Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Snowing a little this afternoon. Eggs here 17 [cents] at Eichenseers. Catholic congregation at Smithton have card party in Turner Hall for public tonite. Radio reported earthquake in some places, causes death of many lives, & towns destroyed today. Made ice cream this eve. Bill [Klein] came & Bert went along to Smithton to card party, had 6 points each, out of 10 games; got glass bake dish & cake plate, sure had nice prizes.
Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939
Thanksgiving Day. Leo & family came had dinner & supper here, he plowed potatoe ground. Rose [Rosalia] & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Wedding mass of Marcella Gregson & Leslie Heyl; very pretty wedding, bride had long train white Satin dress with short veil & her attendants 2 sisters, one in rust & green with veils & wreath to match dresses; Walter gave her away & best man were Robert Heyl & Cletus Gregson; during the ceremony a terrible earthquake, roared just shook the church, people all went out, for a few mins, some places it was awful bad. Jerome Cortner house Chimney was cracked & did damage several other places; some plaster fell in Red Bud church, Gregson & Heyl had wedding dance at Log Cabin & Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields had there wedding dance at Pautlers. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, then they went to Waterloo to dance, there is also one at Brezzy Hill tonite. Bill [Klein] came this eve. The Thanksgiving & Turkey dinner was a big run out of Turkey had to served pork sausage, had fed 600 at 2′ o clock – turkey was all; had awful crowd.
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