Tuesday, May 23, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.

Monday, July 15, 1935

We washed, ironed. Papa went out to Henry’s set up schocks [sic]. Robert came along & helped to, had dinner & lunch. Then we all went blackberry picking, got about 3 gals. gave them some & also Aunt Mary, we canned 2 qts & made jelly. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she had her dress by Minnie & got something fixed over on it. Isd. Helfrich brought the coal for threshing had 58 bus. half here & the other out there. Our little pussies died papa buried them this morn. Eggs 19¢.

Friday, July 5, 1935

Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.

Tuesday, June 4, 1935

Cleaned chicken house & garden, flowers. Baked bread, etc. Went to Belleville this afternoon. George Wagner borrowed 4 pronk [sic – prong] fork to help make hay by Wm. Harbaugh’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were in; had supper here; sewed a little on dress.

Tuesday, May 15, 1934

We ironed, patched. Nice again today after the rain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family, Emil, Mr. Cleveland, were here for lunch, dinner, lunch. Robert got a fish, took it along home. Uncle also for supper, all worked on barn, all standing & nailed shut, on sides; Rosalia cut her a dress out. Aunt Mary was talking to Frieda Bueheler, she told her, they were going to move on Skaer’s place, were Bill Geodelle now lives, he is going to move, on Threfall’s farm; some moving around Oh! Boy.

Tuesday, March 21, 1933

It sure is cold, snow on the ground, some spring days. Papa & Henry & Bill Freund went over to East St. Louis, to get a Chev coach for Henry, Papa took the Whippet over so they could put Henry machine or body of his roadster & hauled it home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came where here for dinner, he paid his tax some thing like $400.00. Rosalia finished her dress today. Jos. Braun’s case is to come off today at court. Walter Koch was buried at Red Bud in afternoon.

Thursday, March 16, 1933

It is rather cold this morn. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys to get oats & wheat. This afternoon they took a load over to Chris Buehler’s & got it crushed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; she cut Bert’s dress out. Uncle Fred trimed [sic] his peach trees & grub some out. The egg man came today & paid us 10½¢ for eggs. Brauns pays 8¢ today. Some of the banks are opened up again some in Belleville, & Waterloo any way we hear.

Tuesday, March 14, 1933

We scrubbed brooder house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, he stayed here for dinner, & Aunt Mary went to Wm. Birkner’s quilting all day. Rosalia finished her dress. Papa sewed clover seed out there & brought a load of wood along, it is all down now what is sowed. We bought 5¢ cabbage seed & Aunt Mary sewed it this morning. Ino Buehler birthday is today. It got dark & cloudy & rained this afternoon. Mar. 9 & 10 are the 40 ridean [? – unclear] days, can have frosts in 40 day from now. We had a real hail storm for awhile, real big ones too.

Wednesday, March 8, 1933

We washed, ironed. George Boll & Ike Napier was here & looked at our fat hog, they bought it market price $4.45 or $4.50 going to get it tomorrow morning. We lost 2 little chicks so far, out of 407. We have 10 little pigs born today but 3 she laid on, so we only have 7 left so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this even, she cut Rosalia’s dress out, used Josie Gregson’s pattern. Rosalia & Bertille went along up to church with Aunt Mary to lent devotion, benediction & sermon.

Wednesday, July 1, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up again today for lunch, dinner.  They finished digging potatoes, Papa & Bertille helped.  Rosalia finished her dress & one for Bertille.  Kuhn’s is thrashing by Meng’s today, he has been thrashing for 3 day all ready & ain’t finished yet, he can’t get the help no more now.  Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon to get a hair cut.  Clarence Wittenauer was also there, he hauled a load of coal for him.  Tonight Ed. Parker’s are having another Public Barn Dance, but the weather looked bad, then it turned out to be right nice anyway, we didn’t go.  He just came even up.  The musci [sic] was strangers, Myers Bros.