Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939

Thanksgiving Day. Leo & family came had dinner & supper here, he plowed potatoe ground. Rose [Rosalia] & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Wedding mass of Marcella Gregson & Leslie Heyl; very pretty wedding, bride had long train white Satin dress with short veil & her attendants 2 sisters, one in rust & green with veils & wreath to match dresses; Walter gave her away & best man were Robert Heyl & Cletus Gregson; during the ceremony a terrible earthquake, roared just shook the church, people all went out, for a few mins, some places it was awful bad. Jerome Cortner house Chimney was cracked & did damage several other places; some plaster fell in Red Bud church, Gregson & Heyl had wedding dance at Log Cabin & Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields had there wedding dance at Pautlers. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, then they went to Waterloo to dance, there is also one at Brezzy Hill tonite. Bill [Klein] came this eve. The Thanksgiving & Turkey dinner was a big run out of Turkey had to served pork sausage, had fed 600 at 2′ o clock – turkey was all; had awful crowd.

Thursday, Sept. 7, 1939

Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Mr. Orlet all went to Belleville St. Marys Church, wedding of Isd. & Phyliss Bugger; bride wore white lace long train & veil & her attendant light pink, nose veil, marched down middle isle & groom & best man from side door, was pretty, attended by friends; had nothing going to go for honeymoon to Chicago. Went to Orlets this eve. took Marita up & brought her along home again. So hot today 92 at 12 ‘o clock; all most as hot as it was all summer.

Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she & Bert [Bertille] went to mass wedding of Eichenseer & Parker; bridesmaids Lucinda dressed in plum & Adelle Pour in greenish blue. Mamie all white satin, long trail & veil. Clem & his attendents [sic], Joe Parker & Clarence Parker in dark suits. Joe leading the bride in church, pretty wedding; dance at Daabs tonite. Leo & Rose, Bill [Klein] came, all went. Pap cutting corn these days, prices on things going up. hogs – 9.50 – veal or heifers 12 [cents]. eggs 15 1/2 & 19 [cents]; all on account opear. [? – unclear] in European nation, so many were killed & bombed terrible.

Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1938

Nice day. We went to Leo’s help butcher, also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Mrs. Orlet helped. Vic Papenberg & Bessie Parker getting married 9 o’clock this morn. We went to dance at Daabs Club House, Elmer Parker & Cecelia were best, she wore dark blue dress, Bessie white & veil. Henry butchered today also, & we didn’t know it.

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1938

Pap hauled posts, has wood & all hauled now, got corn fodder from U. [Uncle] Freds. Went to barber shop got hair cut & shave. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this morn. cutting corn etc. The Wedding picture of Pete Kaiser 31 & Adella Karban 20 was in paper were married last Sat. morn. in St. Louis, in St. Peter & Paul’s Church. Attendants Bertha Karban her sister, & Lawrence Kaiser, cousin to groom. Wore white dress with long veil, carried flowers, Lilies, nice picture. Mrs. Emma Bechtold of Waterloo passed away 57 yrs. will be buried at Waterloo this afternoon; has 4 children, 1 boy Armin, 3 girls Ida Wright, Malinda Valmeyer & only 1 single Viola; also the boy was at home. Arthur Dour & Reickert girl are being married today, dance at Keims, Floraville.

Thursday, Nov. 25, 1937

Thanksgiving Day. Bert [Bertille] went up to church for awhile to Wedding mass of Oliver Qurin’s & Edith Klinkchardt, all white dress with train & long veil. Grohmans flower girl; & Viola Qurin, blue dress & Dorthy Klinkhardt rust colored dress, long acted as bridesmaids & Quintian Klinkhardt, 2 brother & Eugene Neff friend as best man. Bert [Bertille] went to wedding dance at Kammler’s, large crowd & received many presents, Schoenborn Och; served sandwiches & cake. We went to 10 o clock mass at Red Bud, 75 Diamond Jubiliee, Bishop was met here in Hecker. 32 priests had dinner there 3 turkeys. Went to Paderborn this afternoon to see Connor’s & F. Schilling. Sure beautiful weather these days, nice warm.

Saturday, June 19, 1937

Beautiful day, warm. Took load wheat to Waterloo $1.15. Bert [Bertille] got permanet [sic] at Colonial Beauty Shop, Vivian Ripley & Aurelia Hellmer, pap went to Morris sale, bought few articles gun etc. Went to Paderborn to Ronnenberg’s Wedding dance, large crowd Birkner Orch. received few presents, had white dress & veil; & Helen bridesmaid yellow lace dress & Alp. Karban best man; quite few strangers.

Tuesday, October 1, 1935

Beautiful day; Church pinic [sic] at Columbia, we have chances for that 110 pc. dinner set, 100 lb sugar, 2 pr pillow cases, cedar chest, quilt; Catholics got euchre & dance at Paderborn tonite Hillsheim & Braun wedding, 9 o clock mass. Uncle Fred, & Aunt Mary came & her & Bert went to mass. Walter Pour’s twin boy ring bearer & Doris Braun her sister flower girl dressed in blue; then came Cecilia Pour, dark green. Velvet dress & hat & flowers, she was maid of honor; bridesmaid Alvera had purple velvet dress & had, both had silver shoes; her oldest sister; then the bride with white satin dress & long veil, carrying lilly [sic] of Valley boquet [sic]; groom & his brother best man came in at the sanctuary, dark blue suits, they showered them with rice; lot people in church, Jatho’s all through [sic – throw] rice too, he used to board there; he works St. Louis Dairy here; all kind of ribbons & tin cans, card boards hanging on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went along to the wedding dance at Maniers Hall, nice crowd, Mellow Moon Orh. of Belleville played; a rose was given to all the ladies; & slipper was sold $1.25 & collection was taken up for pay expense. “Let Me Call You Sweeheart [sic] waltz” was playing for bride & groom; she received an awful lot of presents. Manier sold the bar & sandwiches at the park outside. Henry was here all day harrowing, had lunches & dinner. Clara Wagner & Mamie Eichenseer got flowers slips here; we planted some more out to.