Sunday, April 23, 1939

Went to Paderborn mass, went to Leo’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were there too all day. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to church this afternoon; at Paderborn. There was a bad accident by Log Cabin Frid. morn. early, 1 being killed James Moore & Ray Roscow & Seifert boy are in hospital, not in very good condition, Roscow is unconsicous [sic].

Wednesday, June 8, 1938

Bert [Bertille] came home this eve & tomorrow, going back [to sister Rosalia’s house] again. Noel Roscow & Agnes Gregson getting married tomorrow. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gregson best.

Tuesday, April 5, 1938

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary] & Bert [Bertille] went to Mrs. Griffins funeral she was 31 yrs. old. pallbearers were Noel Roscow, Gus Frisch, Wm. Harbaugh; 3 fellows from her side, from Freeburg. Had a Solemn Requeim [sic] Mass; by Aydt, Orlet, & Shoemaker, who gave her the Catholic Instructions. Fr. Aydt had a very nice sermon, church was crowded, buried her at Waterloo cemetery were the twins are also buried; 2 girls. Henry came brought the truck & got his car; got $9.25 for his calf. Steve Stiffler came this eve.

Sunday, Sept. 26, 1937

Went to Red Bud took Roscow’s along to church, have 2 collections every Sun. during mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, they went in to Waterloo see Milly Kroll also Mrs. Schrader. Mrs. Nick Welzbacher’s mother; was also laid out. Totsches have free dance.

Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1937

Washed, ironed, patched, canned 5 qts peaches. Its awful hot this afternoon. Hy Birkner’s – Glenn had a song sung for him today, birthday is Sat; was requested by a friend from Belleville, on Gypsy Joes program. At Oscar’s moving yesterday they had 2 kegs beer & case root beer. At the Tipton pinic [sic], $100 – went to a fellow from Joulit [Joliet?] $35 to Dorthy Burkhardt, at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came we went along to Red Bud church pinic [sic], had supper there – 50¢; lots chicken, was pretty good supper, nice crowd. The quilt that was raffled was won by Norbert Seifert, pillow slips to Perryville Mo; center piece to Kaffoi. Stella Roscow won a beautiful quilt playing bluey, & Ben Mudd, from St. Louis, won 2 at bluey stand, sure some luck, they also played for cash, & pillow slips; we didn’t win a thing.

Thursday, March 18, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, pap went along in to Belleville, to attend Mrs. Kate Buehlers funeral from Reumer’s [Funeral Home] to Ruma Church, at 9 o’clock; there were 8 cars from Belleville. Pallbearers from Ruma Congregation, pretty large funeral quite a few people of around here went down to Ruma. She was keeping house for an Ins. [Insurance] Man at Belleville, the children all had to come in there this afternoon & get her clothes & things at that place. Lena Meng came over to see Uncle Fred on business. Pap took the team, went after load of posts. Eppinger was here again but pap didn’t want to sell it today, he has a sore leg, limbs. Mrs. Staufenbiels said today that Alice Brand in California was going to buy land & house on it  & more. Miss Stella Roscow is visiting down at California now, at Kern’s, she is going by Alice.

Wednesday, July 30, 1936

Cooler this morn. Hy. Weigand has a new Ford V-8. Noel Roscow has sale of implements & household articles this afternoon, Percy Starr auctioneer. Tipton has church pinic [sic], chicken supper. Prairie Du Rocher band playing music. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went to Roscow’s sale, bought a rocking porch chair 60¢. things was all pretty old. Henry & family went to the sale to. Place looks terrible.

Monday, Oct. 14, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she & Rose & Berti went to church funeral mass of Mrs. Griffin, we went up to see her last nite; looks natural & had the most beautiful flowers & so many room nearly filled; the church was crowded; Dashner Undertaker, four sons, Steve, Ed, Joe & Albert & Noel Roscow & Wm. Harbaugh were pallbearers; & Mr. Griffin, & Pearl, surviving; didn’t open it in church. Mr. Hill came got the telephone dues. Mr. Bill Lehr flus inspector was here, our chimney needs repairing. We went out helped Leona wash, took ours along to; finished it all up; cleaned kitchen. Eggs 25¢. Wm. Ganley came paid interest; stayed awhile.

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1935

Canning peaches. Papa went up in the woods; this morn, & afternoon; counted trees what they cut down. Henry & Mr & Mrs Cleveland went to Centralia after peaches today; left 5:30 this morning. The motor cop examined the track what Wittenauer made, & said they should measure it, so pap did & it was 100 ft. were the colt was throwed. Tonite is Coummity [sic] Pinic [sic] in Red Bud Band concert & drawing of tickets, boxing wrestling matches, & dance in City Hall beginning at 10’o clock; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Red Bud, to the drawing. Mrs. Leonard Hoef won $7.50 in trade; in 10¢ ticket, Rosalia won a box paint & polish & radiator cleaner for Machines; in 10¢ ticket & Rita Pour & Mrs. Wm. Keonistien were among the winners from Hecker, also Noell Roscow; between drawings was tap dancing by A. Buchreon’s kids & singing by Box Chorus, with Dr. Schmidts wife Director, & 3 boys sang “Home on the Range,” “Isle of Carie” & “Old MacDonalds Farm,” Shade of the Old Apple Tree. Drawing of $1.00 tickets, Henry Steibel winning the $15.00 in trade, had all nice prizes, & large crowd present.

Sunday, Aug. 18, 1935

Went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon for the firemen’s pinic [sic]. Mr. Barnphole of Okawville came & pap went along out to Henry’s with him, had a little argument about the colt out there; then went to Red Bud to see Becker Ins. agent. We went to the pinic [sic] about 4 oclock, & nothing much doing, but they had a big crowd in the evening; had 400 lbs. fish, all gone, sold all the books, $150. – chances, the prizes were raffled about 11 o’clock & were won – Enamel Heater – Wm Kemp of New Athens R2, $10.00 cash, party from Belleville, fancy quilt to Noel Roscow $5 cash – Mrs. L. Deuker Belleville, 100 lbs. flour – Joe Griffin Hecker, fancy quilt – Mascoutah – case Mound City Beer, Olivia Gregson 50 lbs. flour – Reitz – Waterloo, case Beer – New Athens – 1 ton coal Helen Miles – Belleville. The dance was crowded, Pals of Harmony, Horse Prairie in the afternoon, & Probsts from Athens called in. Aunt Mary got blanket playing bluey. Dudenhoeffer were out to. Henry & Leona went along to Belleville with Walter & Hilda took her home, the kids stayed here all night.