Sunday, April 24, 1938

Went to Smithton to 7 o’clock mass; to see Ed. Heap; went to Leo’s & Rose [Rosalia] from there, had dinner there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came there this afternoon, & Henry & family at night. We went to Con. Myerscough at Ruma, this afternoon; stopped in at Bill Vogts. Hecker baseball club have a dance at Pautler tonite; musci [sic] by Keims Trio. Ben Schilling is in with them. had pretty fair crowd cleared $40.00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. & Geo. Wagner awhile. Tony Helfrich wrecked his car last nite by Floraville, nearly got in the pond; smashed up.

Sunday, Oct. 24, 1937

Mission. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; beef soup dinner today. They came up this afternoon & Berti [Bertille] went along out picking up hickory nuts, & went to see Uncle Matts woods, were the saw mill had been, where they made railroad ties & etc; big lot of slabs there now yet. Beautiful day; got about 2 gals. nuts; from 3 trees. Mr & Mrs. Dominic Klein & son Ignatius was here looked at the mule, & bought him for $125 going to get him, either Mon. eve or early Tues. morn. Pap was at Wagner’s.

Saturday, July 24, 1937

Awful warm. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church, Bert [Bertille] got new dress & hat. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he cut lawn, had supper here & got ice cream in evening. We had chicken soup dinner & supper, that is the 5 one we ate so far. New Athens have home coming, raffling a car; but it rained all eve, stated about 8 o’clock, 6:30 was parade, Wagners went to see it. Berniece was here selling chances, on 2 quilts for firemen’s pinic [sic].

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1937

Ground hog seen his shadow, 6 weeks bad weather. Leo & Rose came, we went along to Belleville, pap went to dentist, they had dinner with us, took the wash stand along that was upstairs. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, got egg mash, paid Quernheim for Rose furniture, Bedroom Set, Spring & Mattress, kitchen cabinet, all $120.75. Beautiful day, little cold. Pap & Bert went over to Geo. Wagners, helped quilt a Sun flower quilt, had lunch. Pap & Steve, Ed. Kerober, Geo. Wagner played pinochle & solo; ladies quilted.

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1936

We butchered, pig 161 lbs. & Uncle Fred got it his from J. Henkel 234 lbs. Henry & family helped to. Josie Keller came for supper yet also, took sausage & ribs $1 & 2 doz. eggs along. Lizzie Boll went quilting at Wagners, came over here to see Josie first.

Friday, May 12, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went in to Belleville twice this morning with hogs, took 4 to Streck Bros. 1,025 lbs. & $4.10 brought a cotton mattress along for Henry for $2.25. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over to help load the hogs up, was here for lunch; we baked bread, cookie, cake. Papa bought himself a straw hat for 25¢ this afternoon from Eichenseer; we got free today a toilet bowl idolizer, to remove all odors. It is in the paper that Louis Petrie Sr. died last Mon, had a stroke was buried yesterday afternoon. Vivian Geodelle daughter of Al Geodelle & Mr. George Stumpf of Belleville where married quitely last Sat. May 6. at the Evangical [sic] Church; the attendants where Miss Estel Geodell a cousin & Kermit a brother to the bride. Waterloo had a many visitors last Sun. just like homecoming to hear the band concert, 8 bands where present. Rosalia finished our dresses today. Papa went over by Wagners a little while. George told him that the ball team was going to give a dance in Kammler’s Hall last wed. nite but the hall was rented to Herzog & he had his dances so they will give one there next Wed nite; musci [sic] to be furnished by Rheinhardt & Skaers bros; we didn’t no a thing about a dance last wed. nite;  rain every day this week, it is awful. Co. from Freeburg looked at mule.

Thursday, Oct. 16, 1930

It is raining again this afternoon & is turning awful cold.  There was a truckload of apples going along here trying to sell them, when they stopped front of Lauts’ they couldn’t get back on the hard road any more, they backed up & forward & a good many was pushing but it wouldn’t go, they drove along that side till down by George Wagners, there they got on the hard road.  We took 1 bu. Ben Davis for $1.25.  They tasted alright, but they are awful hard.  Rosalia took 8 doz. eggs off and got .25¢ a doz.  We shelled some corn this afternoon.