Sunday, March 20, 1938

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to see the tornado ruins at Darmstadt & Baldwin it looks awful there to ; church tower stands, rest all down & few houses to; then we came home. A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Lent devotion this afternoon. It is so nice today awful warm; Bill Klein, Louis Schoenborn, Isd. Wacthel came we played 5 hand pinochle, had cake, wine. Louis has his car fixed again, Fred Schaefer wrecked it for him last Mon; driving intoxicated.

Sunday, Feb. 13, 1938

Went to mass. Mrs. Joe Wacthel, Mrs. Clarence Wittenauer & baby girl Doris & Lucinda came last nite awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, dinner & supper; we played 2 games pinochle; there Uncle went to see Mrs. Mike Armstutz who isn’t very good at present; Bert [Bertille] went along with them out to Mueth’s to see them, Josie isn’t so bad the rest are still in hospital, but getting along well so far. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] stopped in, went to Henry’s all day. Beautiful day 74 again. We went over to see Emil – Lester Gregsons family came also. At 9:30 car drove in here, it was Ed. Heap, looked at the pigs.

Sunday, Jan. 30, 1938

Went to mass. Rained heavy last nite, getting colder today, & windy. Bert [Bertille] went to Joe Wacthels this afternoon & Levi & Clara Gregson were here; was by Emil, but he was at Blackburn’s; came over here awhile. Leo & Rose [Rosalia], Jake & Mr. Orlet were here this eve, Jake brought his dad here, & he went along out to Lea’s. Mrs. Orlet is coming home from hospital tomorrow. Pretty cold at 9 o clock was 14 [degrees].

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1937

Beautiful day. Kleins got the mule this morn. $125.00 We went to Leo’s; started at 7:30 cutting chop; finished dinner time & sawed hrs. wood this afternoon. Wacthel outfit & Jake & 2 J. Mueth’s, & M. Karban – 8 men altogether. C. Buehler stopped in took Henry’s hide from heifer along to St. Louis. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Emil & Josie were also cleaning etc; brought tub dishes etc.

Friday, Oct. 22, 1937

Cold & light rain & snow. Henry & boys brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies & cake. Emil was here all afternoon. Freedman’s Furniture Co. of Belleville brought his stove things & rug out about 4:30 this eve; put it up. There was a fellow going to sleep in our straw shed over nite, pap wouldn’t allow him there, told him to go to town jail, he says they don’t keep nobody over nite in there, he left from here anyway went back to town. Pete Wacthels called there baby boy Lee Roy. Dr Vogel of Columbia have a baby also. Pap pulled the rest of turnips out & plowed the patch; wagon load this time; so many. Henry & boys brought load cord up; this morn. going to kill heifer today.

Tuesday, March 23, 1937

Went to Belleville took 2 hogs in weighed 420 lbs. @ $10.25. We cleaned chicken house, got oats over, etc., cleaned – polished car. Hildegard came & invited me to come to quilting; Burckhardt & man was here looking at the horses. Bert went to Joe Wacthel’s quilting a star quilt. Clara Wagner was there also for a little while; but that was all. Awful windy today.

Wednesday, May 27, 1936

We had the 1st spring leghorn for dinner, small yet, but was pretty good; nice meal. Jac. Erle & guy were here talking house Ins; wrote the paper out, we are going to join in there Ins. Co. instead of Rapp’s at Columbia, that’s house & property Insurance. It is so hot again today, still no rain. Radio said at 5:30 this morn. it 70°. Pap got his hair cut, & also paid Dr. Eckert, $7.50 – $6. for going to Belleville, $1.50 for coming here that morning; he wouldn’t had to went to Belleville at all never, even came to see him while he was at the hospital, but he’s paid. We went out to Uncle Fred’s had supper, brought Oscar’s kids along from school; they were walking by the cemetery, took them up. Went over to Geo. Wagner’s this eve. awhile. Joe Wacthels went to a new barn dance, on Freeburg oil road, about 2 miles from Douglas tonite.

Thursday, April 30, 1936

Pap went Praire [sic] Du Rocher to McBride to get a sow. We baked doughnuts, Bert went along to Belleville with Henry & Leona, had to get Floyd’s hand redressed; looks terrible; they had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, lawned & planted cabbage & beans etc; went over to Minnie’s & got her dress finished 25¢ now. We planted 77 cabbage plants, & 87 sweet potatoes; this evening & tomatoes. Beautiful day, warm. Louis Armstutz’s have a big supper at there place tonite, Alumium [sic] cooking ware, there advertising, 2 men & lady from city are doing it, furnished everything; she had to ask 6 couples, Mr & Mrs Milton Wagner, Harry Kammler’s, Hugo Probsts, Lester Gregsons, Joe Wacthels, & themselves; supper to be at 7:30. Eggs 18¢.

Monday, March 9, 1936

We all went out to Henry’s, we washed, pap helped to sew oats. Nice day. Eggs 16¢ here. Wagners & Wacthels are all busy in the garden this evening. We also ironed all the wash; had dinner.

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1934

Rained a little, still south wind & warm. Bertie baked cookies, made chicken dinner. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy stayed here; all they had dinner here. Mrs. Phily Kammler, nee Nancy Kutis) was buried yesterday afternoon. Stehfests Cemetery. It was in this evenings paper that Mr. & Mrs. Leo Watchel of Paderborn, have a 7½ lb. daughter born at there home Mon; yesterday. she was formerly Ruth Krehrer, that makes Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel of Smithon [sic] grand parents, first time. Beautiful evening.