Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.

Sunday, June 20, 1937

Went to 6:30 mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. Came up this afternoon, Bert [Bertille] went along to Millstadt German pinic [sic], seen St. Louis people dance a German Polka, sure was good; met a few people that we knew; came home had supper here, then went to Paderborn to Carrie’s fish fry Skaers Orch.; & what crowd, Floraville had to close down, everybody at Paderborn. Ray Neubarth & Buettner getting married at Waterloo today. Wiegands had free barn dance last nite musci [sic] by girls of Floraville, had pretty large crowd & hot.