Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1934

Pap went out haul logs. Aunt Mary & Josie where here for dinner, came up for church, stayed here for the cheese, played 2 games pinochle this afternoon. Mr. Talbot brought 3 lbs. cheese got it from Mertz Store. “St. Valentine’s Day.” Mrs. Henry Hoerth nee Wagner, of East St. Louis was buried yesterday, found her dead in bed. Mr. Aug. Busch, of the Busch Brewery of St. Louis killed himself yesterday; shot, on account of his health. We went to Red Bud service, took Helfrich’s along. The electric lights went out in church. Eggs are 15¢.

Wednesday, March 8, 1933

We washed, ironed. George Boll & Ike Napier was here & looked at our fat hog, they bought it market price $4.45 or $4.50 going to get it tomorrow morning. We lost 2 little chicks so far, out of 407. We have 10 little pigs born today but 3 she laid on, so we only have 7 left so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this even, she cut Rosalia’s dress out, used Josie Gregson’s pattern. Rosalia & Bertille went along up to church with Aunt Mary to lent devotion, benediction & sermon.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 1933

We were quilting nearly all day. Chas. Jung wanted our eggs, & wanted to pay 1¢ over No 1. Price, till June, he has a contract with a fellow in St. Louis. It pays 14¢ today, we didn’t sell them to him, our egg man paid 14 today, we had 13½ dozs. Alois Havey came here & wanted to see if it was alright to get his hog, so he came back this afternoon again, & then papa hauled it out to his place for him for $1.00, the hog weighed 260 lbs. at $3.50 $9.10, they borrowed the box from Eichenseers. Mrs. Cecil Budde was buried this morning at the Catholic Cemetery here, Dashmer’s ambulance passed through about 9’o clock, if they took her to church we don’t know, there was no mass here for her no how, lot of flowers where had, 5 cars; the paper said strictly private, so we didn’t go, only relatives where there, they say the bullet passed cleared through her head. It isn’t so cold today.

Saturday, Feb. 4, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile before the funeral of Mr. Joe Mueth 75 yrs. old; it was a very large one, but it snowed a little & got awful cold, after church the sun was shining. Fr. Aydt had a very nice sermon again today. Henry & Leona where at church, & from there went to Belleville. We all went out to the cemetery. Papa went to Hecker this afternoon, we baked cream pie. Frank Dudenhoeffer & Lizzie didn’t come up for the funeral, & with Rosa & her boy, they went along home with Lizzie to Oklahoma. We all & Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker went over to George Wagner’s & played pinochle, papa had 1540 trump in hearts & didn’t see it, & his partner Clara at the same time had 300 pinochle, too bad wasn’t it, I Say, beer & cake & doughnuts where served, to the visitors. Rosalia got 1 gal. milk.

Sunday, Jan. 29, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church, Papa wasn’t feeling very good so he stayed at home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over little while before dinner, they had there dinner along across the street. Ted Wuertz was here & told papa that our hog had bad teeth, that is why she don’t eat. Uncle Joe Mueth was here on business on telephone. Mr. Mueth is awful sick, they had the preist [sic] & doctor out, he don’t know any body, & weak; had a light stroke in his legs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over again this afternoon she went to church service & we played cards, papa had 1500 trump in diamonds, they where here for supper. Henry & family where also here for supper, they brought 1 gal. milk along for our pigs. Henry took Robert to Doctor Eckerts & wanted to get his tooth pulled, but doc ain’t at home. Fr. Adyt appointed 8 men on comittee [sic] this morning for a meeting after church this afternoon to straighten things out; about Frank Scheinwender taking lumber away & loading up fence roofing, doors, etc. but was stopped by Ed. Parker, Phil Braun, Griffin, Roy Stauenfbiel.

Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1932

We fried 3 gal. bacon in today, shelled corn, baked bread & coffee cake. Philip Braun came this morning while we were eating breakfast, he came to tell us to come up there to church tomorrow evening they will have a new priest Rev. Adyt he come from Goddmill, there is going to be benidiction [sic] & then they go over to the school hall & have a reception, lunch, & a program & present the priest with a little Christmas gift. There we wants to meet all his parishoners [sic]. Rev. Hoff of Belleville is doing all this. Fr. Grootens is in Wisconsin now, he says. A man from E. St. Louis Stolze was here wanted to get eggs, but we had none to sell to him. Papa was at Barthel’s got the Chev. batteries.

Sunday, Dec. 4, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here a little while this morning, they had a different priest here in Hecker, this morn. Fr. Grooten’s is sick, they say. Mr. Ralph Ettling was here this afternoon & paid of $175.00 part interest $25.50 still due. He told us they had the Sheriff out to Wuertz’s to get there dog, they had pined up in the house, sheriff got there dog for them, he went in the house & got it, at night time. The Wuertz’s boy’s jumped on Buddy & the old lady ordered them of the place, Henkel & Buddy, so they left & got the sheriff, to get them dog. Louis Armstutz was here awhile. We went out to Cleveland’s this evening played 6 hand pinochle, Mr. Cleveland & Rosalia & Bertille partners & the other 3 partners, played 4 games, wine & cake, popcorn where served. That solo set out there where at Papenberg’s last night they said.

Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1932

Papa has a pretty bad cold. Leona sent ½ gal milk up with Wittenauer, & Bertille went up to the store & got it. It rained last nite. The Hecker ladies went up to scrub the hall & church this afternoon.

Thursday, Oct. 13, 1932

We cleaned the front rooms & waxed the floors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, she went to church, & we played pinochle, each one won game, we only played 2 games. They stayed in Hecker, all night. Rosalia got a sack flour $2.20.

Saturday, Sept. 17, 1932

Papa went out to Henry’s to help vaccinate his hogs, then Henry & Mr. Hughes came along & vaccinated ours too for $4.50/20 pigs. Uncle Fred helped too, they came for the pinice [sic – picnic], they had to bring the chicken cleaned & dressed & cup, then Fr. takes them all to Belleville & gets roasted. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner chicken with us, she gave 3 to the pinic [sic]. Papa & Uncle Fred went down to the molasses factory. There was a lady selling extracts & a pan for $1.00, Aunt Mary took it. Uncle Fred had lunch with us. Spirtas junk dealer was here & looked at some old stuff; he is coming again yet; didn’t buy anything. Aunt Mary bought 25¢ chicken at the pinic [sic], Uncle Fred brought it here, then we lunched this eve, the crowd wasn’t as large this time.