Pap went out to see Henkels. We went to Smithton & then to Leo’s, bought 4 pigs $4.00 pc. Bill [Klein] figured the bill for our Whip; from the accident it was $12.02, we send it to Richards lawyer – Christoph Ins. man. Wittenauer shocked load corn this afternoon. Pap fixed wagon tongue.
Sunday, April 11, 1937
Went to first mass. Fr. Stern is still not able to say mass. In Hecker & Waterloo children making there solemn Commioun [sic – Communion] today. Emme Eckardt came got the veil again, getting confirmed next Sun. here. Con. Myerscough stopped in. Lester Gregsons came, pap was elected to serve as judge on town election Apr. 20. he is going to take the job. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile after church. Mary Havey & man of E. St. Louis were published for last time this morn. We went out to Henkels paid for the seed $12. then went to Henrys. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came there to, we all had supper there. Uncle & pap went in woods, & Rob. also, Floyd is sick, dizzy spell he gets, cold. Set 2 more duck eggs. The mail carrier brought the rest of there chixs the same day, 250 & all were dead in box; they [Henry] wrote a letter to the co. right away but so far didn’t receive no answer; Henry said, thought the chics might of been chloroform. Cyril Haudrich is having a birthday dance at Pautlers, Am. [admission] 25 & 15¢. Skaers musci [sic].
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1936
Armistice Day. Pap went to Harvey Pleuger’s to get pig in trade with the mule yet; got letter from him yesterday $32.00 8 week old, 8 of them now. G. Wagner is butchering today, getting hog from J. Henkel. Patched & quilting; nice weather these days cold morning & nite, white frost. Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up & he went home making wood she helped us quilt this afternoon & nite. Uncle came up this eve.
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1936
We butchered, pig 161 lbs. & Uncle Fred got it his from J. Henkel 234 lbs. Henry & family helped to. Josie Keller came for supper yet also, took sausage & ribs $1 & 2 doz. eggs along. Lizzie Boll went quilting at Wagners, came over here to see Josie first.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936
Lincoln’s birthday. We went out to Henry’s butchering; killed 2 hogs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped too. Clara Wagner brought the cheese dish back, & ordered butter again. Raining tonite. The Altar Sodality is having a euchre tonite in school hall; we didn’t go. There is a masquerade ball in Smithon [sic]. Miss Adelle Probst & Floyd Quirin were married at Millsdalt [sic] this morning; her mother nee (Mary Henkel), a private reception at Daabs Club House. Schoenborn, Schaefer & B Schilling muscianers [sic] playing for the dance. Iowa is having terrible weather 25 below zero; people dying from cold, eggs raised 6¢ there. Mr. Otto Wagner of near Red Bud died yesterday will be buried Fri morning 9:30 at Catholic Church & cemetery, Clarence dad.
Sunday, Nov. 24, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, she went to church & to meeting, for the Thanksgiving Turkey & chicken dinner. Clara Wagner & kids came awhile; John Henkel came for his money for the hay 242 lbs. @ $9.75, highest this week. We went to Waterloo to Hy Roth’s birthday dance. Boy! nice crowd. Schumacher & Carle played. We put sleeper tickets here at the Firemen’s euchre party & dance; pretty nice crowd but mostly all elderley [sic] people. Wm Birkner’s Orch. played; none of us got prizes, we gave bridge set.
Sunday, Nov. 17, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed up for dinner chicken; he & papa went out to Joe Henkel’s to look at the pigs, going to get 2 from him & butcher tomorrow. Leona came brought the kids up, we went along with them to Waterloo to Pautler’s, to the Rythm [sic] Kings, dance new orchestra, Laf. Geoddel Glessmer, & V. Keim, accordion, guitar & drums, sure good & crowd.
Sunday, Oct. 20, 1935
Mission. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile after church; going to Frank Birkner’s pear peeling tonite. We had backbone soup. Went to Henkels this afternoon to look at hogs; went over to Burksville, to Kruse’s, Edlers place, & to McCarthy’s by mistake, they also had shooting match, we tried twice, on a goose & turkey, but didn’t get none; came through Waterloo home, The Hecker base ball team giving a dance at Kammler’s tonite Moonlight Orch; I don’t think it was much. Adm 25¢; we didn’t go, went to bed early. Lady here wanted eggs.
Thursday, May 2, 1935
Creeks are all out. Raining all day. We went out to Henrys had dinner, papered the front room, didn’t quite finish, Emil came down a little while after dinner. Karl Boll’s moved from Jac. Neffs house in town out to J. Henkel’s place again.
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