Thursday, Dec. 21, 1939

Shortest day. Winter begins. Went to Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] got permanent at Colonial Beauty Shop $3.00. Pap bought new radio from Bersche, gave $3.00 for our old radio, trade in on push button zenith stub $15.00. We got Christmas cards from Mr & Mrs Geo. Shecan [?] Emil Schilling & Josie Keller. Awful cold to be 20 tonite. Bill [Klein] came got Bert went to Belleville to Lincoln Theatre to see Jones Family in “Busy to Work,” giving a Ford V8 away.

Monday, Oct. 2, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed, patched. Pap went to Waterloo took radio in to Bersche’s got 1 new tube put in, its better, but doesn’t work right; he went out on business trip this afternoon. Mr. Edler came on business for Uncle Fred. Arch Bischoff [sic – Bishop] Cardinal Mudenlin [sic – Mundelein] was found dead in bed this morn. at 7:30. Some people here selling apples 65 [cents] bu. come from Muryphsboro. Warmer today.

Friday, Aug. 19, 1938

Went to Leo’s finished clover, Leo & pap took 2 hogs of Leo’s to Strecks got $8.75 weighed 405 lbs.; had dinner also threshers Stahl & man & Martin Karban, last nite supper also. Went in to Waterloo to Bersche sale, crowd & things brought fair price didn’t get a thing; couldn’t get near the sale cryer at all so many people. Harry Wittenauer putting up hay this afternoon. Henry was up to see Fr. Aydt

Friday, October 1, 1937

Cleaned room & hall finished upstairs, only washing to do. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon fixing his basement. Pap hauled 3 loads wood today with truck. Henry brought load corn. Sure hot today. Bersche brought our sewing machine all fixed $3.50 & also took Rose [Rosalia] to there place $18.50. all varnished. Mrs. Mehrmann got 5 doz. eggs. yesterday 22¢. Wheat in paper $1.02.

Saturday, Sept. 25, 1937

Rained last nite, pretty nice shower. Henry stopped in, got crushing done. H. Wittenauer working on the land. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here. We went to Waterloo church, & Columbia to see Hermann. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were also at Waterloo, bought second hand sewing machine from Bersche for $18.50 delivered in good condition Singer, it doesn’t make a bit noise, runs smooth. Miss Amelia Kroll died Thurs. eve. at hospital from operation on gall stones, will be buried Mon. morning at Hecker church, & Waterloo cemetery. she & her mother kept house together here, her mother is blind.

Saturday, Sept. 28, 1935

Papa has some sores on his face now, something like Henry & them had it. Beautiful day, nice warm again. Chas. Schilling is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, Moonlight Orch. Adm. gent 25 ladies free. There is also a few birthday dance at Donahue’s Midway Inn, musci [sic] by Phil Carle & entertainers; Rose & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, took papa’s watch to Bersche’s to get spring fixed, it was broke. Clara Wagner wanted flower slips, we weren’t home. Rose & Bert went to see Mamie this evening; seen her quilts & etc; listened to radio.

Wednesday, July 24, 1935

Chicken dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had lunch here. Him & papa went to Waterloo; papa took his watch to Bersche’s, it is broke; got Rose white shoes repaired. Rain heavy this evening, about 8 o’clock, thundered; no threshing it is awful.

Thursday, Jan. 31, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up early, & Rose went along, left 5:15 to Belleville to Route 15 to Mr. Vernon & then route 142 to Dalgreen, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sam Schilling, got there at 9 o clock, had coffee; walked to the cemetery; too muddy to drive, came home at 4 o clock, shopped at Belleville first. Joe & George Schilling, Mrs. J. Kreher Sr. & Jr. & daughter, also all went down; it is 100 miles there; one way. There was a lady here, begging for help, clothes are [sic: or] food; we gave her liver sausage. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, stayed in Hecker all night; too muddy to go home. Mr. Robert Bersche infant baby of was buried Sun; she is Fern Gulley, that is the mother.

Tuesday, May 1, 1934

Linus Buehler’s birthday; 13 yrs. old. Renneckers are papering dining room & kitchen. Papa got a letter from Mrs. Leohr to meet Hempe’s this afternoon, 2 o clock in Waterloo. The transfer is in the paper of Christian Bestmann & wife to Peter Reheis, $3,000. Steve Rennecker was here to borrow some planks, so he can paper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Waterloo, they met the Hempe Bros. at the post office. We got some free flower seed at Hamscher’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt had lunch here, went home, came back, went to Red Bud to Buehler’s. We planted 36 cabbage plants out. Papa got his watch repaired $2.50 Bersche’s.

Friday, July 8, 1932

Rosalia & Bertille & Leona & the kids went to Waterloo this morning we took 3 bus. of potatoes got 60¢ at Connor’s. Rosalia went to dentist McConnell. We stopped at Geodell’s. Gambach’s store is opened now, they are checking & working books, & goods in the store. Elmer Kammler’s barber have a little boy since yesterday, they now have two boys. We went digging potatoes again this afternoon. Fridolin Bersche jeweler at Waterloo & Miss Lucille Lotz of Columbia where married last Sun, afternoon in Columbia, they left for a honeymoon trip to Peoria, & will make there home in Columbia by the bride’s grandmother.