Friday, May 25, 1934

Mr. Kolmer was here yesterday, looking for seed corn, we had none. Miss Ethel Deuker of Washington Park, E. St. Louis, is recently recovering from an operation on appendix. Mrs. Fred Papenberg is a patient at hospital in Belleville for a day, Dr. Wagner gave her gas, to pull all the upper teeth but 6 out, every one has an abscess on, she has awful trouble with them. Miss Bessie Parker, is very ill with cold. Aunt Mary says the frost killed watermelon, pickle & few tomatoe [sic] plants, last night, everything is OK here. Lester Gregson while hauling milk one day last week, had a wreck, another car, going in the same direction, hit the back of his truck, he now has it repaired, the other car was a total wreck, all damaged, no one was hurt. We took Uncle’s ladder & things home this evening.

Thursday, July 21, 1932

Papa went riding with the horse this morning. He went to see Jac. Reheis, he has a cow he wanted to sell, then he went to a couple of other places. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon & we helped them house clean, scrubbed all the rooms. We all had lunch there. Eggs are 9¢ today. Steve came over a little while then him & papa & George Wagner went to telephone meeting at H. M. Hill’s, thats all that was present, we now only got 6 members, Ed Watchel & Mrs. Dueker dropped off.

Tuesday, June 9, 1931

Papa is going to take the truck to Bill Fristche’s & get the bor fixed on it.  We are washing today.  Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the last load of corn.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went down & cleaned the cemetery this evening.  There where 2 weddings last Sat. from Hecker, Harold Dueker married a girl from St. Louis, & Edwin Reheis married Florence Voges.

Thursday, March 19, 1931

We all went to church this morning.  Papa went to Red Bud, & he stopped in at John Braun’s.  This afternoon Papa went out to help Henry in the woods.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon to clean & spade the paths in their garden.  Clifford was here & got a setting of Reds’ eggs for 25¢, eggs are 16¢ at the store.  Henry came up & him & Papa went to the milk meeting in the new school hall.  They also had a milk house on a truck here too, it was 6 x 8 ft.  Mrs. Duecker got a spell again this afternoon, they called for the doctor twice.