Friday, Nov. 3, 1939

Cleaned chicken house, barn, cleaned house. Seen in paper, Joe Lieber who sings over radio, played on Mayor Bowes program & was awarded job to play in Chicago Theathre [sic]. Anton Helfrich won 2nd prize $6.00 in corn shocking contest last Sat. in bottoms; People by the name of Hamptons have moved into the Fristsches property last week, & children going to Hecker school.

Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1939

Cleaned chicken house put in straw. Went to Leos this afternoon helped fan wheat, make hay, had supper there brought Marita along home; they are coming down this eve, to get truck take calf in tomorrow; to Belleville. News Athens Catholic church parish have chicken supper today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Bill [Klein] came, we played 3 games pinochle.

Thursday, June 29, 1939

Cleaned chicken house, pap cut wheat. Went to Leo’s took hog back, & stopped at Jac Neffs longest 4 shoats $18.00. Wittenauers cutting alfalfa today.

Monday, May 22, 1939

Washed, ironed, patched. Eggs 12 [cents]. Cleaned chicken house. Mauff was here. Bill [Klein] brought us strawberries yesterday & Boy! are they good.

Wednesday, March 22, 1939

We planted bu. potatoes, sprayed trees, cleaned chicken house, sewed spiniach [sic] & lettuce. Schmidt & Dashner got old magazines here. Mauff was here, bought doz. oranges & lemons; Pap sewed alfalfa seed. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to lent service at Red Bud this eve.

Thursday, Jan. 12, 1939

Cloudy again today. We cleaned chicken house; painted chairs for Marita, had piegeon [sic] for supper. The Christmas card I send to Ed. McDermott at Washington D.C. came back unclaimed, it sure is funny it came back. Klotz’s family & Wagner’s family all got vaccinated for small pox.

Wednesday, July 20, 1938

Cleaned chicken house. Pap went to Henry’s, threshing clover seed with combine, he had lunch & dinner. Bert [Bertille] canned 5 1/2 qts. beets & 1 1/2 tomatoe. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to see Armstutz’s on a visit. Henry Spalt have another baby boy, July 18. this makes 2 boys in family, born at Belleville hospital. Sieberts called there girl Delores Norma Lena Siebert born July 8; sponsor Norma Siebert; sister of Leslie Siebert.

Wednesday, May 11, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud mass & brought Leona home & took her home. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary staying there all day. Pap cleaned chicken house & hauling lumber home this afternoon, from Schillings. Ed Brand & wife came from Alba. [Alabama] are visiting here with a new hudson car, swell big car. Leo & Bert [Bertille], went to hospital, Leo stayed all nite; Bert [Bertille] came home with Uncle Fred. Mr. Shields was here this evening. We planted sweet potatoes & tomato.

Monday, April 11, 1938

Went to Leo’s, washed, cleaned room, worked garden. Pap went to Ververs to get 22 doz. white rock setting eggs for 24 [cents] doz. blood listed; he then cleaned chicken house & set 19 hens. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] brought Bert [Bertille] home this eve; took truck along back.

Saturday, Dec. 18, 1937

Sun shine today. We cleaned chicken house; today. Tonite its foggy again, not very nice. Henry stoped [sic] in, got crushing done, wants to butcher again next Mon. if it don’t rain.