We left early & went to Waterloo church, after that we drove out to Louis Vogt’s to look at a horse, Henry & Henry Brinkman went along, went to Reichscheider’s, & to Bill Freunds, papa paid his bill, $22.81 chev repair & Bill $5.00 labor on it. In Red Bud first mass was at 5:30 high at 7:30 and solmen [sic – solemn] comunion [sic], & confirmation was at 10 o clock. It is awful warm again today. We went out to Uncle Freds, but no body home there, they where at Oscar’s; so we went to the cemetery, it is awful weedy there, Ignat Neff & Roth had there lots cleaned, so we drove to Ed Cortner’s & papa looked at his barn, he wasn’t at home, down in the creek bottom plowing. Mr. Hill was here & at the neighbors collecting news.
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1933
Bertille baked cookies this morn. We washed & fried down saussage [sic.] this afternoon. It is awful cold, 10 above zero, report is it should be 6 below tomorrow morning. Papa went up to Eichenseer’s got the alchol [sic] tested & got some put in it. They told him up there that Mr. John Hepp died some time this morning, & that Mrs. Cecil Budde nee Starr only child of Mr. Percy Starr shot herself yesterday evening around 6′ o clock, Fr. Adyt said that it was going to be a private funeral & will be buried in Hecker Catholic Cemetery. The Mueth’s boys where at Hill’s today. Josie is awful sick now, had the doctor out Sunday. The St. Mary & Martha Society of Waterloo are givin card party.
Monday, May 9, 1932
We had wash day. Papa went out on business trip today. Mr. Escker, fellow living on Cowell’s farm was here & look at our colts. Eggs are 9¢. Papa took 21 doz. to the store. There where a bunch of men working at the church property today, plowing, sowing in soy beans. The cemetery is about fixed the way he wants it, chat walk or drive.
Friday, Oct. 23, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went down & cleaned our truck patch this morning, we have our green tomatoes all picked. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day & pulled there turnips up, some of them, they tried to deliver some around town, but couldn’t sell many, some to Mrs. Dueker & Mrs. Ahrens, that all they sold. The egg man came this afternoon he got our 8 doz. eggs & 1 bu. pears, from Uncle Fred, & they took 14¾ lbs. of springs along for 194, that’s the price at Lipperts. Eggs came down a ¢ in the paper, they are 25¢ today. We pulled our turnips out & put them in the cellar, what we had by the roadside. They rung over the lines last night that John Schmidt the tinner, he used to be at Waterloo died & would be buried Sat. afternoon, & also that Geo. Boll has shooting match Sun. for ducks & geese. Carl Quathmer also has shooting match Sun. Willie Reagean’s, quite a few Sunday. They worked at the cemetery agan today, Braun, Grossheim, Schaefer had the teams.
Thursday, Sept. 10, 1931
Mrs. William Braun, nee Schilling will be buried today, leaving the house at 8:30, church at 9, then to the cemetery. She was 35 yrs. old & has 7 children living & 4 dead. Henry & Leona, Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille all went to the funeral it was a large one, we went to the house, church, cemetery. Fr. Janssen of Smithon [sic] had the ceremony, he had a wedding in the home first, Frank Kroll got married. Fr. Grooten is awful bad sick with nervous breakdown. Papa took care of the kids this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. All the Schillings where out today, Jonny, Sam, Gabriel, Martin, Joe, & George, all at the funeral, Degenhardts, Natz, Mosbacher 1 daughters.
Uncle Fred & Papa went to help Roy Staunfbiel get his father’s coping from the cemetery this afternoon. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here to see if she could get a ride home from Belleville on the 15 of Sept. She & papa have to go in to be witness on Val. Fristche’s will, to snigfy [sic] there writing. The egg man was here again from St. Louis, but we didn’t have any. Henry & family where up this evening, he paid his threshing bill.
Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1931
Aunt Mary gave us some pickles, & we canned 2 qts. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s to help can peaches, 9 qts. & 4 qts. beans, 6 pints pickles, she canned 16 qts tomatoes, got them from Aunt Lizzie for nothing, all real big tomatoes. We had dinner there. Papa was hauling wood. Osie Neff was here & Clifford Stalbber was here & got 2½ doz. eggs @ 18¢. There a lot of people working at the cemetery trying to help get it leveled off before tomorrow. Today is Creses birthday 19 yrs. old.
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