Sunday, May 15, 1938

Went to mass at Red Bud; stayed at hospital awhile; went home. Went down again this afternoon. Fr. Spors. christened the baby this afternoon 1:30 named it Bertille Marita Orlet, call it Marita. Pap & Bertille sponsors. Bill came down to hospital & we went over to hall, to school children’s play was very good; came home had supper went to Firemen’s Dance at Maniers Hall awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile. Leo came, went to Red Bud to stay all nite. Leo Myerscough visited there this eve.

Tuesday, October 1, 1935

Beautiful day; Church pinic [sic] at Columbia, we have chances for that 110 pc. dinner set, 100 lb sugar, 2 pr pillow cases, cedar chest, quilt; Catholics got euchre & dance at Paderborn tonite Hillsheim & Braun wedding, 9 o clock mass. Uncle Fred, & Aunt Mary came & her & Bert went to mass. Walter Pour’s twin boy ring bearer & Doris Braun her sister flower girl dressed in blue; then came Cecilia Pour, dark green. Velvet dress & hat & flowers, she was maid of honor; bridesmaid Alvera had purple velvet dress & had, both had silver shoes; her oldest sister; then the bride with white satin dress & long veil, carrying lilly [sic] of Valley boquet [sic]; groom & his brother best man came in at the sanctuary, dark blue suits, they showered them with rice; lot people in church, Jatho’s all through [sic – throw] rice too, he used to board there; he works St. Louis Dairy here; all kind of ribbons & tin cans, card boards hanging on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went along to the wedding dance at Maniers Hall, nice crowd, Mellow Moon Orh. of Belleville played; a rose was given to all the ladies; & slipper was sold $1.25 & collection was taken up for pay expense. “Let Me Call You Sweeheart [sic] waltz” was playing for bride & groom; she received an awful lot of presents. Manier sold the bar & sandwiches at the park outside. Henry was here all day harrowing, had lunches & dinner. Clara Wagner & Mamie Eichenseer got flowers slips here; we planted some more out to.

Saturday, May 18, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud to Kirsch’s sale, this afternoon, stopped here awhile, they didn’t buy nothing; brought sack chick feed along. So many birthdays today, & many dances. Karban & Buss has one at Pautler’s; free one at Burksville. Walter Reheis has his at Manier’s Hall. Henry & family came, kids stayed here & we went, Gents 25 ladies free. Birkner Orc; not much of a crowd; he had to pay $5. for hall, besides the musci [sic]; people came paid & went again. Dudenhoeffers & Gusta’s niece & family, Lester & Margaret were out. Frank & Henry came down by Papa awhile. It started in raining at 12 o’clock. Rosalia got chain letter from Ruth Hoffmann. We planted our house flowers out.

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1934

Mamie Eichenseer came & brought the pattern back. Then she went to Angela’s quilting. We picked the green tomatoes got near a bu. Melvin Wagner was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought some rose bushes & trees. Henry & family also came, so pap stayed at home with the boys’ & we all went to the Rebpulic [sic – Republican] Meeting at Maniers Hall, free refreshments & dance; & was there people there, like pinic [sic], hall was crowded, & windows outside, Jesse Brown was speaker; & the Morone [sic – Monroe] Co. Officers there too.