Sunday, Nov. 26, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, had supper here, he went along up in woods with pap; to count trees. Alois Havey & tile hacker was here. Katie Klotz came paid for use of lime dust spreader $2.00. Bill [Klein] came this eve, we all went over to Emils played cards.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1939

Armistice Day. Ben Heyl came & Klotz got 3 heifers $75. Wittenauer H. was here, stopped in. We went to Uncle Fred’s awhile & then to Leo’s. this afternoon. Jac. Neff came on business for Uncle Fred this eve. Bert [Bertille] took Lees Gregson’s wedding present over to Emil’s for him to give to them; we never get to see Lee; at all.

Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed; canning peaches, tomatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped put up stands for pinic [sic]. German band played for John Myerscough, Daougertys. Elvira Haudrich have a baby born two weeks ago, twins were just yr old Sat.; now have 5 children. Rained this eve. little shower. Emil takes care of Ben Heyls stock & Peffers are living in house till Ben Heyls get back, are visiting Ed Brand in Alabama. Nearly all threshing machines finished today & pulled in sheds, Bruns is still out yet. Frischkorn & Schillings Klotz’s finished.

Saturday, July 22, 1939

Cloudy, & thunder this morn. again, no threshing today again. Wittenauer stopped. Belleville has homecoming, yesterday & today. Started in threshing here this afternoon at 2 o’clock; plenty wet, Klotz’s machine is also threshing; all worked pretty late. Emil came over.

Monday, July 10, 1939

Washed, ironed & patched. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber for wheat bin. Bill [Klein] came told us that Louis Schoenborn & Isd. Watchel had accident last nite at around 12:30 Isd. driving his Louis V8 – run in ditch & turned it over, & Isd. going through top & was killed & Louis has only few scratches, car is wrecked, happened on oil road between Floraville & Paderborn. Isd. is at Millsdadt [sic] Funeral Home 23 yrs. old. Hy Armstutz was here wanted potatoes, we didn’t have none dug now. Mauff kroger man was here, didn’t need nothing. Some are threshing today, anyway south of here Klotz’s threshing today. Leo & family were down. Emil came over a little while.

Monday, June 19, 1939

Washed, ironed, patched. Rain pretty much all day, had terrible storm by Klotzs, tore up peach & maple trees a few, wheat shocks all down; 1 field of about 5 acres completely all down. Pap took Whip went to New Athens also Uncle Fred & got bu. boxes. pap hauled 38-1 load & went after another 29 & Uncle had 25 in Chev. & also went for another load. Mauff was here. Mrs. Rennecker came over little while this afternoon, after the rain. Tornado in Minnesota, cleaned out 4 towns 10 dead, 200 injured.

Wednesday, March 1, 1939

Beautiful day. Went to Waterloo this afternoon, got mash etc. stopped in at Henry’s. Leona is better today again. Pour kids here selling seeds. Also Grover’ Cleveland, Emil & Steve played solo at Emils this afternoon. Mrs. Renneker & Mrs Cleveland went to Klotz’s quilting. Roads are awful muddy at present.

Friday, Feb. 24, 1939

Beautiful day; not cold. Starting smoking our summer sausage today. Ivo Rapp came home from hospital today, but can’t walk around yet; he had operation on his leg, had piece still in it. Alma Klotz isn’t very good, so weak & backache.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1939

Went to Leo’s. Pap helped Leo saw logs down, had dinner & supper. Bill [Klein] came & looked at Leo’s car, has coil burned out, going to order from Kettler bring along tomorrow. Ladies Aid have euchre in hall tonite. Annie Fahey of Red Bud died, will be buried tomorrow morn. from Red Bud there had 3 priests for mass. Fr. Havey, Aydt, Spors. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the euchre, nice crowd they said. Klotz’s girls were lucky, one winning quilt & blanket.