Thursday, March 18, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, pap went along in to Belleville, to attend Mrs. Kate Buehlers funeral from Reumer’s [Funeral Home] to Ruma Church, at 9 o’clock; there were 8 cars from Belleville. Pallbearers from Ruma Congregation, pretty large funeral quite a few people of around here went down to Ruma. She was keeping house for an Ins. [Insurance] Man at Belleville, the children all had to come in there this afternoon & get her clothes & things at that place. Lena Meng came over to see Uncle Fred on business. Pap took the team, went after load of posts. Eppinger was here again but pap didn’t want to sell it today, he has a sore leg, limbs. Mrs. Staufenbiels said today that Alice Brand in California was going to buy land & house on it  & more. Miss Stella Roscow is visiting down at California now, at Kern’s, she is going by Alice.

Tuesday, Aug. 28, 1934

We went dug 3 bus. potatoes this morning; stopped at Henry’s, a little, brought our 3rd along too. The Ruma church pinic [sic], was postponed, last Tues. till today, on account of weather. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Ruma pinic [sic], but it was very cool; took chance on pillow slips but didn’t win them. Red Bud band furnished musci; met all the Myerscough’s; Aunt May, etc.