Monday, May 29, 1939

Washed, ironed, canned 2 qts. x pt. cherries, so far from our trees, some are to green yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Red Bud pinic [sic]. Con. Myerscough was here has pigs for sale. Pap went down to see them & bought 5 for $15.00. Mrs. Rennecker birthday today. Cut lawn. Beautiful weather, warm.

Tuesday, May 17, 1938

Pap came down, got Bert [Bertille], washed, had to hang it in basement, raining all day; As we were coming home just a little ways on this side of Red Bud Stehlhorns kid was playing out at the road he picked up a rock & hit the glass in our car, & flew all to pieces, we drove to there house, said we should get it fixed at Schriebers, so pap went down again, had it put in, $2. Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & boys went down to hospital this afternoon, today she [Rosalia] can sit up & tomorrow get up & walk around & next day go home Doc said. Bert caned [sic – canned] 2 qts. 2 pts cherries, isn’t all of them yet, just the ripest once [sic – ones] off of a tree. Leo came down stayed all nite at Red Bud.

Wednesday, June 16, 1937

We have 10 little pigs born Sun. nite. Raining this morn. baked cookies. Mr. Jake Helfrich’s wife of Belleville was taken to hospital & died; nee Mueth of Paderborn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon picked cherries. We went to Leo’s; picked dewberries, not ripe enough yet, picked about 1½ gal.; took few home just to eat; Rose made jelly, had lunch there. Cut lawn & broke the mower, in wheel. Went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he is in bed, there all day, don’t eat much & can’t sleep, has awful back pain, the doctor came when we were there, he says its old age & cold in kidneys. Emil doesn’t get much sleep either had to be there day & nite, Uncle lies nearly all day, can’t sit up & nite he sits & can’t lie down. We stopped at Henry’s on way home; they picked the cherries, ½ gal. & peas, almost milk bucket full, & ain’t finished yet; she has beets to can to; lots work.

Friday, June 4, 1937

We papered bath room this morn, washed paint etc. picked cherries canned 1 qt. 4 pts. so far, made 2 pies & coffee cakes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped stone cherries. We went out to Henry’s, went to Fauss by Maeystown, bought sow & pigs 8 – 2 weeks old for $38. he is going to get them Mon or Tues. pd. $5 down. Coming down Maeystown Hill, Henry’s brake didn’t hold thought for sure it was going to be a big accident, but turned out alright, as long as there wasn’t no car coming. Emil J. Hoffman teacher, who taught Hecker school one term & Luella Fults were married last week, paper says, eve. of May 29. Eggs 16¢

Wednesday, June 19, 1935

Papa went to Evansville to see Volkmann, about horse trading, brought him along & he looked at the mares, had dinner, then papa took him as far as Red Bud. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Baked bread & cake, pie, cookies this morning; sold 7 springs, @ 15½¢; to the market at Belleville. We made a little girl with a sprinkle can for in front of the house, & painted it. We went out to Henry’s, Emil came & Dan Geodell’s also. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went to Chris Buehlers this evening, brought ½ gal. cherries along, we gave them to Leona.

Tuesday, May 29, 1934

We washed, ironed. Henry & Emil finished the hay, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had lunch here, we helped them pick cherries. The fire Co. men were pumping Joe Watchel’s well dry, papa helped pumped it in the tank, the water wouldn’t be used for anything, it stung & oil like.

Thursday, June 15, 1933

We went out picking dew berries, got 8 gals. gave Leona 4 Aunt Mary one; we where at Uncle Freds for dinner, went over to get some cherries; she has 22 qts. so far. Henry & family where up & got the mule this morning. Biebels where here this afternoon. Henry started in cutting wheat this afternoon; we cleaned the berries, & caned 4 qts. cold packed, & made 16 glasses jelley. Clara Wagner & kids came over this evening; she wants to buy some soap grease from us. eggs still 7¢ yet. Victor Braun was down & brought Ins. policy on our house; it is $24.74 this time, raised since last year, papa him.

Friday, June 2, 1933

We baked bread. Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville took chickens & eggs along, eggs 8¢ chickens 14¢. Papa went out to Uncle Fred’s, with a horse trader Baur of Belleville, made no trade though. Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo load of wheat, it is 73¢ today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came picked & stoned the rest of the cherries today. Bertille helped & had lunch there. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Beese, Doris Breutigam & Jero Collins, a grand nephew to Uncle Fred stoped [sic] short while with them, he came from California, stay awhile to visit relatives around here in this country, he hitch hiked it here to Belleville. Seen in the paper, Louis Goessling & family moved from Waterloo to Nashville Ill, where he has a position working on a road. It was in the Belleville paper that Alivra Jatho & Leslie Siebert to wed Sat. afternoon 2:30, & Clemens Mudds & Estella Miller where married at 7, o clock mass at the cathedral; both of New Athens, Ill.

Thursday, June 1, 1933

Scheinder is still puting [sic] up hay. Papa is working corn ground. Clarence Wittenauer & Wilfred Eichenseers where here talk business on ball ground, he took it & brought $12 so far, has $3 more to make, Clarence had asked all the business places in town, but couldn’t get any more & that together. Arthur Schaefer planted corn for us today for 50¢ & had lunch here. Papa was out to see him this morning about it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, we helped them pick & stone cherries. Uncle Fred used the mule over there this afternoon. Louis Reifschender was here, looked at the mule. eggs are only 7¢ at Eichenseers today.