Thursday, Oct. 12, 1939

Columbus Day. Pap hauled 2 loads wood down today. Went to Waterloo this afternoon, got mash etc. Bert [Bertille] baked molasses cookies, cooked catsup. Awful cold tonite. Henry wants to finished with wheat today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. he got the broken glass from Emils front door that broke Sun. have another glass put in now.

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1938

Columbus Day. We wormed our pullets this morn. John Frish – Gus dad was found in chair, pulling potatoes & died was found that way when Gus came home last nite. Bert [Bertille] made some more Mince Meat. Besse of Millsdadt [sic] bought 4 bu. & 20 lbs. potatoes & 75 [cents] hundred. $1.96.

Friday, Oct. 12, 1934

Henry & Emil came again, had lunch, dinner, lunch. Mrs. Rennecker has 3 extra men for dinner every day, besides her board, Mr. Eugene Smith of below Sparta, they are men that are figureing out the books at the station, the paper says that Albert Griffin has resigned for a highter position, some says he is going to school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, she bought a 3 lb. chicken & dressed it ready for tomorrow. Melvin Wagner was over awhile. We baked pumpkin pie. The banks are all closed today Columbus Day.

Thursday, Oct. 12, 1933

Columbus Day. It is cloudy. No School. We went to Belleville came home cleaned house, waxed floors. Papa went to the tax meeting in the Public School, 9 men there. Hill, Rausch, Wiegand Speakers.

Monday, Oct. 12, 1931

This week there is a Mystic Western Show & vaudeville in Kammler’s Hall, all week, adm. 10 & 25¢.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & Papa went to Waterloo on business.  They heard Mrs. Hempe had died & was buried this morn. at Tiptown.  Rev. Fr. Beelman also was buried this morn. at Belleville, he was at present pastor of St. at Elizabethtown, & a few years back was at Paderborn.  The children of the paraochial [sic] school where dismissed today, on account of Coloumbus [sic] Day.  It rained mostly all day.  The egg man stopped but didn’t take the eggs today, he had too many, we had 12 doz. for him, so will have to save them for Thurs.

Monday, Oct. 13, 1930

Today the banks are closed on account of Columbus Day yesterday.  Wm. Meister Jr. was here this morning and looked at our horses, he bought them both for $45.00.  Mr. Burkhardt was here this morning too.  Mr. Meister rode the horses home so Papa had to take his truck home.  Rosalia had to take the Whippet and get Papa.  They was up by Coxeyville.  Bertille went out to Henry’s.  She helped Leona wash this afternoon.  We washed and ironed this morning.  Henry & family were at Peter Reheis yesterday.  Frank Dudenhoeffer and wife, George Duscan, Lester Hoefner & wife, daughter Virginia, Val Adam & family, Louis Dudenhoeffer family from St. Louis & Shads from Columbia, Jake Reheis & family, Gus Geodell & family, Edwin Reheis & Emil Bestman were all there.  We found 38 eggs today.  Edwin Watchel had a accident last night, but he isn’t hurt, the machine is smashed & bent up every which way.  He hit another car & turned his over in the ditch by Grossheim’s it happened.  Rosalia took 3 doz. eggs off & got .25¢ a doz.