasture; no water, cattle fall over dead. Sure is hot. It was in the paper that a lady from Ontario Canada 26 yrs. old had 5 girls born, quintuplets its called, they already had 6 children, that makes 11 altogether, weighing 13 lbs 6 ounces at birth; they named them Marie, Yvonne, Annette, Emily, Cecile.

Wednesday, May 30, 1934

Memorial Day. The Hecker Y.P.L. having outing today Corveur Lake, Mo. Yesterday the children & sisters of Catholic School had there outing at Fort Chartres. Klein’s, Griffin’s, Braun’s, trucks & I. Helfrich’s car. Bert Thompson & Ed. Meng came to take a look at the barn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the school pinic [sic] in Waterloo, this afternoon, came up here this eve. went to the dance at Oak Grove, Leona brought the kids up to stay with papa, & we went along with them to Oak Grove, free dance, musci [sic] by Jolly Six, Schmidts – Oh! Boy! Crowd. Clara Wagner & the kids came over awhile this evening; Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud after chick mash. A man here bought 7 doz. eggs @ 12¢. There were niggers at Henry’s today.

Tuesday, May 29, 1934

We washed, ironed. Henry & Emil finished the hay, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had lunch here, we helped them pick cherries. The fire Co. men were pumping Joe Watchel’s well dry, papa helped pumped it in the tank, the water wouldn’t be used for anything, it stung & oil like.

Monday, May 28, 1934

Confirmation in Hecker today. Bischop [sic] comes, Fr.’s Harbaugh says mass with Havey & Schumacher, sub deacons; 40 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, Rosalia & Berti went along up to church, Mrs. Kroll was convert. Henry & Floyd was here for dinner, Leona brought Emil up, made hay this afternoon, all had lunch. didn’t get finished, hauled 2 loads in & took 2 home, so far.

Sunday, May 27, 1934

Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud church, had 8th grade graduation, during Mass. 4 girls, Catherine May, Evelyn Bendict, Rita Roscow, Mary Iva AuBuchon; all dressed in white, carring [sic] flowers, 2 flower girls. 6 boys, Cletus Helfrich, Ratz, Roscow, Hartmann. Thirtheen [sic] made there solmmen [sic] coummioun [sic] in Hecker, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile after church, went home, came back this afternoon, went to Red Bud to band convention, 200 muscians [sic], 10 band. Steve Rennecker came over awhile; we walked up to see Mamie, but she had a date with Clem Parker, se we came home again, the 4 h club girls are giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Holloywood [sic] Orch. Belleville playing Adm. 25¢.

Saturday, May 26, 1934

It is in the Waterloo paper that infant son of Mr. John Eshmann Jr. nee Schaefer died on May 19 aged 2 mos. 13 das. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman nee Bozzay have a little baby girl born May 16 Wed; at there home near Tiptown. Alias Siedle have a girl born last Fri. 18 May. Twenty years ago eggs were quoted at 17½¢, wheat 90¢ & corn 82¢. Miss Ruth Collier who is attending school in St. Louis spent the weekend with her parents in Waterloo, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Collier. Ed. Wittenauer purchased the home place were he lives from the late Margaret Wittenauer estate heirs, for $3600.00. Henry Acker purchased the old Acker farm last week & is now liming it. Hecker baseball team won last Sun at Floraville 11 to 4 next Sun play New Athens here. Elmer Kammler & local barber went to Hoyleton Ill. to cut the orphan children’s hair. The quilt that was raffled at the childrens program, Thurs. nite was won by Cecelia Pour; store clerk; at Eichenseers. We went to Donahue’s free dance, musci [sic] by Blossom City boys; Henry had dinner & lunch here, he cut his hay & weeds here.

Friday, May 25, 1934

Mr. Kolmer was here yesterday, looking for seed corn, we had none. Miss Ethel Deuker of Washington Park, E. St. Louis, is recently recovering from an operation on appendix. Mrs. Fred Papenberg is a patient at hospital in Belleville for a day, Dr. Wagner gave her gas, to pull all the upper teeth but 6 out, every one has an abscess on, she has awful trouble with them. Miss Bessie Parker, is very ill with cold. Aunt Mary says the frost killed watermelon, pickle & few tomatoe [sic] plants, last night, everything is OK here. Lester Gregson while hauling milk one day last week, had a wreck, another car, going in the same direction, hit the back of his truck, he now has it repaired, the other car was a total wreck, all damaged, no one was hurt. We took Uncle’s ladder & things home this evening.

Thursday, May 24, 1934

Looks like rain. Henry’s birthday 30 yrs. old. & 6 Wedding Anniv. We went out, took tomatoe [sic] plants along, Cleveland’s, Gus & Dan Geodell’s families were present, cake was served. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, planted 104 sweet potatoe [sic] plants, from Boll. The Catholic School children are having there play & program tonite. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 11¢. It Rained a little this morn.

Wednesday, May 23, 1934

Mr. Cleveland, worked here all day, had lunch, dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile, he took load wheat to Red Bud again. A girl here selling house remedies. A man around from Freeburg selling straw berries & pinapples [sic], we took 10¢ box got straw berries, & Oh! Boy were they good. Rosalia went quilting by Lester Gregson’s, fire Co. donated quilt, was given by Cora Armstutz, quilted by Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church. Rosalia had supper at the quilting, 10 quilters, improved 9 patch. Cleveland stayed for supper. Pap paid Cleveland labor $8.75, 35 hrs. @ 25¢; papa will finish the rest of it.

Tuesday, May 22, 1934

There was an awful fire in Chicago at the Stockyards, last Sat. afternoon about $10,000,000 damage the paper says. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Red Bud load wheat & to doctor helped papa, had dinner, lunch, supper. Mertz finished the job, all on, for $87.40 papa paid him. Planted tomatoe [sic] plants, pickles. Wheat 78¢ today. Uncle hauled 2 loads; in his car.