Sunday, Dec. 24, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred stopped in for awhile; pretty nice this morn. sunshining nice. Miss Ida Heyl of Round Prairie is getting buried this afternoon from Qurenheims Funeral Parlor to Round Prairie Church & cemetery, she died suddenly Thurs. nite; found her dead Fri. morn; she stayed with her brother Abner down on the farm. Henry Spalts have baby girl born Dec. 14, have 2 boys & 1 girl. Bill [Klein] came for supper, we all went to midnite mass at Red Bud, 2nd mass followed. came home went to bed Bill [Klein] stayed all nite.

Friday, Dec. 8, 1939

Holiday. Went to 6 o’clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile after church, they have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bertille went to Belleville, ordered wall of paper & went to E. St. Louis & St. Louis on business, stopped a few min’s at Uncle Ed’s shop. got a tarpaulin at Child’s for Leo 14 x 20 – $9.13 with tax. Dr. Werth have a baby girl. Orlin Skaer’s have a boy at Red Bud hospital; Ethel Prediger is home again from Belleville hospital, going to call there girl Madeline.

Friday, Nov. 17, 1939

Marita was sick last nite, vomiting & fever, they took her to Dr. Pautler’s this morn; were here all day he [Leo] & papa went in wood, to make posts for corn crib floor, had dinner & supper here. We packed things belonging to Bert [Bertille]; cleaned out cupboards; man here wanted bread. Seen in paper Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields getting married Thanksgiving Day with dance at Pautlers Hall. Archie Wihel have baby girl – makes 2 girls & 1 boy in family.

Friday, Nov. 10, 1939

Raining nearly all morn. Leo & family came this afternoon, he went to New Athens to dentist, she stayed here, we made pillows. Seen in Waterloo paper Ed McDermott of Washington have baby boy Charles Luke born Oct. 31 at Washington Providence Hospital. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to see Bill’s mother & Booby. Fr. Joe Orlet & his dad were here this eve. on business.

Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1939

Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1939

Becherer & Horcher were married yesterday morn. at Coloumbia [sic]. Rosalia came we stretched curtains today. Went to New Athens this afternoon to dentist. We had chicken soup dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill [Klein] got Leo [Orlet], all came this eve. we repapered spots in kitchen. Henry brought load corn. They had there baby girl christened Joyce Elizabeth yesterday. Mrs. Adolph Klube sponsor. Mr & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich have baby girl born Sun. also.

Sunday, Oct. 15, 1939

Went to mass. Henry’s have a baby girl born at 4:30 this morn. Ella Simon is working there. We went out this afternoon, everybody is alright – baby 9 1/2 lbs. black hair. Bill [Klein] came had supper here, we went to Leo’s this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in there to, they were going to Totsch’s to free dance. Sure beautiful day, warm.

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1939

Went to Belleville with things, all sold but 2 pumpkins. Uncle Fred working up here this morn; brought bucket of peas this afternoon she [Aunt Mary] came along up. We got 25 [cents] for eggs today. Frank Kroll’s have baby girl born Sat. eve. & Dominic Roth girl Sun. at Belleville Hospital. Reports are that Aaron Papenberg is going to build a house, on Kessler’s ground next to Kammler. Hy. Fereuer brought the 3rd of potatoes this eve. 15 bus. The war business is still going strong. Warsaw is nearly cleaned out, paper says, half burning, churches were bombed Sun. during services.

Thursday, Aug. 10, 1939

Nice day. Went to Belleville, sold 4 bus. peaches potatoes apples tomatoes, pickles, eggs, summer sausage, sold everything. Leroy Haudrich have baby girl born this morning. Picked peaches sold bu. to Hy. Bruns; bu. to Joe Watchels, 1/2 bu. to Renneckers, pk. to Lauts; gave Hy. bu. some for canning & preserves.

Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed; canning peaches, tomatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped put up stands for pinic [sic]. German band played for John Myerscough, Daougertys. Elvira Haudrich have a baby born two weeks ago, twins were just yr old Sat.; now have 5 children. Rained this eve. little shower. Emil takes care of Ben Heyls stock & Peffers are living in house till Ben Heyls get back, are visiting Ed Brand in Alabama. Nearly all threshing machines finished today & pulled in sheds, Bruns is still out yet. Frischkorn & Schillings Klotz’s finished.