Friday, April 30, 1937

Cleaned bedroom; nice warm. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon. We went out to Henry’s this eve; They had school pinic [sic] out there, last for this term; after they got home, Floyd fell on ground rail, & broke his arm, same one were he cut his finger of yr. ago now; they took him to Dr. Werth, he set it now, but wants them to go to Stallmann & have an exray [sic] taken of it. he says he didn’t fall hard just stumble, broke both bones, a piece up from the wrist. Geodelle’s were also out this eve; it pains quite a bit he says. After we got home Leo & Rose came yet, also Jake & Fred Schaefer, stayed a little while; they brought there eggs to store.

Thursday, April 29, 1937

Cleaned dining room, awful warm. Olive Laut was here, wanted duck eggs. Chas. Helfrich got load hay this afternoon; $12.70. A fellow here selling fish; we didn’t take none. Sly. Kabureck is at Belleville Hospital operation appendix getting along well; took Mrs. Joe Kaiser in Mon. to be operated appendix.

Wednesday, April 28, 1937

Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, Eggs 16¢. Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis] were up, Henry went to dentist Dr. Lark, here in town. The Young People Ladies Sodality are giving a pinochle & euchre party tonite, in school hall. Bert went had 7 points, didn’t win nothing Ray Wittenauer won pillow cases attendance prize; crowd wasn’t so large, weather & roads spoiled it, had nice prizes; lot of pillow cases.

Tuesday, April 27, 1937

Not so cold today, we had no frost. Washed, ironed, patched, sprayed trees etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, cutting lawn & working in garden brought lilacs along.

Monday, April 26, 1937

Cloudy & cold, rainy. Pap went on business trip. Sure cold radio says frost tonite. Eggs 17¢. Pap went to Griffins got the money for oats, 9 bus. @ 60¢. what he got Sat.

Sunday, April 25, 1937

Pretty cool today, with some showers, went to Red Bud mass, went with Henry & family to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Leo & Rose were also over. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to Boeker’s Wedding dance, Boy! what a crowd; Girls played. Rained a little. We got in the ditch coming home, he drove along the side of the road on account of holes & oil, got in rut & went right in the ditch. Lee Gregson & Isd. Helfrich came along Lee took his tire chains & hooked on bumper & pulled it out backwards, Leo & Lee pushed, Isd. drove; would of never got out if he wouldn’t of pulled it out. Uncle put his chains on also.

Saturday, April 24, 1934

Pap got his haircut, Mr. Griffin was here got some oats for his chickens. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went along with us to Belleville, Bert got dress & hat etc., went to church. Henry & Floyd were up this morn. Eggs 17¢. Tax receipts came, much higher again this yr. $247. Bill Geodelle moved today from Omer’s Emil Schilling place to Bretsch’s some were near Broad Hollow, they say Emil has his place for sale.

Friday, April 23, 1937

Another Beautiful day, pap fixing pen for little chixs. Bert [Bertille] baking bread etc. & cleaning. Light bill $1. for 9 hrs.

Thursday, April 22, 1937

Beautiful day, pap went in woods this afternoon cut posts for hay floor. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came cut lawn. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, Jake was also there, we got 4 settings of eggs @ 19¢. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room waxed floor etc, cut lawn. Pap went over to Meng’s got cap for wagon wheel, he had lost his & found again by Geo. Parkers; the last time when he was in the woods that happened yesterday the wheel came of [off] by the gate.

Wednesday, April 21, 1937

Rain this morn. Eggs 18¢. R. Wittenauer pd. Bert [Bertille] $5.00 for ball ground rent for 1937. The dance wasn’t so good.