Friday, Dec. 2, 1938

Pap went to get load wood for basement & 1 for butchering. Bert [Bertille] got mail. Louis Geodelle passed away. The 4 mon. old daughter of Robert Bershe, nee Fern Gulley died buried tomorrow at Round Prairie. Awful wind today.

Monday, May 16, 1938

Pap worked garden etc. Bert [Bertille] went to mass, to see Rose [Rosalia] all morn. Pap went down after dinner. Raining this afternoon, nice showers, brought another patient in Wilda [? – unclear] Ziebold operated for appendix. this morn. sure got the hospital filled; the 4 lb. baby died Sat. eve. Leo came Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud, stayed all nite. Rained.

Wednesday, July 15, 1936

Still no rain & hot. Papa buried over 200 fish this morn. Most threshing machines finished yesterday, Schilling’s & Frischkorns did. Clifford Stahleheber & family is here at Meng’s, there all nite, the baby is sick had 106 fever yesterday eve; the Dr. Eckert was over several times, Clifford goes up & down noisy as ever. Bert went to town, & Clara Wagner said baby died at 4:30, she was there with it all nite, till it died; Meng Undertaker from Freeburg has charge of the funeral which will be tomorrow afternoon from Ment’s to Hecker cemetery, Rev. Hosto coming to the house, it was just 4 mons. old, had 2 teeth, & the heat was the cause of the death, Peggy Jean is its name. Papa buried 504 fish that died all today, altogether we buried 534 terrible how they lay around dead. Cooler this evening & little rain, not hardly enough to settle the dust. We went over to Meng’s to see the baby, looks awful cute, laid out so pretty, hands folded; so nice, quite a few came & went. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty sick again so they say.

Tuesday, March 12, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona were up here, papered the dinning [sic] room; had dinner & supper. Leona went home did the chores, & brought the boy’s along up; stayed awhile in the evening. Mr. Janson of Waterloo, sales agent for Nobbe was here this afternoon, looked at the binder. Leona went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel brought her some material to make a spring coat for her; 4 yds. goods, & linings; pattern etc. Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mehrmanns baby girl Ethyl, was taken to the hospital at Belleville last Sat,  & yesterday it died, buried this afternoon, & private funeral. No one could see it, had menertitis [sic – meningitis]; down spine in back; say it is a very catching disease; house has to be fumigated; had it in its throat also.

Monday, July 23, 1934

We washed, ironed, patched. Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. Eggs are 12¢. Aug. Mueths 7 mo. old baby died & was buried at Mascoutha [sic] this afternoon.