Thursday, Oct. 31, 1935

Halloween. Leona came & got the boy’s; they came home from the wedding, about 12 o’clock, Hilda’s dad didn’t come over; in the evening. Gus, Dan & Geo. Geodelle’s families were there, & Mrs. Susenwind & family were there all day; swell supper & beautiful cakes, 2 kegs beer. Started painting the houses, window frames today; Pap went to Red Bud got oil & things, chick feed. Walter & Hilda got 1 bedroom no kitchen, furniture from Querheim. Henry brought load corn. We went to Belleville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she won a quilt last night, playing 1 gamelotto.

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1935

Leona brought Billy [Willis] up to stay till tomorrow. Walter Reheis 30 & Hilda Klube 29 are being married in priest house by F. Eshmann Waterloo Ill. Henry & Leona as attendants, at 2:30 this afternoon. Hilda has a green dress & Black hat, & assesories [sic] & Leona dark rust dress & hat, black shoes; the men dark suits; going to have yellow & rust colored bouquets, it is also Annies 38 birthday; the supper is to be served 4:30 at Reheis for close relatives, brothers & sisters. Jake’s wife is to bake the cake, good supper. Mr. Wm. Gregson’s who lives in Gambach’s place, here are moving to W.C. Heyls farm today. Christ Buehler’s truck, Levis & Mrs. Renneker are helping to move them. The Young ladies are sodality of Hecker parish are giving a euchre party at school hall tonite; second for this month already. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here first then went; we didn’t go. Rose got the boys from school & did Henry’s work, feeding & milking; then came home, boys stayed all night. Alois Havey & Stockel of Waterloo, fixed our chimney, cleaned furnace, took pipe out & etc.

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1935

Pap went out in the woods. Ironed, & patched today. A guy here selling apples, we took ½ bu. for Leona, 50¢ bus. & 85¢ bu. Clara Wagner got 1 doz. eggs. Sure nice weather again so warm.

Monday, Oct. 28, 1935

We washed, cloudy day. Papa is making axe handles. Henry brought load corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while just came from Belleville. Rain again this evening. John Whitesides & Hilda Boll have a little baby boy 10½ lbs. Hugo Probst’s are going to call there boy Wayne; Lena said. Mrs. Emil Bestman is in Red Bud Hospital, appendix trouble.

Sunday, Oct. 27, 1935

Raining all morning. Went to church, took Helfrichs along, he gave us ½ gal. molasses; & Boy it is good. Henry & family came all day, had dinner & supper. We went to a free dance at Oak Grove tonite, wasn’t much, Cowell’s Orch. played. Birkners didn’t get to town today, to much mud she said; & still a raining.

Saturday, Oct. 26, 1935

Pap got haircut, & got crushing done; took string down to Mike Armstutz, he is shocking corn today. Cloudy today. We baked cake & mince pie; Pap hauled home corn fodder 2 loads. Hy. brought corn 2½ sacks. We washed chev; pap took it to Probsts & got it repaired. Alois Havey was here, pap spoke to him about chimney fixing, he will next Mon. afternoon if the weather is O.K. Bertille got a letter from R. Pautler, everything O.K. for a free birthday dance there on the Nov. 3. Cowboy of Rythm [sic] to play. Hot Dogs. Eggs 27¢. now.

Friday, Oct. 25, 1935

Papa went up in the woods. An ex cripple soldier was here, with basket, 10¢ 25¢ store, we didn’t buy anything. We all went in woods this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this evening. The paper says that Wm. Gregson of this city will moved to the W.C. Heyls farm recently vacated by Phil Mueth.  The W.P.A. project work is to commence today at the Waterloo Park, trees shrubbery, to be planted etc; tennis & ball grounds. Frank Mechler superintendent of the work.

Thursday, Oct. 24, 1935

Papa went in the woods this morning. Henry brought a load corn; nice day, warm; Wheat sign up meeting at Kammlers Hall this morning; to fill application blanks. Armin Geodelle has a new ford card. V-8. Mr. Wolf real estate agent of Freeburg was here to see papa. We all went up in woods this afternoon, made wood. Hilda Klube is at Reheis’s since last Thurs; they are putting a new floor in part of house; Geo. Reheis is helping; Walter, Hilda & Annie, were up through town this afternoon; they are to be married on Oct. 30, Annie Birthday.

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1935

Papa worked in the woods. We made quilt patches. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Pautler’s to Norma’s Geodelles & Otto Stadel wedding dance, & Boy! was it a crowd; she got a few presents, going to leave next Wed. for South Dakota. Moonlight Orch. played.

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1935

Papa went in the woods this afternoon, colder & raining tonite. Rose finished her dress. Berti baked cookies. Hugo Probst’s have a baby boy 9½ lb; born last nite.