Monday, Dec. 11, 1939

Orlets & Birkners came butchered a hog. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon; had bedrooms papered & hall painted.

Tuesday, April 25, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, he took 2 hogs of ours 410 lbs. @ $6.65 to Belleville she stayed helped paper [wallpaper], also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary], Olive Laut papered bedroom & kitchen $1.75 from 7 till 7:30 pm all had dinner & supper; Leo came for supper, to, hogs weighed 410 lbs. @ $6.65. Marita was good all nite. A guy around selling fish. Olive bought one 5 lb. @ 10 [cents]. Buffalo Corks [? – unclear]

Saturday, October 1, 1938

Pap got crushing done went to Stahls got Whip fixed. This afternoon went out on business trip in black jacks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to see Buehler’s farm they are papering 4 rooms in house; now. Eggs .25 [cents]. Mr & Mrs. William Birkner had a request to German Band for the birthday of Mike Armstutz; & last nite for Ed Krehoer girl, & Susie had yesterday for Mr & Mrs Aaron Papenberg Ann. by Elmer Rittmeyer & family of St. Louis, & for birthday of Edna Haudrich by Irene Buehler; Leo & family went out to Henry’s.

Monday, Sept. 27, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to mass funeral of Kroll; rather large, all girls pallbearers, Pearl Griffin, Mary Arns, Alvera Braun, 2 ladies of Waterloo, Theresa Frisch. Mrs. Francis Eichenseer is being buried at St. Louis this afternoon, that is his second wife she formerly Ziebold girl of Red Bud but had married before; she has been ailing for 3 yrs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] helped them paper there kitchen ceiling across the street. One of our horses Barney is sick, had Doc. Miller out for him, he had supper also Uncle & Aunt Mary stayed Leona’s birthday but he didn’t get out, had company & sick horse.

Friday, June 4, 1937

We papered bath room this morn, washed paint etc. picked cherries canned 1 qt. 4 pts. so far, made 2 pies & coffee cakes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped stone cherries. We went out to Henry’s, went to Fauss by Maeystown, bought sow & pigs 8 – 2 weeks old for $38. he is going to get them Mon or Tues. pd. $5 down. Coming down Maeystown Hill, Henry’s brake didn’t hold thought for sure it was going to be a big accident, but turned out alright, as long as there wasn’t no car coming. Emil J. Hoffman teacher, who taught Hecker school one term & Luella Fults were married last week, paper says, eve. of May 29. Eggs 16¢

Monday, Oct. 19, 1936

We pappered [sic] the front room. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & Leona helped; had dinner & duck supper, it weighed 5½ lbs. We went to the Democratic Meeting at Kammler’s tonite, speakers H. Jackson, Burk of Kansas. Davis of Muryphsboro [sic], had talkie picture & free beer, surely was a crowd, had a speaker, microphone, carried far; the hall was packed & other time as many out side they said, beer in all [illegible].

Saturday, Oct. 10, 1936

Pap went up town & to see Louis Birkner. We went to Waterloo bought wall paper, for our living room; went to church. We took some of the flowers in. Getting pretty cold. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Brand of Alambma [sic – Alabama] are visiting relatives here, now by Uncle Adam’s. Leo was here this eve.

Thursday, Sept. 20, 1934

Painting side walls, cleaning; to took just 3 rolls [of wallpaper] cutting & 3 side for our kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner here, also did Henry, he was working up here. Mrs. Alice Brand & Lucille & Zita Carol were here, short visit of about ½ hr; she wants to go to several places here in town; all look the same yet; getting older of course. Eggs 21¢. Sheriff Gauen got 2 hams 25½ lbs. at 25¢ this afternoon.

Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1934

We went to Waterloo, got wall paper for the kitchen 10¢ roll. We got a load of tin cans for planting out flowers; gave Rennecker’s & Wagner’s some. We went out to Uncle Fred’s; this evening; Dr. Schellschmidt of Red Bud died of 6 weeks pneoumia [sic – pneumonia]; will be buried tomorrow at Belleville. It rained this morning, we canned 3 qts. pears this morning.

Tuesday, May 1, 1934

Linus Buehler’s birthday; 13 yrs. old. Renneckers are papering dining room & kitchen. Papa got a letter from Mrs. Leohr to meet Hempe’s this afternoon, 2 o clock in Waterloo. The transfer is in the paper of Christian Bestmann & wife to Peter Reheis, $3,000. Steve Rennecker was here to borrow some planks, so he can paper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Waterloo, they met the Hempe Bros. at the post office. We got some free flower seed at Hamscher’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt had lunch here, went home, came back, went to Red Bud to Buehler’s. We planted 36 cabbage plants out. Papa got his watch repaired $2.50 Bersche’s.