Friday, July 17, 1936

Geo. Henkel & Lorberg brought the bull what pap bought from Henkel for $20. Joe Freund came, wanted to trade his mare for different horse or mule, to light for his horses. We cut in 13 qts kraut this morn. Seen in paper that Joe Rickert of St. Louis formerly of Tipton was found dead in bed last Wed. morn. from heat. also Mat Cleary formerly of Tipton died Tues from heat; Rickert funeral to be tomorrow morning, Mrs. Frances Kruse school teacher brother; buried at Waterloo. The rain soaked into our house so bad, on the plaster wall in living room, fell down a big strip came off. The Carnival at the Country Club starts today & till Sun. nite; 3 day’s. Eggs 19¢ wheat 99¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had lunch here; he cut lawn etc.

Wednesday, July 15, 1936

Still no rain & hot. Papa buried over 200 fish this morn. Most threshing machines finished yesterday, Schilling’s & Frischkorns did. Clifford Stahleheber & family is here at Meng’s, there all nite, the baby is sick had 106 fever yesterday eve; the Dr. Eckert was over several times, Clifford goes up & down noisy as ever. Bert went to town, & Clara Wagner said baby died at 4:30, she was there with it all nite, till it died; Meng Undertaker from Freeburg has charge of the funeral which will be tomorrow afternoon from Ment’s to Hecker cemetery, Rev. Hosto coming to the house, it was just 4 mons. old, had 2 teeth, & the heat was the cause of the death, Peggy Jean is its name. Papa buried 504 fish that died all today, altogether we buried 534 terrible how they lay around dead. Cooler this evening & little rain, not hardly enough to settle the dust. We went over to Meng’s to see the baby, looks awful cute, laid out so pretty, hands folded; so nice, quite a few came & went. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty sick again so they say.

Wednesday, July 31, 1935

Finished threshing up here, got 386 here. had lunch here, Mrs Geodelle & Leona stayed out home, made lunch & cooked dinner out there. We all went after we had dishes cleaned for lunch here; they had them for lunch & supper again, carried lunch out in the field; he threshed 396 out there, al [sic] together got 782 bus. & we got 260 bus. our share; it went awful this afternoon, Henry had 5 pitchers & it came down as far as 2, pop had to pitch 2 loads & Henry 1. Kemp & Scheinder again was to hot they said, by Red Bud some dropped dead & Belleville to. we got 445 bus. wheat from all the places. Henry had Helfrich to haul a load to Belleville, & got 87¢, best price, he was docked.

Tuesday, July 31, 1934

Schilling’s machine finished up threshing yesterday. The paper is just full of the people who died from the heat last week, awful hot weather, always 100-112 everyday, but now it is nice again, cool, it was just to hot, everything dried up. The St. Johns Catholic Church of Red Bud is having a Ice cream Social this evening & pinic there; we gave pair pillow cases. Henry & family came up this morning, pap & went along with them looking at horses again, down at Ames; all had dinner & supper here. Rob [aka Robert] & Bill [aka Willis/Willie] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, & then him, Henry & pap, went to Red Bud to look at Ratz’s horses, but didn’t buy any yet; they stayed for supper too. It rained, thundered tonight. Harold & Cyril Eichenseer was caught in our watermelon patch tonite, papa laid the law out to them, didn’t do no good, so he reported it to the old folks; watermelons are disappearing.