Friday, Jan. 3, 1936

Pap & Rob went up split wood, near the woods. Rob. got the mail. William Smith of St. Louis, & Berniece [sic] Mehrmann of Waterloo marriage license were in the paper, but Clem Parker’s wasn’t in. Henry called this morning said Leona was sleeping when he left, she is still in Waterloo yet.

Thursday, May 23, 1935

Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.

Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1935

We washed, ironed; fried in sausage & ribs etc. Rose got a letter from Margaret McDermott, stating that there will be a card party tomorrow nite at Donahue’s, given by Tiptown Parish. George Wagner got doz. eggs @ 24¢. Renneckers boarder is leaving tomorrow for St. Louis, Mr. Smith, he has a higher position with St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy]. Saymenger of below Red Bud, has his job at the station here now, has been working for last 4 days. The Fire House & City Hall is nearly completed now, except the roofing yet.

Saturday, Oct. 13, 1934

Henry came finished sewing wheat this afternoon. Emil didn’t help today, papa sewed. Henry had lunch, dinner. Mr. Sheriff Gauen got another ham 12 lb. & ½ bu. sweet potatoes. A guy here to sell Skill gas stoves, working for the Utility Co. of Waterloo. Harry Wittenauer got bu. sweet potatoes $1.00. this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were to Red Bud brought 2 sacks hog along for us. Henry & family came, kids stayed here & they went to Belleville to the stores are open till 8 o clock. Papa got crushing done. Mr. George Schilling left last Sat. for an extended trip in the East to Fort Wayne Indiana. Bill Refescheinder of Waterloo is celebrating his birthday at Pautler’s tonite. Adm. gent 25¢ ladies free. Moonlighters [playing]. Elmer Matthews has one in Foster Pond tonight. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker, & boarder Mr. Smith went out this evening.

Friday, Oct. 12, 1934

Henry & Emil came again, had lunch, dinner, lunch. Mrs. Rennecker has 3 extra men for dinner every day, besides her board, Mr. Eugene Smith of below Sparta, they are men that are figureing out the books at the station, the paper says that Albert Griffin has resigned for a highter position, some says he is going to school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, she bought a 3 lb. chicken & dressed it ready for tomorrow. Melvin Wagner was over awhile. We baked pumpkin pie. The banks are all closed today Columbus Day.

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1934

Cooked kettle soap. A man here wanted to clean cess pools. Fournie bros. here wanted to know if Uncle Fred still had his spring harrow for sale yet, they went out there. Henry & Leona came up he broke a piece on his harrow. Papa hauled wood. Henry came got the rest of the hay. We went out to Uncle Fred’s took them along to Paderborn euchre; Pap & Bert each got pillow cases, 10 points the rest got nothing had 7 points; played 14 games & dance after musci [sic] by Rheinhardt’s; nice prizes, quilt was raffled to a Smith from Waterloo; large crowd there.

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1934

Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load wheat. Mrs. Rennecker has a boarder Ferd [Fred?] Smith. The St. Augustine Parish are having a euchre, lotto, pinochle; tonight; in the hall. We cooked kettle soap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre, Rosalia had 8 points, she got a glass & plate, the rest of us got nothing had 7 points. Cecilia Coop won attendance prize, pillow cases. Mr. Albert Griffin was fired at the St. Louis Dairy Station here, another guy Smith got on his place. Frank Hilpert’s wedding ann. today.

Friday, Feb. 10, 1933

It is a year ago today that Mrs. Ed Neff died. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day for dinner & supper, she helped to quilt. Mr. John Hepp 75 yrs. old resident of Hecker, for a few months was buried this afternoon, with ceremony at the house & taken to Stehefest cemetery, the bell tolling as they left the house. Eggs are 9¢ in town today. Mr. Arthur S. Budde passed by here today, most probably he was out at the cemetery, the paper has a big piece about it, she shot herself while seating in a rocking chair in the parlor. Dr. Smith & Mr. Budde where the only one present at the inquest, it was private. It is snowing this evening. Mr. Barney Deken of Waterloo, died Feb. 6, aged 74 yrs., was buried Wed. morning; his wife nee Geodelle, her first husband was Henry Brueggman & he passed away just 25 yrs. ago on Feb. 6, same day as he died. Tiptown congreation [sic] is giving a euchre & pie social next Mon. evening. Mr. Alfred Kohler & Miss Margaret Wiersham where married at Harrisonville on Feb. 8, Wed. morning, the attendants where Armin Wierschem brother of bride & Anna Marie Parker cousins to groom, he is the son of Alvanna Kohler of Waterloo, just relatives attended. Mr. Henry Schrader was operated Tues. morning in East St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Heyl & children & Mrs. Henry Fenere left for Alabama last Sat. to visits at the home of E. J. Brand, & Dr. Kessler, they arrived safely after covering 525 miles, a most pleasant trip.

Saturday, Dec. 24, 1932

We went to Red Bud to church this afternoon. It is an awful south wind, we put some of our meat, ribs & backbones in salt water, it is so warm. Mr. & Mrs. Hill both have such severe cold; got doctor, Smith & Eckert. Emmie Eckert has a carbuncle under her arm as big as a hen egg. We got a Christmas Greeting from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dudenhoeffer. Henry & family came up this evening, stayed all night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t come they both have the flu.

Monday, Feb. 9, 1931

Today is Thirteen Hour Adoration.  Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up then he went home.  Henry & family were up too.  Aunt Mary was here for dinner then they sewed a dress for Rosalia, until it was her hour to go to church.  Uncle Fred came up & got her again this eve.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church to the closing.  There were 3 priests, one was the Smithton priest.  Bertille was at Mamie’s to get her dress pattern, & then she went to Ted Eichenseer’s & got it from her.  Mrs. Deuker is on the sick list.  Ethel called for Dr. Smith from Red Bud this evening.  Papa took 12 doz. eggs to store this afternoon & got 13¢ some price.