Sunday, Dec. 24, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred stopped in for awhile; pretty nice this morn. sunshining nice. Miss Ida Heyl of Round Prairie is getting buried this afternoon from Qurenheims Funeral Parlor to Round Prairie Church & cemetery, she died suddenly Thurs. nite; found her dead Fri. morn; she stayed with her brother Abner down on the farm. Henry Spalts have baby girl born Dec. 14, have 2 boys & 1 girl. Bill [Klein] came for supper, we all went to midnite mass at Red Bud, 2nd mass followed. came home went to bed Bill [Klein] stayed all nite.

Monday, Oct. 26, 1936

We washed. Pap went out to Henry’s & Uncle Adam’s. We went to Mr. Geo. Hepp funeral this afternoon, in Dec. he would be 103 yrs. old. grandchildren pallbearers, large funeral, the weather was ugly & cold; couldn’t all get in church, that was at the Round Prairie Church & Cemetery. Mr. Nic Cortner Sr. died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, Hecker cemetery. Isadore Cowell of Red Bud was buried last Sat. afternoon there & Mr. Ernst Frick of Belleville died, & will also be buried tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday, June 3, 1934

Cooler today, thundering this afternoon. Uncle Fred, & Aunt Mary had dinner here, then we played 5 hand pinochle. Leona brought the boy’s up, then we went along with them to Foster Pond, to a dance, ladies free, Pals of Harmony played. Ted Eichenseer came, our insurance on the house, is run out so he renewed it, put the barn in also for $300. There is pinic [sic] & supper at the Round Prairie church. Confirmation at Smithon [sic].

Friday, March 24, 1933

Bobby birthday 7 yrs. old; an a pretty nice day. We had frost for 3 morning already. The funeral of Mrs. Frivegolle passed here then yesterday afternoon, from the Peter Rocider’s residence to Round Prairie cemetery & church. We took the brooder stove down & put it in the chicken house now, & carried our chicks out, we counted 404 that we took out. Bertille got the mail, a letter from Creses. It sure is some funny weather, raining & snowing awful. We didn’t get out to the birthday; to much rain. Cleveland came there.

Sunday, June 14, 1931

Today is Pinic [sic] in Floraville & one at the Round Prarie [sic] Church, on the hill.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at Hecker all night, ready for church this morning.  We where at there place for dinner & lunch.  Hy. Armstutz stopped when he came home from the ball game.  Ben Rausch stopped & invited us all to come to the barn dance tonight at Webers, to surprize [sic] him on his birthday.  So we all went, it was mostly all old people there.  Sthiel & Herzog furnished musci [sic].  Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo Church this morning, we went to Hecker, it was out in a hurry, no sermon & low mass, because he tought [sic – thought] the people where tired from the pinic [sic].

Monday, Sept. 15, 1930

They say today is Joe & Lee Gregson’s birthday, I thought it was on the 10th.  Yesterday was to be the church picnic at Round Prairie Church.  I guess they had it, I don’t know, it was to be last Sun. but they postponed it on account of rain, but it was worse yesterday.  Papa went up to Hecker with the machine this morning to get some laying mash for the chickens.  Victor Eichenseer was here and looked at the valve in the tank in the basement.  Henry came up this morning too.  He said the roads weren’t bad only if you meet some one, he had chains on.  We sold 57 lbs. springs [chickens], 50 lbs at .20¢ and 7 lbs. at .18¢.  Papa took up this afternoon, and also 4 doz. eggs at .25¢.  It was raining all most all day.  We got 2 socks of laying mash so for now yesterday we found 21 eggs.  We patched stockings today while it was raining.  Rosalia went to get the paper this evening.  Miss Lucille Miller won the Chev. Roadster last Sat. night for having the most votes of the popularity contest.

Friday, May 9, 1930

Papa, Rosalia are painting the chicken houses this morning.  Mr. Theodore Klinkhardt of St. Louis was here a little while this morning.  He is Mrs. Pour’s father.  This afternoon Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went to George Heyl’s funeral.  It sure was a large one.  Quernheim undertaker.  They have a new hearse.  The funeral was so large that when the hearse was was driving in at the Round Prairie Church, there were still machines leaving the house yet.  People from all over, St. Louis, Red Bud, Waterloo, Hecker.  Mr. Heyl belonged to the Horse Prairie fire insurance co.  He was killed accidentally.  There were over 100 machines at the house and about 100 at the cemetery before the funeral cortege every came.

Today is Gregory Ganley’s birthday.  Lena Meng was over a little while this morning and told Rosalia to get some buttons for her dress.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary had lunch with us this afternoon.