Sunday, Dec. 17, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; Bill [Klein] & Brpicle [? – unclear] of Belleville look at Chev. We went to Burksville to see Williams this afternoon.

Saturday, Dec. 2, 1939

Went to Red Bud then to Waterloo this afternoon shopping & church. Its to be awful cold tonite; radio says 30; quite a change again. Bill [Klein] & Louis stopped this morn. were out at Schillings, Ben has ordered a new Chev.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed. Eichenseer boys hauled in 2 loads coal. Pap went out on business trip this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in School Hall given by the Holy Name Society. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn euchre there, & also Millsdadt [sic] has a card party tonite, all in same nite. Cortner boys bought a new V-8 traded in 1937 chev.

Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling. Marita stayed here; had beef soup dinner. Eggs 28 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. Ted Eichenseer is building double garage, he purchased a 1939 Demonstrator Chev. from Kaiser at New Athens. Hy. Bruns moved his family & household articles last Sun. to Gambach farm, were [sic] he will now start farming, there. Mrs. Fristsche has her house for rent.

Friday, Sept. 22, 1939

Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.

Saturday, Sept. 16, 1939

We treated wheat with copper goob [? – unclear] for insects & worms; going to whole it awhile longer. We had flat tire on Chev. nail in it this morn. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon he fixed it. also going to fix Whip. broke axle on it, by turning around yesterday. Went to Waterloo to church, & went to Tom Crowe’s place was sold, Morrison lawyer sold it at the place. Sold the part with house first, Phil Mueth bought it for $5,000. then sold 16 acres out to hard road & Phil Mueth bought it for $1200. so place stands him $6,200.00; bidders Frank Crowe. Rained heavy this eve. & much colder in evenings. Manier had to close his saloon, his brother in law Berring forced him to move out, took his furniture to Griffins for now.

Monday, June 19, 1939

Washed, ironed, patched. Rain pretty much all day, had terrible storm by Klotzs, tore up peach & maple trees a few, wheat shocks all down; 1 field of about 5 acres completely all down. Pap took Whip went to New Athens also Uncle Fred & got bu. boxes. pap hauled 38-1 load & went after another 29 & Uncle had 25 in Chev. & also went for another load. Mauff was here. Mrs. Rennecker came over little while this afternoon, after the rain. Tornado in Minnesota, cleaned out 4 towns 10 dead, 200 injured.

Tuesday, May 23, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.

Monday, April 17, 1939

Cloudy, with April showers. Pap took chev. to Red Bud, got oil changed etc, 3040 miles. Feruer was here, he signed the apliance paper at Kammlers & so pap had to go to sign. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, they were at Smithton bank paid taxes. Mauff vegetable agent was here we bought doz. oranges. Leo & family came this eve. They were at Haudrichs wedding dance.

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1938

Leona & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Raffle’s Beauty Shop. Leona got end permanent for $1.00 & Bert [Bertille] all $1.50 got oil changed in Chev. & gas etc. Fried in gal & 1 qt. port sausage this afternoon. Billy [Willis] stayed here this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon, had to help clean dishes etc. Awful cold radio says will be 18 [degrees] tonite; freezing right along. Went to Paderborn to euchre party, got sauce pan had 9 points out of 12; crowd was small. Schmidts furnished musci [sic] for dance. Boy! did it snow, so bad couldn’t see were [sic] to drive, terrible ground’s all white & weather man predict more snow.