Monday, Dec. 25, 1939

Christmas. Birkner’s Orlet’s & Brand’s were here, for dinner goose & supper. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Bill’s mother, Booby & Marcella were also there. Simon Havey stopped in, want to get signers for rock road in blackjacks.

Thursday, Dec. 21, 1939

Shortest day. Winter begins. Went to Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] got permanent at Colonial Beauty Shop $3.00. Pap bought new radio from Bersche, gave $3.00 for our old radio, trade in on push button zenith stub $15.00. We got Christmas cards from Mr & Mrs Geo. Shecan [?] Emil Schilling & Josie Keller. Awful cold to be 20 tonite. Bill [Klein] came got Bert went to Belleville to Lincoln Theatre to see Jones Family in “Busy to Work,” giving a Ford V8 away.

Saturday, Dec. 2, 1939

Went to Red Bud then to Waterloo this afternoon shopping & church. Its to be awful cold tonite; radio says 30; quite a change again. Bill [Klein] & Louis stopped this morn. were out at Schillings, Ben has ordered a new Chev.

Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939

Thanksgiving Day. Leo & family came had dinner & supper here, he plowed potatoe ground. Rose [Rosalia] & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Wedding mass of Marcella Gregson & Leslie Heyl; very pretty wedding, bride had long train white Satin dress with short veil & her attendants 2 sisters, one in rust & green with veils & wreath to match dresses; Walter gave her away & best man were Robert Heyl & Cletus Gregson; during the ceremony a terrible earthquake, roared just shook the church, people all went out, for a few mins, some places it was awful bad. Jerome Cortner house Chimney was cracked & did damage several other places; some plaster fell in Red Bud church, Gregson & Heyl had wedding dance at Log Cabin & Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields had there wedding dance at Pautlers. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, then they went to Waterloo to dance, there is also one at Brezzy Hill tonite. Bill [Klein] came this eve. The Thanksgiving & Turkey dinner was a big run out of Turkey had to served pork sausage, had fed 600 at 2′ o clock – turkey was all; had awful crowd.

Friday, Nov. 17, 1939

Marita was sick last nite, vomiting & fever, they took her to Dr. Pautler’s this morn; were here all day he [Leo] & papa went in wood, to make posts for corn crib floor, had dinner & supper here. We packed things belonging to Bert [Bertille]; cleaned out cupboards; man here wanted bread. Seen in paper Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields getting married Thanksgiving Day with dance at Pautlers Hall. Archie Wihel have baby girl – makes 2 girls & 1 boy in family.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939

Went to mass. Arelia [? – unclear] Pours 31 yr. birthday today. Tipton parish is having a wurstmarkt at Donahues this afternoon & evening. Uncle Fred & pap went over awhile. A. [Aunt] Mary went to church & meeting. Bert [Bertille] went to see Renneckers; they had supper here. Bill & Bert went to his mothers, her birthday; Booby & his girlfriend were also there, we popped corn, had grape juice, pie etc; played cards, pinochle & euchre.

Saturday, Oct. 21, 1939

Pap got haircut. We went to Smithton this afternoon, went out to see Schwal’s pigs. Bill [Klein] came this eve. he was at Ed. Cortner’s to sell him a 1938 Ford; that he traded in to Baltz banker of Smithton for 1940; first trade today. They had a fire in Smithton, weeds, had fire engine called. Geo. Parkers barn on Schilling place burned this afternoon to. also from a weed fire it started; had Hecker fire department out.

Thursday, Sept. 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pie. Pap dug all our sweet potatoes, 3 bus. Bert went out to Brand’s this afternoon. Fr. Simon is going around solicting [sic] for Belleville St. Henry’s College, to build some post to it, never came here. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty low. St. Everdine is home & all children there, doctor gave up all hopes. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmitz were married at Renault mass this morn; her brother groomsman & Mildren Rist bridesmaid, Lester Chaffeaur, dealers car going to go to Alba. tomorrow. Dan Schmidt of Waterloo & Regina Schoenborn of Belleville were married yesterday afternoon at St. Marys Rectory of Belleville.

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 1939

Went to Belleville, sold $6. peaches, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, eggs; got 18 [cents] – 2 for 35 [cents]. Wittenauers putting up hay. Peaches & tomatoes are still spoiling canned some more today again. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary pap went to Ruma to church pinic [sic]. Geo. Schilling was taken to St. Louis hospital today, has brain tumor. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went to Ruma to church pinic [ed. note – she wrote this twice]. brought some chicken along home & we had chicken & watermelon. Bill [Klein] came stayed here with Bert [Bertille]; they didn’t win nothing.

Saturday, Aug. 12, 1939

Raining showers on & off today, some pretty heavy ones; 3 houses were on fire in Waterloo this morn. electric wire, ran from one house to the other. Canning peaches so many fell of [sic] from wind. Pap went along with Emil out to Joe Schillings sale; things that Hess had bought on the other sale; Kettler has moved in there alreadys Hess lives on Uncle Adam’s place now; things went cheap at the sale. Ray Schmierbach & Luella Koerber are getting married in St. Louis today; dance tonite at Turners Hall in Smithton. Everybody welcome. Wagners left this afternoon, for supper. Hillsheim painted Wagners car blue & black; looks pretty good. Plenty rain for Wedding; Koerber boy & Verita Muhrmann & 2 from his side attendants; they had Favres V.8 Demonstrator, & Elmer Schmierbach turned it over, on slab near Smithton, car was damaged, but no one hurt.