Friday, Dec. 15, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down; worked in barn. Wetzler of Maeystown died of rabbit fever & his wife is also sick. Paul McDermott son of Luke McDermott was out hunting Tues. nite, with his brother & cousin Willie & Ed Crook; he got tired stopped & built a fire & must of fell asleep clothing caught fired & was burned so badly & died. Elmer Matzenbacher & Emil Geodell found him called for doctor & took him to hospital.

Friday, Nov. 17, 1939

Marita was sick last nite, vomiting & fever, they took her to Dr. Pautler’s this morn; were here all day he [Leo] & papa went in wood, to make posts for corn crib floor, had dinner & supper here. We packed things belonging to Bert [Bertille]; cleaned out cupboards; man here wanted bread. Seen in paper Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields getting married Thanksgiving Day with dance at Pautlers Hall. Archie Wihel have baby girl – makes 2 girls & 1 boy in family.

Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1939

Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.

Friday, Oct. 6, 1939

Went to Belleville with 2 hogs 435 [lbs] – @ $6.95, & by Herberts near Ross filling station. Christopher, guy living in Douglas passed us & had head on collison with another car, they were bruised a little on head; our fender damaged; other guys car was way in ditch, it was so awful foggy, awful bad driving; they had there car towed in by Dewein’s from Belleville, we could still drive ours. Went to Leo’s. Marita isn’t feeling well, didn’t sleep & has high fever had her at doctors this morn; he says its teeth; was pretty good when we left. Awful warm these days in 80 [degrees] cloudy this eve.

Thursday, Sept. 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pie. Pap dug all our sweet potatoes, 3 bus. Bert went out to Brand’s this afternoon. Fr. Simon is going around solicting [sic] for Belleville St. Henry’s College, to build some post to it, never came here. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty low. St. Everdine is home & all children there, doctor gave up all hopes. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmitz were married at Renault mass this morn; her brother groomsman & Mildren Rist bridesmaid, Lester Chaffeaur, dealers car going to go to Alba. tomorrow. Dan Schmidt of Waterloo & Regina Schoenborn of Belleville were married yesterday afternoon at St. Marys Rectory of Belleville.

Monday, Sept. 25, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. All on sick list. Bert got some ice cream & soda; neither of us can keep anything in stomach. Mertz delivered sack hog pellets $3.20 feed sure went up.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1939

Went to Leo’s took peaches along for her. she [Rosalia] got 23 qts., not has 46 if they don’t spoil. Pap went to Kleins look at heifers; didn’t buy yet; we had to go home by way of Schoenborn’s, also stoped [sic], seen Mr. Schoenborn who has been paralysed [sic] for couple years; oiling the road. Raining this eve. pretty nice for quite awhile. Mary Schaefer was buried at Hecker cemetery yesterday morn; Aunt to Jac Schaefer where she made her house, old lady.

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 1939

Went to Belleville, sold $6. peaches, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, eggs; got 18 [cents] – 2 for 35 [cents]. Wittenauers putting up hay. Peaches & tomatoes are still spoiling canned some more today again. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary pap went to Ruma to church pinic [sic]. Geo. Schilling was taken to St. Louis hospital today, has brain tumor. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went to Ruma to church pinic [ed. note – she wrote this twice]. brought some chicken along home & we had chicken & watermelon. Bill [Klein] came stayed here with Bert [Bertille]; they didn’t win nothing.

Wednesday, June 7, 1939

Went to Leo’s helped plant patch corn & make hay this afternoon; had lunch & chicken dinner there. We also had first cabbage of season of ours today. Rained this afternoon, but not so much, we need it alwful [sic] bad day. Mrs. Willing Kreher came home from Belleville Hospital yesterday, after giving birth to a 3 lb. baby, which is still in hospital in incubator. Planted out tomatoes & pepper plant last for season, sprayed potatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to Mrs. Staufenbiels, to see about her dress. Mrs. Agnes Kroll died of a stroke this morn; while Kate was at mass; she has been blind for good many years.

Monday, June 5, 1939

Went to Red Bud funeral low mass at 10 ‘oclock for Mrs. Emil Schilling from St. Louis & buried at Red Bud cemetery; she died Sat. at Missouri Baptist Hospital over 3 weeks illness of pneunomia [sic], looked beautiful, dressed in pink. Her sisters helped carry, also were all lady pallbearers. She became Catholic when they were married; nee Mabel Hancock. quite a few attended the funeral, relatives & friends from here. Today is election, voting for judges. Pap voted. We went to Leo’s got hog. Lumber man here wanted timber, also a deaf & mute man here selling shoe laces. We took pr 5 [cents]. Henry Kettlers sister at Belleville Mrs. Berthold got buried this morn. also. Eggs still 12 [cents] yet; both stores.