Nice day, cool. Went to mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile, Emil came to pay there then rent. Pap was invited out to Ganley’s to stag party; he didn’t go. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went to Scottfield, & places.
Saturday, April 29, 1939
Nice today. Went to sale Marquardts this afternoon & to church at Waterloo. Wittenauers are working ground here for corn; plowing & harrowing. Floyd had blood poison last week; alright again now.
Friday, April 28, 1939
Cool day. Went to Belleville took 2 hogs along $6.75 – 435 lbs. Bert [Bertille] planted all the house flowers out today. cut lawn.
Thursday, April 27, 1939
Worked garden, planted house flowers of basement out; nice day gool. Mauff was here, we got oranges & bananas, cut lawn & trimmed it; washed woodwork on back porch, & put screens on, dining room window. Leo & family came brought gal cheese along. Bill [Klein] came also.
Wednesday, April 26, 1939
Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen etc. Pap worked garden cooked kettle soap; went fishing this afternoon, got 6 nice fish. “Susie Gal of Hills,” playing for a dance at Log Cabin Sat. nite & her gang. Ball players having a dance at White Pine Thurs. nite at Hirst corner, free dance & fish fry. Karl Boll was here on business for Ralph Etling.
Monday, April 24, 1939
Washed, ironed, cleaned front room put up screens. Pap cut lawn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, worked in garden. Paderborn school children have there play tonite. Bill [Klein] came & Leo & family, brought Marita here to stayed all nite, & rest of us went to play, sure was good; had dance after musci [sic] by Rheinhardts, Schoenborn band; had awful crowd.
Sunday, April 23, 1939
Went to Paderborn mass, went to Leo’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were there too all day. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to church this afternoon; at Paderborn. There was a bad accident by Log Cabin Frid. morn. early, 1 being killed James Moore & Ray Roscow & Seifert boy are in hospital, not in very good condition, Roscow is unconsicous [sic].
Saturday, April 22, 1939
Nice today, hot in sun. Leo & family came went with them to Ganley’s to Crowe’s sale, awful crowd things brought pretty good price they stayed for lunch. Tony Hoef was sale cryer & Frank Crowe clerk. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this eve. awhile, roads good.
Friday, April 21, 1939
Cloudy & still cold wind, rained heavy again last nite. Pap was by Emil awhile this morn. He said that wasn’t so that Mrs. Threfall was married, he back out. There was about 12 cars & 5 trucks loads people went by yelling etc; guess they went over to city for ball game which is now going on over there, starting last Mon. Wild of Waterloo sale cryer passed away, being sick just a week. Levi Gregson’s & Emil attended Tipton euchre last Wed. nite reported having had such a good time, arriving home at 4:30. Temperatures these days being around 40 [degrees] & raining.
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