Papa got crushing done. There was a man here & wanted to buy eggs, from St. Louis, but we didn’t sell him any. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get some oats. Today is Freeburg home coming. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to spend the evening here, her & Rosalia & Bert [Bertille] went down to Geo. Lorberg’s to get a watermellon [sic], but he had just sold them all in Red Bud & didn’t have no more for sale, so we couldn’t get any.
Wednesday, June 10, 1931
We sure did have some rain last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for lunch this afternoon then her, & Bertille went over to Ed. Meng’s, took them some flower, & brought some of there’s back. Mrs. Rennecker canned 41 qts. of cherries, she still has a few on the tree yet. Papa is setting posts today. Jac. Helfrich & his wife where injured in an automobile accident in Belleville the other day. Mr. Laut & Stuart where talking to Papa in the field this afternoon, Mr. Hill & Meng also. Mr. Klinkhardt from St. Louis is out visiting in Hecker by Mrs. Pour. Mr. Hill & him & others where playing pinoche at Griffins this morning & this afternoon. Her is leaving with bus this evening.
Tuesday, June 9, 1931
Papa is going to take the truck to Bill Fristche’s & get the bor fixed on it. We are washing today. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the last load of corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went down & cleaned the cemetery this evening. There where 2 weddings last Sat. from Hecker, Harold Dueker married a girl from St. Louis, & Edwin Reheis married Florence Voges.
Friday, May 1, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. This afternoon Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of corn. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo was taken to the Hospital again in St. Louis for injuries due his right knee, while playing ball last summer. Mr. Frank Scharfenberger was buried the past week, he was 70 yrs. old, & was a monument maker & business. The Waterloo Milk Co. office was burglarized last Sunday $100 in cash was taken & $500 worth of checks where missing. Louis Armstutz has purchased a new ford sedan, & made his first try out last Sunday. Bill Horn from Columbia purchase the South Side Garage from Bill Haudrich, & he is working for Schrieber’s garage at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, they had lunch & supper here. In the evening, we went to church, May Devotion. Steve Rennecker was here & wanted eggs for setting but we didn’t have none. Wilfred Eichenseer was just here this afternoon & got 2 settings, 30¢. We got the chickens altogether now, so if they want them, that’s the only kind they can get. Roy Staufenbiel was here this eve.- he came to ask for information, Robert Laut wanted to buy his house there for $150.00 & live there until he had a place to put it on. But I don’t think Roy will do that. We planted out cabbage & tomatoes in our truck garden today.
Thursday, Feb. 19, 1931
Papa took 12 doz. egg off & got 12¢ a doz. Tonight is Poultry meeting. Papa went, there was about 24 people there. Speakers were Frank Schwim, Ed Parker, Henry Braun & a Commission man from St. Louis.
Friday, Dec. 12, 1930
Today is Emil Brand’s birthday. Bertille baked honey cookies this morning. This afternoon we all went up in the woods. I seen in the Waterloo Times that George Wiegand of Hecker Ills., has a new Plymouth Coupe. Hugo Schroeder of St. Louis was in a accident Tuesday evening a machine collided with him on the Hard Road by Coxeyvile. Leona baked some pinwheel cookies this afternoon for Christmas. Herman Geodelle & Ray Crook had a accident too Tuesday evening. The machines were both damaged & Crook had a cut in his hand. A baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Nick Meuth on Dec. 2 & a baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Brinkman sponsor were Mr. & Mrs. George Welzbacher. Its name is Sylveria[?] Elizabeth it was baptized in Waterloo Sunday. In Red Bud it is reported have 30 cases of scarlet fever & it also is spreading out in the country now, the way the paper says. The Co. commissions to 3 surveys for the hard road to Hecker & sent them up to Springfield. One was the old road & thru Lord’s Corner down to Athens, & one north, & another still further north, straight east from Waterloo.
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1930
We are butchering one hog today. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for lunch & dinner. Steve Rennecker was over this morning also a little while. This afternoon Aunt Mary & Bertille went to Mrs. Rausch funeral. There were so many people there so we just went as far as the house, because the church would of been crowded anyway. It was an awful large funeral. Miss Elsie Rausch is going to go down by Mrs. Brauns now the way we heard. We were going out to Uncle Fred’s, Aunt Mary’s & met then coming to our place, right by the cemetery, so we turned around & came back home again, we were going out to listen to their radio, but there receiver didn’t work, so they brought it up this evening, so we could take it along to Belleville tomorrow. They want to get one now from Philip Braun’s, so when they got there Mrs. Braun wasn’t at home, she went along over to St. Louis with Victor & the rest didn’t know were it was at, so Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred came down again. I seen in the paper that Miss Emma Baetje from Smithton died.
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1930
Aunt Mary called up this morning and said we should come out they had company from St. Louis. So this afternoon we went out there. Mr. & Mrs. Val Adams & children Ellen & Eugene & Mrs. Frank Dudenhoeffer from St. Louis were there, but they couldn’t stay very long on account of Val had to start work at 5:30. We had lunch out there. Uncle Fred & Papa sawed our barrel in two after the company left. Tonight is a dance down at Wiegand’s place, Herzog & Schultz is giving it. Herzog wants to advertise his music, we have an invitation but we ain’t going. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went.
Monday, Sept. 8, 1930
Today is Cletus Buehler’s birthday. Leona called up this afternoon to come out this evening and peel apples. So we went out. The rest helping present were, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle & Rayomond & 2 Lenhardts boys, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reheis & family, Joe Geodelle & wife, Dan Geodelle & family, Edna Geodelle & husband & children from St. Louis, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Birkner. We peeled 4 bus. of apples. We found 16 eggs today.
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