Monday, Oct. 28, 1935

We washed, cloudy day. Papa is making axe handles. Henry brought load corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while just came from Belleville. Rain again this evening. John Whitesides & Hilda Boll have a little baby boy 10½ lbs. Hugo Probst’s are going to call there boy Wayne; Lena said. Mrs. Emil Bestman is in Red Bud Hospital, appendix trouble.

Friday, Feb. 8, 1935

Baked cake, cleaned basement; Chicago Mail Order came today. Mrs. Harry Crook of Waterloo has a baby boy, now three, Mr. Crook passed away several weeks ago. Mr. & Mrs. Authur [sic] Bestmann had there baby girl christened last Sun. by Kochkeim, Helen Olivia, Emil Bestman & Oliv Geodelle sponsors. Bertie took Mrs. Renneckers patterns home.

Monday, Oct. 13, 1930

Today the banks are closed on account of Columbus Day yesterday.  Wm. Meister Jr. was here this morning and looked at our horses, he bought them both for $45.00.  Mr. Burkhardt was here this morning too.  Mr. Meister rode the horses home so Papa had to take his truck home.  Rosalia had to take the Whippet and get Papa.  They was up by Coxeyville.  Bertille went out to Henry’s.  She helped Leona wash this afternoon.  We washed and ironed this morning.  Henry & family were at Peter Reheis yesterday.  Frank Dudenhoeffer and wife, George Duscan, Lester Hoefner & wife, daughter Virginia, Val Adam & family, Louis Dudenhoeffer family from St. Louis & Shads from Columbia, Jake Reheis & family, Gus Geodell & family, Edwin Reheis & Emil Bestman were all there.  We found 38 eggs today.  Edwin Watchel had a accident last night, but he isn’t hurt, the machine is smashed & bent up every which way.  He hit another car & turned his over in the ditch by Grossheim’s it happened.  Rosalia took 3 doz. eggs off & got .25¢ a doz.

Thursday, August 28, 1930

Papa went to cut corn but he came back about 8:30.  Bertille went up town to get coal oil and a few things.  Mrs. Ed Meng & Clifford went to do Belleville shopping and visiting today.  Papa went back to see Hempe’s after dinner.  I seen in the paper that Mr. & Mrs. Anselm Krehrer celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary on Sun. Aug. 24.  All the relatives gathered to take part in the happy event.  Rebumen [Ruben?] Kammler and a Dr. from Belleville motored to the Ozarks over the weekend.  This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s to help him unload & carry their victrola in the house.  They were at Belleville this afternoon and bought one from Rhein’s for $10.00 with 18 records.  They have 2 right nice pieces they are, “You Don’t It Not Much.” & “Lonesome Tonight.”  Bertille read in the Republican paper Mr. Henry Eichleman & Doris Einwich were married Aug. 26 in Rev. Eschman’s parsonage.  They took a honeymoon trip to South Dakota.  Mrs. Elizabeth Krack died she was 88 years old.  If she would of lived until Sunday she would have been 89 years.  She stayed by Mrs. Hy. Hellmer her daughter.  She was buried last Thursday morning.  Otto Susewind & Catherine Schafer close friends of Ewinich and Eichleman were best man and bridesmaid.  I seen in the paper that Hy. Biffar had a weed fire.  It destroyed the house & barn on the premises of the Ahern Bros. who reside in St. Louis.  With the help of some farmers ploying furrows around tracts.  Besides the buildings, quite a bit of hay in the barn was also burned.  Mrs. Alvin Franke nee Geodelle died and was buried Monday.  She was 37 years old.  And is survived by her husband & 2 children one son Hamilton and daughter Mary Louise.  She also leaves four brothers Emil & Ted of St. Louis and Victor & Jacob of Waterloo & 4 sisters Mrs. Wm. Kolmer, Mrs. L. Matzenbacher, Mrs. Art. Bestman & Miss Olivia all of Waterloo, Ill.  Mrs. Cornelia Petria is working at the knitting mill.