Saturday, Dec. 23, 1939

Snowing this afternoon & heavy, sure is beautiful. Went to Smithton this afternoon to church. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Marita came, we killed & cleaned a goose got it from Geo. Cortners. 156 lbs. 12 lb; cleaned it this eve.

Thursday, Dec. 7, 1939

Baked cookies. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, they finished concrete block foundation. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church, he brought a load wood, for butchering. Emil was over awhile. Marita went along home this eve. Jos. Braun was buried this morn. formerly ex. banker of Hecker, had been sick awhile.

Saturday, Dec. 2, 1939

Went to Red Bud then to Waterloo this afternoon shopping & church. Its to be awful cold tonite; radio says 30; quite a change again. Bill [Klein] & Louis stopped this morn. were out at Schillings, Ben has ordered a new Chev.

Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939

Thanksgiving Day. Leo & family came had dinner & supper here, he plowed potatoe ground. Rose [Rosalia] & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Wedding mass of Marcella Gregson & Leslie Heyl; very pretty wedding, bride had long train white Satin dress with short veil & her attendants 2 sisters, one in rust & green with veils & wreath to match dresses; Walter gave her away & best man were Robert Heyl & Cletus Gregson; during the ceremony a terrible earthquake, roared just shook the church, people all went out, for a few mins, some places it was awful bad. Jerome Cortner house Chimney was cracked & did damage several other places; some plaster fell in Red Bud church, Gregson & Heyl had wedding dance at Log Cabin & Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields had there wedding dance at Pautlers. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, then they went to Waterloo to dance, there is also one at Brezzy Hill tonite. Bill [Klein] came this eve. The Thanksgiving & Turkey dinner was a big run out of Turkey had to served pork sausage, had fed 600 at 2′ o clock – turkey was all; had awful crowd.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939

Went to mass. Arelia [? – unclear] Pours 31 yr. birthday today. Tipton parish is having a wurstmarkt at Donahues this afternoon & evening. Uncle Fred & pap went over awhile. A. [Aunt] Mary went to church & meeting. Bert [Bertille] went to see Renneckers; they had supper here. Bill & Bert went to his mothers, her birthday; Booby & his girlfriend were also there, we popped corn, had grape juice, pie etc; played cards, pinochle & euchre.

Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1939

Leo & family left Marita here, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling things got 30 [cents] for eggs; brought Mr. Orlet along out with them, had dinner soup here. Favre’s moved yesterday, had farewell party last nite there for them. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up she went to church. had supper here. Halloween tonite, some are going out playing tricks again.

Saturday, Sept. 16, 1939

We treated wheat with copper goob [? – unclear] for insects & worms; going to whole it awhile longer. We had flat tire on Chev. nail in it this morn. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon he fixed it. also going to fix Whip. broke axle on it, by turning around yesterday. Went to Waterloo to church, & went to Tom Crowe’s place was sold, Morrison lawyer sold it at the place. Sold the part with house first, Phil Mueth bought it for $5,000. then sold 16 acres out to hard road & Phil Mueth bought it for $1200. so place stands him $6,200.00; bidders Frank Crowe. Rained heavy this eve. & much colder in evenings. Manier had to close his saloon, his brother in law Berring forced him to move out, took his furniture to Griffins for now.

Sunday, Sept. 3, 1939

Cloudy this morn; hot in afternoon. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Bert [Bertille] went up to Mamies, gave her butter dish, shakers & cream pitcher & sugar bowl, for shower present, has all pretty presents. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here for dinner. Went to Waterloo to see parade. Then went to Smithton, Bill had to open at 2 o’clock, Favre went to Grange to pinic [sic], had to work there.

Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1939

Went to 6 o clock mass. Cooked catsup. Leo & family came, went to Burksville sale; such crowd. Chas. Mueth got bu. peaches. Leo & family stayed for supper. Bill [Klein] came from work, Bert [Bertille] went along home with him. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also at sale. Emil was visiting at Henry’s, we took bu. peaches along out for them.

Sunday, Aug. 13, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile took some peaches along. Leo & family came for dinner. Bill [Klein] & Emil came this afternoon, had watermelon. The Ladies Aid having pinic [sic] at church hall, we went this eve. pap won cake cover & little dish playing bluey. New Athens band furnished musci [sic], pretty good & had nice crowd, large.