Saturday, Jan. 21, 1939

Pap went up to mass of Mary Grossheim funeral, pretty large, pallbearers were Gus Kabureck & son, Fred Neff, Con. Mueth, Jake Schaefer & Henry & one pap didn’t know. Frs. Orlet & Fr. Ratermann assisted Fr. Aydt; Mary wanted that way; Fr. Aydt made a very nice sermon, praised her. she was awful generous towards the parish, she bought & donated The Mother of Perpetual Help Statue. Josie Keller came out bout 11 o’clock had dinner here, called Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary to come up, played cards all afternoon & part of eve. All had supper here, she brought a cake out for A. [Aunt] Marys birthday celebrating it today. Hecker general telephone meeting brought a quite a few people to town this afternoon to elect officers & operator. Lizzie Boll received it again against Geo. Wagner 14 – Rapp 5. Lizzie got 23 votes.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1937

The John Kaltwasser farm was sold this morn. at the quarry, brought $10,000, some price for farms these days; Nic Cortner bought it, 160 acres, with the quarry & all. Telephone meeting this afternoon. Eliza Boll got reelected operator, John Braun was against her. Leo & Isadore were here this evening, he had got a card from Sanitary Milk Producers, that there was to be a meeting held at Paulter’s the same nite as the wedding dance, so they went to Eliza Boll’s & called in to Paulter but there is no milk meeting there that nite, he said.

Thursday, Jan. 7, 1937

Raining nearly all day. Went to Belleville this afternoon looked at some furniture’s stores. Telephone meeting at Geo. Wagners tonite. Pap & Bertie went over, drop tax is also due so it was $1.50 this mo. We played cards, then 6 hand & 5; ended pretty much even; had apples.

Thursday, Jan. 9, 1936

Pap & Rose went out to do Henry’s feeding. Nice sunshine day. Rose went out this evening again. Henry is home tonight, Floyd stayed with him; Rob came along here again. Leona is pretty good, wants to come home; maybe by Sat. Our line telephone 18 has meeting at Renneckers tonite; pap went over paid dues, & elected officers.

Tuesday, April 9, 1935

We quilted all day. Papa went out in the woods this afternoon. Our line 18 has telephone meeting here tonight, Hill, Rennecker, Kammler present, minutes read & approved & dues paid; & all adjourned.

Saturday, Jan. 19, 1935

There is telephone general election this afternoon, we heard, Mrs. Dueker has an application in for the board, & 2 others, but old officers & Liz Boll were reelected. There is a sale at the Public School, old chairs & benches, school desks, piano Wm. Birkner got for $2.25 to make butchering table. Rob Laut got hay. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & son & Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Laut & son, were visiting here this evening, the men enjoyed in a solo game & ladies pinochle; what a time. Mrs. Watchel held 1500 trumps in diamonds. Miss Edith Klinckhadt is employed as wash maid at Roy Staufenbiel. All getting along O.K.

Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1935

We washed, quilt. Uncle Fred walked home, did some work, all day. Papa went to barber shop, also went to see Stehfest, about selling his hiefer [sic]. Osie Neff was here, said it was all right to cut the tree down, by his road, so I guess he will. Bertille finished at the dentist & paid him $18.00, Rose $8.00 & B [Bertille] $10.00, rather busy today. Rose got 3 pulled & 1 filled & Berti got 3 filled, of which, killed 2 nerves. A guy from Cairo going to Mo. hit Brun’s car last night, in front of Mrs. Ida Bruns house, Machines were wrecked, but are going to be repaired. Lester & Eugene Bruns in the car were cut about the face, & Chas. Wagner also was hurt in chest; Bruns had 2 wheels on hard road, & this other guy was drunk & found a wiskey [sic] bottle in his car; his car was injured; don’t know yet, who will stand charges. Our line has telephone meeting at Hill’s, Mr. Rennecker & papa went over; Elections of officers, still have the same ones. Clara Wagner & kids, came & then George also after the meeting, we played 5 hand pinochle. The Ladies Aid have quilting in the Evangical [sic] Church these days.

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1933

Fried in meat; washed curtains, cleaned front rooms. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, dug sweet potatoes, had supper here. Papa went to Wagner’s telephone meeting. It rained. We had backbone soup today.

Wednesday, April 5, 1933

We cooked a kettle of soap. Over 11 hens hatched today 86 chicks. Man around selling apples at $1.50 bus. Tonight is church & a bank meeting for all despoistors [sic] of Red Bud bank at the high school there. We all went over to Renneckers, telephone meeting. H.M. Hill & Wagner where the only ones present.

Saturday, Jan. 21, 1933

We all went to church, to Mrs. Mueth’s funeral; & rain some thing awful it just poured down; make it awful bad. Papa & Rosalia went along to the cemetery. The church was packed, some standing. The pall bearers where, Joe & George Schilling, Tom Haney [?], Wm. Ganley, Phil Braun, Geo. Parker. Fr. Adyt made a nice sermon; people where here from St. Louis, Waterloo, Smithon [sic], Red Bud & from all over. We went to Joe Wacthel’s this eve, played 5 hand pinochle, 4 games; & raining & dark. Papa went to the annual telephone meeting at Griffin, this afternoon, they came down a 25 on quaterely [sic] dues, it is now 75¢ every 3 mons. the drop tax is still the same $4.00 a yr. Papa had a talk with Al. Geodelle. They say the roads are pretty good for all the rain we had.