Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.
Sunday, Oct. 9, 1938
Went to Red Bud; Mauer going around with book, taking collection for dining room suite for priest, pap gave $1. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon she went to devotion & meeting he was here; then after when [sic – went] to Wustmark, Bill & Bert went also in eve. got dish playing bluey, A. Mary got 2 blankets & bread box playing Liz Boll won quilt, that was raffled out; nice crowd.
Sunday, Aug. 8, 1937
Went to early mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, brought a watermelon along that they bought at Red Bud store; had real watermelon lunch, couldn’t eat half of it 28 lbs. it weighed. Ralph Wiegand stopped in & brought Rose Wedding present at tea kettle aluminum. Steve Rennecker came here awhile then went up to pinic [sic]. The Ladies Aid have there pinic [sic] today at Maniers Park; dance this eve. chicken supper. Uncle Fred & A. Mary, Leo & Rose came we ate watermelons then went to pinic [sic]; much larger crowd; quilt went to Ad. Rittmeyer’s girl, bed spread Hy Armstutz & pillow slip, I don’t know; It was awful cloudy, hot, thundering, but it didn’t rain very much, light shower this eve late.
Sunday, June 13, 1937
Cloudy all day. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were down for dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came went to pinic [sic] at Evangical [sic] Church, awhile; quilt played at bluey was won by Oliver Kammler. & raffled one, Carol Lee Armstutz & pillow cases Frieda Koerber & dresser scarf Henry Wiegand; sold 225 supper tickets Adm. 25 & 15. Bert [Bertille] went with Uncle Fred to Donahues to Al Benedick wedding dance got married Sat. in St. Louis, she was formerly from Tipton Bunch girl; he works in St. Louis; had an awful large crowd & no presents. Schmidts Orch. played at the pinic [sic] O. Birkner with his new piano key board & Ben Schilling drums; real nice music they played.
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