Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed; canning peaches, tomatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped put up stands for pinic [sic]. German band played for John Myerscough, Daougertys. Elvira Haudrich have a baby born two weeks ago, twins were just yr old Sat.; now have 5 children. Rained this eve. little shower. Emil takes care of Ben Heyls stock & Peffers are living in house till Ben Heyls get back, are visiting Ed Brand in Alabama. Nearly all threshing machines finished today & pulled in sheds, Bruns is still out yet. Frischkorn & Schillings Klotz’s finished.

Monday, May 29, 1939

Washed, ironed, canned 2 qts. x pt. cherries, so far from our trees, some are to green yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Red Bud pinic [sic]. Con. Myerscough was here has pigs for sale. Pap went down to see them & bought 5 for $15.00. Mrs. Rennecker birthday today. Cut lawn. Beautiful weather, warm.

Wednesday, March 15, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Mrs. Parker 49. church was crowded; mass said by Fr. Aydt, Rattermans Schumacher. Pallbearers are Oscar Birkner, Adam Eckert, Ed Schneider, Ted Eichenseer, Willie Harbaugh, Roy Staufenbiel. People here from all over. Myerscough of Ruma etc. Bert [Bertille] went to quilting again this afternoon, finished 1 quilt done. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud lent service tonite.

Sunday, March 5, 1939

Rained all night. Timber man stopped in again. John Myerscough & wife & daughter Flo, were visiting at Emils & stopped in short while to say Hello to us. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s & Rose [Rosalia] to nite; roads pretty good.

Monday, Dec. 12, 1938

Nice day. We went out on trip, back Tipton. Pap went to Myerscough’s this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies. Eggs 24 [cents].

Sunday, May 15, 1938

Went to mass at Red Bud; stayed at hospital awhile; went home. Went down again this afternoon. Fr. Spors. christened the baby this afternoon 1:30 named it Bertille Marita Orlet, call it Marita. Pap & Bertille sponsors. Bill came down to hospital & we went over to hall, to school children’s play was very good; came home had supper went to Firemen’s Dance at Maniers Hall awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile. Leo came, went to Red Bud to stay all nite. Leo Myerscough visited there this eve.

Saturday, May 14, 1938

Pap went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went down this afternoon, Mrs. Lester Gregson & son & Mrs. Con. Myerscough & daughter were there this afternoon. We went to Belleville. Leo & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud; this eve. Bert [Bertille] stayed all nite. Leo went home.

Sunday, April 24, 1938

Went to Smithton to 7 o’clock mass; to see Ed. Heap; went to Leo’s & Rose [Rosalia] from there, had dinner there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came there this afternoon, & Henry & family at night. We went to Con. Myerscough at Ruma, this afternoon; stopped in at Bill Vogts. Hecker baseball club have a dance at Pautler tonite; musci [sic] by Keims Trio. Ben Schilling is in with them. had pretty fair crowd cleared $40.00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. & Geo. Wagner awhile. Tony Helfrich wrecked his car last nite by Floraville, nearly got in the pond; smashed up.

Friday, Sept. 17, 1937

Pap went to see Con. Myerscough, made a trade he brought 2 horses & $15. booth & got our mare Babe this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] made 2 qts & 2 pts. mince meat; 1 pt. tomatoes & pickles, cooked catsup. Paul Wittenauer stopped in, he now drives the bakery wagon, thought maybe we would buy from him, baker loop [?]; bread. Wheat 97¢ in paper.

Monday, July 19, 1937

Rain last nite & this morn. We went to New Athens to Wm. Myerscough’s funeral, had wine colored coffin. Quite a large funeral all the Parker’s, Coop’s from Hecker were there, relation; was buried in cemetery here, 3 Parker boys pallbearers, Clem, Elmer & Paul. No threshing today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve., took his car to Hugo Probst, battery needs charging; had to crank the car to start it.