Friday, June 4, 1937

We papered bath room this morn, washed paint etc. picked cherries canned 1 qt. 4 pts. so far, made 2 pies & coffee cakes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped stone cherries. We went out to Henry’s, went to Fauss by Maeystown, bought sow & pigs 8 – 2 weeks old for $38. he is going to get them Mon or Tues. pd. $5 down. Coming down Maeystown Hill, Henry’s brake didn’t hold thought for sure it was going to be a big accident, but turned out alright, as long as there wasn’t no car coming. Emil J. Hoffman teacher, who taught Hecker school one term & Luella Fults were married last week, paper says, eve. of May 29. Eggs 16¢

Saturday, June 20, 1936

It surely was hot yesterday 104 highest at 4 P.M. We are having chicken dinner. Mrs. Gertie Irose 44 yrs. old is being buried at Chester Ill. this morn. 9 o’clock mass by Fr. Tecklenburg of Evansville, for Fr. Lemen of Chester left for Nebraska. Seen in Messenger Fr. Freund is to be assistant at Muryphsboro [sic] for 6 weeks; at present he is at Waterloo. Clarence Heberer of Mascoutaha [sic] have a baby boy born on June 11 nee Marie Fults, Bertie’s 2nd yr. school teacher.

Tuesday, June 12, 1934

Awwful [sic] wind & rain last night. Papa & Rose went to Belleville with load hogs. 3 to Strecks, 2 weighed 355 lbs. at $3.70, & 1 sow, 290 lbs @ $3.00. We washed, ironed beautiful day pop is hauling manure. The umbrella & scissor sharpener was around, Miss Marie Fults, my 2nd yr. school teacher, & Clarence Heberer from Mascoutah were married Sun. morning at the Evangical [sic] church, of Waterloo, by Rev. Kochkeim, the attendants were, Miss Dorothy Werling, a friend, & Miss Luella Fults a sister to the bride. Elaine Kochheim flower girl, Donny Gleiber, nephew of the bride, ring bearer. Clarence Kinchoefer of Decatur a friend as  best man, & Clifford Heberer, brother of bridegroom. The Wedding dinner was served at the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laf. Fults. They then departed in the afternoon for Denver Colo. for a visit with relatives; then to Boulder to attend summer school; Arriving home about Aug. 1. taking up residence in Mascoutah, where he is employed as teacher in the Public School; Miss Fults was teacher for 11 yrs. in the grade school, in Waterloo. Mr. Heberer is the son of Mrs. Conrad Juenger of Lenzburg. Miss Fults is also soloist for both the Evangical [sic] & Methodist Episcopal Churches, & a member of the Choir.

Friday, July 10, 1931

Henry is putting up hay today, Papa, Rosalia went out for lunch, dinner, lunch.  I baked bread, coffee cake, doughnuts, cake, today.  I seen in the paper that Mrs. V. Heck, & Mrs. Zeno Mendel gave Miss Hilda Bertram a surprize [sic] Miscellanous [sic] shower, on her approaching marriage next Tues. July 14 to Slyvester [sic – Sylvester] Miller, at the Miller residents.  Mr. & Mrs. Archie Whiel left for a 10 day trip to Chicago & Minnesota.  Hy. Minneman of Fults Ill, died & was buried last Wed. afternoon, he is a brother to Chas. & Ed. of here.  Mrs. Ed. Shmidt of Waterloo, Jake & Dan’s mother died Thurs & will be buried Sat. morn.

Saturday, May 30, 1931

Papa got crushing done.  There is School Picnic in Waterloo today, parade of the children is at 9:30.  Everything is closed today, stores, banks, barber shops, also because it is Memorial Day.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up at 10 o’clock, then we drove down to Fr. Chartres, from there we went to Polaceki sale at Fults, the May’s where there from there we came home, we hit the hard road at Parrot’s Corner, we came through a quite a few towns, & good roads, drove along the bluffs, we covered 58 miles, was back at 4 o’clock.  Harry Kammler’s is giving a dance tonight, but it ain’t so nice, cool, it rained where we were today, but not much here at home.  The Hecker ball teams played today.  The Blue Capes against the Hecker All Stars, in favor or Blue Caps, the score was 13 to 14.