Friday, Oct. 20, 1939

Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen. Klein of Edwardsville was here looking for large white oak trees, we haven’t none. H. Wittenauer schocked 2 loads corn, 1 here & took 1 along home. Henry brought load up to. They say Cortners Lawrence they shocked 5 loads, a day 150 bu. to load; corn is very good. John Klein came bought sow & 9 pigs $55.00. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] went to dentist at Athens left Marita here; they were out at Henry’s last nite. He [Henry] took Rob & Floyd out of school, went to Public School again started today, he says going to see Fr. Aydt tonite with his boys.

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1937

Washed, ironed, scrubbed basement. Pap went out all day on business trip. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he went to Public School had auction sale – toilets etc.; he bought the 2 for $3.55 cheap. they have new ones in down there now; sold the old one; 8 oclock sale. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came was going to go to A. [Aunt] Mary’s, but they were here, so we played 5 hand pinochle. Kettler won county commissioner. Weigand went down salt lake, he won in the precincts around here, but no where else. Olive Laut came, got ½ bu. turnips.

Thursday, April 8, 1937

Ironed curtains, patched. Roman Meng the acessor [sic] was here. Steve Rennecker brought the boards back what he got for papering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to Waterloo to Wihelm’s sale, bought flower pots, got free can paint at Hamacher’s, advertising, also got chance to win 3 articles to be raffled tonite there. Received the benefit check – $102.03. Raining & colder this eve. Literary in Public School tonite; speaking by H. Hill, Sup of Schools of Belleville. Birkners Och. & Dor. & Osc. Lippert. Eggs .20¢ today. Wheat $1.39.

Wednesday, May 1, 1935

Schools Public are out today, with pinics [sic]. Papa went on a trip, Red Bud, Waterloo, paid pew rent $10.00, & gave Father the quilt that we made, to donate to the church, Goose Track. Mrs. Donahue was buried this morning Tiptown & Kirsh this afternoon at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up; We went to church. May Devotion tonite; Paderborn Church is giving a euchre this evening. Boy! did it rain, about 1:30, thunder, terrible wind storm, blew some more shingles of the roof; also Fred Eichenseers little house. We cut lawn trimmed everything this morning. Patched this afternoon.

Saturday, Jan. 19, 1935

There is telephone general election this afternoon, we heard, Mrs. Dueker has an application in for the board, & 2 others, but old officers & Liz Boll were reelected. There is a sale at the Public School, old chairs & benches, school desks, piano Wm. Birkner got for $2.25 to make butchering table. Rob Laut got hay. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & son & Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Laut & son, were visiting here this evening, the men enjoyed in a solo game & ladies pinochle; what a time. Mrs. Watchel held 1500 trumps in diamonds. Miss Edith Klinckhadt is employed as wash maid at Roy Staufenbiel. All getting along O.K.

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1933

Mr. Hill was around gathering news. George Wagner’s birthday was yesterday & Bernice today. They also had a program at the Public School last nite. There was a lady here selling “German Cleaner.” Mr. Ed. Weber, & Louis Armstutz was around get signers for the fire protection in Hecker, 10¢ mo.; they are going to use the fire engine, have 6 active members; Papa paid up for 1 year starting Jan. Leona send the bread along up with Helfrich today. We washed; fried in bacon & sausage; nice day. We find 2 doz. egg a day.

Thursday, Oct. 12, 1933

Columbus Day. It is cloudy. No School. We went to Belleville came home cleaned house, waxed floors. Papa went to the tax meeting in the Public School, 9 men there. Hill, Rausch, Wiegand Speakers.

Friday, Oct. 30, 1931

It is cold out today. The fellows that left there truck here yesterday got it again today. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo & Vera Kropp are married now, he had his one leg taken off. The School children of the Public School is Hecker had apple picking last Sat. they picked 25 bu. one bu for every child & stored them in the School to be aten [sic] this winter. Irvin [?] Reheis was awarded $50 for selling tickets for the Lincoln Teathre [sic- theatre]. The Blackburn School is having a big Hallo’wen party tonight for the children.

Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s today, for dinner, & lunch, he butchered a pig, he returned 17 lbs. to us what he got last summer.  The rest of it he is going to take to Waterloo & sell it out this evening.  They have a Halloween party in Hecker tonight, the Y.P.L. in Kammler’s hall giving a dance & also one in the new school hall.  The Public School had there’s this afternoon.  It was a masquerade ball in the new school just for the young ones.